My attributes have no limit

Chapter 721: Defense of Yongfeng Town 12

Ma Jie's expression became serious when he heard this: "I remember the principal said before that our Beidou Martial Arts School trains practitioners who are willing to face monsters and fight with monsters!"

"We are not afraid of opposition or non-cooperation!"

"If he disagrees with the core concept of our martial arts school, then he is probably not suitable to stay in our martial arts school!"

"As for those who want to get something for nothing, our martial arts school is not a charity organization. These will be dealt with seriously!"

At the beginning of the establishment of the martial arts school, when they joined the martial arts school to help Wang Qi, Wang Qi had already told them about his philosophy and goals.

And now is the time to implement it.

What Ma Jie is a little worried about is that Wang Qi has seen so many students who have improved their strength after the transmission of skills. If such a powerful force makes a mistake but cannot bear to punish it, it will be a bit difficult to deal with.

After listening to Ma Jie's words, Wang Qi looked at the dense crowd of students not far away, and his tone became serious.

"You are right. Our martial arts school is not afraid of low talent. As long as you are willing to work hard, you can improve your strength with the help of the martial arts school!"

"Our martial arts school's goal is those endless monsters!"

"If someone in our martial arts school treats monsters submissively and hits his compatriots hard, it will be a shame for our martial arts school!"

"If there is such a person, get rid of him as soon as possible!"

"Pests, only by eliminating them can we be safe!"

Wang Qi's words were loud and clear. At this moment, he was no longer the slightly immature boy, but the leader of the students of Beidou Martial Arts School, and the general who led them to repel monsters.

Even his figure seemed to become taller.


Ma Jie also looked serious. With Wang Qi's words, he could let go and do it.

"In that case, I'll go first!"

Wang Qi nodded, looking at Ma Jie's figure going away, his mind was full of thoughts.

When the martial arts school was first established, on the one hand, there were system reasons, and on the other hand, it was also to be able to use the role of students to help him hunt monsters and consume various resources.

Thus, he could use the function of "Everyone for me" to improve his strength.

But gradually, he found that when the martial arts school was established, more and more students joined. Seeing those faces eager for strength, watching the monsters wreaking havoc, countless families were broken and people died.

At this time, the development of things could no longer be 100% in accordance with what he thought in his heart.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

The sound of the communicator came from Wang Qi's waist.

Wang Qi took the communicator in his hand, and Chen Jia's message suddenly appeared in front of him.

After reading it carefully, Wang Qi raised his eyebrows, and his expression was a little weird.

Regarding the Beidou Chamber of Commerce, the most important thing is to help him consume the increasing resources in his hands.

And he never worried about the sales of these high-quality resources.

As for cooperation with other chambers of commerce, it is not impossible. After all, the Yinhuan Chamber of Commerce and Liuyun Chamber of Commerce in Yongfeng Town can be regarded as his partners.

The premise of cooperation is that he must be willing.

After all, it is too difficult for a chamber of commerce to achieve complete monopoly.

At least Wang Qi does not have that ability now.

But from Chen Jia's description, this person from Yangjiang County seems to be a little too arrogant.

However, it is difficult to come up with a perfect plan for this time.

In addition, the smoke bomb released by Chen Jia this time should make the other party dare not act rashly in a short time.

One's own strength is the most powerful weapon to deal with all conspiracies and tricks.

As long as the monster crisis is resolved this time, one's own strength should be improved.

"When the enemy comes, the general will stop him, and when the water comes, the earth will cover it!"

"You did a good job this time. Everything else will go according to plan. In addition, while managing the Beidou Chamber of Commerce, don't ignore your own strength improvement!"

"Yangjiang County is not a serious problem for our Beidou Chamber of Commerce!"

"Even if they want to block us, the human territory is so large, can their Yangjiang County reach so far?"

"This kind of thing may not be rare in the future. Only when the Beidou Chamber of Commerce becomes stronger, these problems will be solved."

"I think you should see farther than me. Let the Chamber of Commerce do it. I have no problem here!"

Wang Qi pondered for a while and sent a message to Chen Jia.

After speaking out his thoughts, he believed that Chen Jia could understand his meaning very well.

The time was almost up, and Ma Jie and his team in the distance had already begun to organize students to prepare to leave the secret realm.

Everyone's face showed an excitement that was difficult to conceal.

They had never thought that one day their strength would reach the current level, let alone in such a short time.

Joining Beidou Martial Arts School was the best choice they had ever made in their lives.


Ma Jie urged his true energy to suspend his body in the air, so that all the students could see him.

Nearly 100,000 people, what a huge number, standing densely below, a dark mass.

Hearing Ma Jie's voice, the originally noisy team quickly quieted down.

"We will leave here soon."

"Your strength has improved rapidly during this period of time. I hope you have not forgotten the original intention of joining Beidou Martial Arts School!"

"We also hope that you can protect the secrets of our Beidou Martial Arts School!"

"Next, you will face extremely ferocious monsters, and the battle you are about to face is no longer a brief exchange here!"

Speaking of this, Ma Jie paused, glanced at the students, and his mood was extremely solemn.

"Tell me! Are you afraid?"

"No! No! No!"

A series of roars gathered together, and an invisible momentum instantly swept in from all around, and the air waves flew. The huge breath burst out by 100,000 general-level practitioners made Ma Jie feel terrible pressure.

If so many general-level practitioners besieged, I am afraid they would have been crushed into powder in a few breaths.

He was secretly shocked in his heart. According to the training method of Beidou Martial Arts School, the strength of these general-level practitioners is not comparable to those general-level practitioners in the outside world.

Under Wang Qi's instructions, during the training process, each of these students stacked their own strength to the limit before breaking through.

Everyone has a very strong foundation, although there are still some differences between people, and the quality of Qi and blood power and true Qi cannot be compared with Wang Qi.

But relatively speaking, any of the weakest generals here can sweep Yongfeng Town.

In any martial arts school, they will be genius players.

If they are given more time to practice martial arts and improve combat experience.

The combat effectiveness of these students will be further improved.

Everyone here has an extremely firm belief on their face!

When they were weak, they were powerless to resist the monsters, but now it is time for them to turn defeat into victory!

Looking at the fists that were waving in an instant, Ma Jie nodded with great satisfaction.

Then he stretched out his arm, and the whole venue became quiet again.

"We don't know how many monsters we will face next!"

"But you have to know that monsters are just nutrients for us to improve our strength!"

"This training can be said to be very costly!"

"Therefore, the martial arts school will also give you tasks related to hunting monsters! If someone wants to fish in troubled waters and eat and wait for death, you should no longer have any ideas about these benefits of the martial arts school!"

"And you also have to consider where to go next!"

When Ma Jie said this, the students who were still a little thoughtful suddenly looked serious.

For a moment, they didn't dare to think about it anymore.

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