My attributes have no limit

Chapter 708: Visitors from Yangjiang County 2

As Yang Xing revealed his identity, the faces of the people present became more joyful.

One more person means more strength.

Especially since the other party came from Yangjiang County to support, Yang Xing must be much stronger than them.

"Excuse me, Mr. Yang Xing, how many people did Yangjiang County send this time?"

Yu Kangning's tone was still full of expectation. The last time he talked to Yangjiang County, he thought that many warriors would come to support, but he learned from the other party that there were very few people coming to support.

In his heart, he didn't even have much hope, and even thought that no one from Yangjiang County would come.

But today, seeing Yang Xing and others, Yu Kangning was still unwilling to give up.

He Xia, who was standing aside, looked at his friend and sighed in his heart.

Now that there are crises on all sides, how many people can Yangjiang County send? These few people in front of him are probably all of them.

And it's not clear whether the other party can help here.

Or is it that the other party is just here for the show.

Even better, don't add to the chaos.

"What? Do you think we are not enough?"

A man behind Yang Xing sneered, his face full of disdain.

"Now monsters are rampant everywhere, and Yangjiang County is also attacked from all sides. Do you still expect to send troops to support you directly?"

"Help you defeat the monsters?"

"Haha, let me tell you this, we are here just to symbolically show that Yangjiang County is always concerned about the living areas in the jurisdiction!"

"So that you will not be wiped out when you escape!"

Before the man finished speaking, Yang Xing had already waved his hand to stop him.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

A cold look swept over, and the man who had just spoken suddenly fell silent, and lowered his head with a slightly embarrassed look.

No more words.

Then Yang Xing turned his attention to He Xia and Yu Kangning.

"I recognize you, Yu Kangning, the president of Yongfeng Town Martial Arts Association!"

"We are the only ones coming from Yangjiang County. If you need our help in the future, please let us know!"

"That token can contact me!"

After that, he glanced at everyone present and turned away.

This situation immediately made everyone confused. Are they here to support or for what?

"Leave now?"

"There are so many people in Yangjiang County, but they only sent these ten or so?"

"Are they going to give up on us?"

"Walk around and leave? Is this a leader coming to inspect?"


Countless questions rose from my heart.

The whole hall suddenly became noisy and full of discussions.

Yangjiang County came to support you. At least you should tell everyone what you are going to do when you come here.

Everyone cooperates with each other and works together.

But you left a few words and turned away?

He Xia was also surprised to see those people leaving. He had imagined the scenes of meeting these people many times in his mind.

There are kindness and conflicts.

But the scene that just happened made him never expect it.

"Damn it, if I can survive this time, I will definitely go to Yangjiang County again in the future to see which bastard manages Yangjiang County? How did it become like this!"

"I survived the war zone, and even if I didn't know someone, I could join hands and fight side by side against the monsters!"

"You came to support and did this?"

"I'm so angry!"

Just when everyone in the hall was still cursing, Yang Xing and his group who had just left had already arrived at the street of Yongfeng Town.

"I didn't expect that Yongfeng Town was so fast!"

"We passed so many living areas along the way, most of them have been occupied by monsters!"

"The rest have become ruins, and humans are lingering. It's rare to be able to build a new living area as quickly as Yongfeng Town!"

"It's so orderly!"

A man accompanying Yang Xing kept looking at the surrounding environment and was amazed.

"But it's a pity, no matter how well we do it, we can't resist the attack of the monsters!"

"At the latest tomorrow, the monsters we saw on the way here will arrive here!"

"It will be destroyed in the end!"

Another man also sighed.

"Yangjiang County is also in crisis at the moment. The elders at home arranged us here for our safety!"

"Relatively speaking, the monsters that appeared here in the town-level living area are much weaker than those in Yangjiang County!"

"After the predicament of Yangjiang County is over in the past few days, we must hurry back!"

Yang Xing sighed helplessly.

He looked a little lonely.

It was not his choice to come here, but he couldn't get over his father's idea.

He had to come here for the so-called "gilding".

In terms of his strength, although he is not the best in Yangjiang County, he at least has a certain ability to protect himself.

It was originally a rare training, but now.....Alas!

"Let's go, let's go and have a look around Yongfeng Town, we'll help as much as we can!"

"Let's go, let's go!"

A group of people were shouting and were about to use their true energy to leave, but suddenly they found that the practitioners around them seemed to have received some news at the same time.

They all rushed in the same direction.

Yang Xing and his companions exchanged glances, and could not help their curiosity, so they split into several teams and joined the crowd.

As the crowd left.

Wang Qi also officially started his plan.

After notifying all the shops of Beidou Chamber of Commerce to sell all the existing resources in unlimited quantities, he immediately returned to Beidou Martial Arts School.

At this moment, Wang Qi no longer cared about how many resources he had left.

Especially the elixir, the number of elixir was increasing every moment.

And it was still increasing.

The number of weapons and equipment could fully support the consumption of the entire Yongfeng Town.

A martial arts field of Beidou Martial Arts School.

Dense figures stood on the martial arts field. These students seemed to have received the news and had cleared all the monsters around Beidou Martial Arts School in the shortest time.

On the other side, the expansion project with constant roars was still going on.

But no one took their eyes off Wang Qi.

It was dark, but extremely quiet.

Although they had only been in Beidou Martial Arts School for a short time, the mysteries of the school had opened their eyes.

Their strength had also increased rapidly.

The elixirs given as entry-level gifts alone had made them dozens of times stronger than before.

"Hello everyone, I am Wang Qi! I am also the principal of Beidou Martial Arts School!"

Wang Qi urged his true qi and stood in mid-air, his brilliant Beidou true qi was extremely dazzling.

The sky gradually darkened, but Wang Qi was like a brilliant star in the sky, attracting everyone's attention.

"Hello, principal!"

Suddenly, shouts swept across the world like a tsunami.

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