My attributes have no limit

Chapter 658 Xingyun Town

Looking at the appearance of the crowd, Wang Qi smiled and nodded without saying anything more.

On the other side, in Yongfeng Town

The survivors who arrived one after another brought great pressure to the management of Yongfeng Town.

Yu Kangning had already made arrangements, but the actual situation was still a little different from what he thought.

There were too many people coming.

Just now, there are survivors from ten living areas who have come to Yongfeng Town.

And he had originally divided a part of the area in the new Yongfeng Town to allow these homeless survivors to have a place to stay.

But the number of survivors in these ten living areas alone has exceeded more than half of the current population of Yongfeng Town.

There is not enough to divide.

The whole scene became a little difficult to control with the noise.

These people have been running all the way, and the pressure between life and death has already made them exhausted.

It is very rare for them to persist in Yongfeng Town with the double torture of physical and mental torture.

Especially when they see that Yongfeng Town is relatively safe now and there is no shortage of living resources.

It makes them fight for each other in the face of the only place to live now.

Some people even started fighting.

Yu Kangning was furious when he saw this.

"President, what should we do? These people are too difficult to manage!"

"If this continues, will the order that we have finally established in Yongfeng Town be in chaos again because of them?"

"Are we just going to leave it alone?"

A subordinate of the Martial Arts Association rushed to Yu Kangning from the chaotic situation below and said angrily.

He was maintaining order below just now, but those people did not listen to the persuasion at all, and some of them were even stronger than him.

He was forced to retreat directly. Although he did not hurt him, this approach was undoubtedly a challenge to the current management system of Yongfeng Town.

Yu Kangning glanced at this subordinate with anger.

"Liu Fei, what kind of bullshit are you talking about?"

"Let them go? Then are we going to give up the living area that we have rebuilt with great effort?"

"I told you to be more serious. I just turned around to see the situation in other places. It's so chaotic over there. You still have the nerve to ask me?"

Liu Fei lowered his head and muttered a few times without confidence.

"Some people here are stronger than me. They can knock me away with a slap. What can I do?"

When Yu Kangning heard this, he suddenly raised his hand and slapped him.

"What did you say? I told you to practice well, but you didn't listen! Now you ask me what you can do?"

"You can't be pushed away with a slap. Why didn't you slap you into the ground with a slap!"

I was so angry that I couldn't make a good person.

After saying this, Yu Kangning kicked him again.

Liu Fei was also embarrassed for a while.

Without a word to refute, he had to follow Yu Kangning's footsteps to this chaotic place.

"We arrived at Yongfeng Town first, and Yongfeng Town arranged for us to stay here!"

"What do you mean by this!"

"Everything is based on first come first served! Are there any rules at all!"

"Humph! Rules!"

"Whoever has the bigger fist is the one who rules now! Look at you, a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people in Da Nan Town, and the leader is a cripple!"

"What qualifications do you have to talk about rules with us in Xingyun Town!"

As soon as these words came out, the two sides immediately became tense, and the atmosphere was extremely intense.

Especially Yi Yun's eyes were fixed on the warrior who had just spoken.

If it weren't for the fact that they were in the living area now, and there were so many fellow villagers from Da Nan Town behind him.

If the other party had insulted him like this, he would have drawn his sword long ago.

"Fuck you, you bastard, say it again!"

"I'll kill you!"

Yi Yun was trying to suppress his murderous intent at this moment, but the practitioners from Da Nan Town behind him couldn't stand it.

Along the way, Yi Yun had been participating in the duty of protecting the evacuation team.

Now that they have become like this, they know the reason even more clearly.

It can be said that Yi Yun is the hero in their hearts.

Now, not only Yi Yun is insulted, but they are also insulted by the other party, which is simply unbearable.

But in the same way, in Da Nan Town, there are also many people who can't raise the idea of ​​resisting the survivors in Xingyun Town.

The strength of the other party is obviously much stronger than their Da Nan Town.

If there is a conflict, it is not certain which side will gain the advantage.

"Keep your voice down, don't you see that there are many practitioners of the tenth level of martial arts in Xingyun Town, and even a few martial arts generals!"

"We are not their opponents at all!"

Yi Yun frowned when he heard the voice from behind. If he was alone and didn't have so many concerns, he would also argue with reason.

But he still has tens of thousands of people behind him.

Especially in such a chaotic world now.

Besides, they came here first, and some people have been settled under the organization of Yongfeng Town Martial Arts Association.

The rest have also been arranged to live one after another.

But it was not over yet, the warriors from Xingyun Town came here and clamored for them to vacate the place and leave it to them.

And in the team of Xingyun Town.

"President, what should we do? The people of Da Nan Town don't seem to be willing!" A bald man bowed and said to a middle-aged man surrounded by beautiful women.

"It's okay. You can persuade them again. If they are unwilling to give us Xingyun Town this face, then you can move!"

"With your strength, no one here should be able to stop you!"

"Otherwise, where will these brothers in Xingyun Town live?"

"Where will these beauties of mine live?"

The president of Xingyun Town spoke casually, and while he was talking, he grabbed the woman next to him.

The other party exclaimed and looked at him with a seductive look.

"You are so bad, President!"


The president of Xingyun Town laughed out loud.

Seeing this, the bald man looked at the attractive women next to the president, and a greedy look flashed in his eyes.

"Wu Kun, go ahead and rest assured. I have met Yu Kangning, the president of the Yongfeng Town Martial Arts Association, several times before. His strength is only about the tenth level of martial artist!"

"Even if there is a breakthrough in strength, it is at most a new martial arts general! With your strength, you are not to be feared!"

"The other martial artists, according to the previous strength of Yongfeng Town, will not be too strong!"

"Go, I will help you!"

After hearing this, Wu Kun nodded and left.

However, a somewhat tyrannical smile appeared on his face.

His current strength has reached the second level of martial arts general. Although he has just broken through, the gap between levels is not so easy to make up.

And their president has reached the fourth level of martial arts general.

The entire Xingyun Town is ranked relatively high in strength among the living areas below the county level.

In his opinion, Yongfeng Town does not pose any threat at all.

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