My attributes have no limit

Chapter 68 Rare Black Blood Beef

"Hmm?" Wang Qi still didn't quite understand. The black-blood beef that his father asked someone to buy last time was indeed not easy to come by. From what the man said, it seemed that not only was there no meat to sell today, but the ones that came later had already been reserved.

What should I do?

Seeing Wang Qi's puzzled look, the man explained: "The black-blooded cow is a first-level monster beast. Its blood and flesh are full of energy, and absorbing it is of great help to both the warrior level and the warrior level. It is in short supply. The meat sales store on our floor has only applied for a small part of the black-blooded beef. It is not enough to share. Our old customers can basically only get a chance to buy once a month."

I didn't expect it. Wang Qi couldn't help but sigh in his heart that he still understood too little about these things.

"Do you have other monster meat?" Wang Qi asked unwillingly. He knew more beasts during the hunting during this period. There are also many kinds of beasts of different levels, not to mention the more powerful monsters.

When I went to support Instructor Lu, I heard that I encountered many first-level monsters.

Come to buy meat now. There is no black-blooded beef. There should be other ones.

Wang Qi asked the butcher-like man with a try-it attitude.

"No more. Now there are only beast meat from level one to ten. Level ten beast meat is almost the same. Do you want it?" The man smiled bitterly. It was sad to meet such a rich man but not have any goods.

Hearing this, Wang Qi looked a little disappointed. As the man said, the first-level monster beast has abundant blood and energy, which is of great help to the warriors' practice, especially black-blooded beef. However, the black-blooded beef was sold out. He wanted to try other first-level monster beast meat, but there was none.

Looking at the apology on the man's face, Wang Qi lowered his head and pondered for a while.

Wang Mengfei on the side also reminded: "If you don't have it, buy something else first. We can come earlier when we have time next time, or ask him to reserve some for us."

Wang Qi looked at Wang Mengfei in surprise when he heard this, and thought to himself: "You are so quick-witted, you said what I thought."

Give Wang Mengfei an appreciative look.

Then he said to the big man, "Then let's start with 50 kilograms of level 10 beast meat!"

It feels so good to have money, Wang Qi sighed in his heart.

Eating meat doesn't have to worry about not having enough to eat.

"Okay, please leave your address, we will have someone to deliver it to your door." The salesperson on the side said with a smile.

The service is really thoughtful, and the beast meat will be specially delivered. But think about it, watching the big man walk out of the store with such a large piece of beast meat, the visual impact of 50 kilograms of meat is still very strong.


The sturdy man put it on the table and smiled at Wang Qi and said, "This is a level 10 beast, a fang beast, 50 kilograms of meat! A total of 10,000 alliance coins."

The sturdy man continued to talk to Wang Qi, explaining the source of the flesh and blood. "This fang beast is a beast similar to pigs, with full flesh and blood. It tastes good among level 10 beast meat, so it sells well."

Wang Qi nodded when he heard the price. The price was not bad, only 200 alliance coins per kilogram. The black blood beef he ate last time was only 1,000 alliance coins per kilogram.

But the thoughts in his mind deepened his desire for money.

The cost of martial arts training is really too high. If this is the flesh and blood of a first-level monster, it may not be just 10,000 alliance coins.

Then he asked, "Is the stuff okay?"

It was also the first time for me to buy meat, and I didn't know how to distinguish it very clearly. Although the big man said so, it was better to ask and confirm it. It would be bad if I was cheated.

Wang Mengfei stared at so many flesh eyes without blinking, and patted Wang Qi: "It's okay, I saw this at my father's place before."

"Besides, if they really pass off inferior goods as good ones and cheat you, you can't tell the difference!"

After saying this, the big man and the salesperson next to him looked at Wang Mengfei with a dark face.

The two were speechless, but there was nothing they could do. This kind of suspicion was human nature, and other customers would often ask these questions, but they would not say it directly like this.

"Don't worry, no store in this Yinhuan Shopping Mall dares to sell fakes, no matter what they are." The salesperson next to him explained with a dark face, feeling a little dissatisfied but helpless about what Wang Mengfei said just now.

Wang Qi was also a little embarrassed. This Wang Mengfei really had no control over her mouth. She said everything, and it didn't matter whether it was a certain occasion. Even if she said this to him privately, it didn't matter. Now you actually bought other people's things and spoke without restraint.

Looking at the two with a somewhat apologetic smile.

"Please help me reserve some more first-level monster flesh!" Wang Qi said.

The sturdy man was a little unhappy at first, but when he heard that Wang Qi needed monster flesh, he said with joy: "Okay, each person is limited to 20 kilograms of black-blood beef, and it is only the lowest-level black-blood beef among first-level monsters. Each kilogram costs 1,000 alliance coins, a total of 20,000. Pay first, and we will deliver the flesh to your address according to the scheduled time."

The lowest level? Could this black-blood beef have higher-level flesh?

Wang Qi was a little confused when he heard the sturdy man's words.

Wang Qi's curiosity was aroused, and he asked: "What does this lowest-level black-blood beef mean?"

Hearing Wang Qi's question, the strong man answered patiently: "We warriors can practice, and the same can be said for wild beasts and monsters. There are even second-level and third-level black-blooded bulls with even higher and stronger strength among the tribe. , the higher the level, the higher the energy in the same flesh and blood.”

After a pause, as if he was worried that Wang Qi wouldn't understand, he continued to explain: "The second and third levels can also be called second and third levels. They are all OK, but they have different names. It is said that the monsters There are also ten levels of division.”

It turns out that there are levels of classification just like beasts, so I thought it had some special meaning.

"Then you don't have higher-grade black blood beef?" Wang Qi thought for a while after hearing the strong man's answer and continued to ask.

If this is the case, wouldn't it be better to buy a higher level one yourself? Wang Qi thought in his heart.

The strong man shook his head helplessly, then picked up the knife in his hand and pointed upward: "Our permission on the first floor is limited. The highest level of flesh in the entire flesh and blood sales area is the level of a first-level monster. If you are tall, you will have to go to the second floor, and you can only enter the second floor if you reach the warrior level."

Then he paused and continued: "Even if you go up, this black blood beef is still a hot commodity, and the quantity is not large!"

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