My attributes have no limit

Chapter 727: Defense of Yongfeng Town 17

Several Black Gold Ape Tribe geniuses burst into laughter.

"Okay, without further ado, quickly pass the order down, let the monsters that have gathered in the Monster Domain set off immediately, and the remaining monsters gather as quickly as possible to attack the human race living area and feast on them!"

"Sarutobi, you are the fastest, go and notify the other geniuses of each tribe to prepare for the attack!"

"Don't say you won't give them a chance, as soon as you get out of the Monster Domain, send your men to search for the target!"

Yuan Yang passed down the orders one by one.

The entire Monster Domain also started to operate at a high speed, and the transmission channel connecting to the human territory was instantly filled with countless monsters.

"Brother Yang, do you want to tell the tribe again and send more brothers over?"

Yuan Yang shook his head and denied this idea.

"No need. The tribe must have known about the mission we received, and they must have arranged a team to come."

"We must hurry up and seize the opportunity now, otherwise there will be too many wolves and too little meat for us to share."

"What about the return of ancestral bloodline!"


Yongfeng Town

A temporary gathering point outside the living area.

He Xia rushed over, holding the corpse of the monster as big as a mountain in his hand, and threw it violently.


The dust flew up immediately, and the whole gathering place trembled slightly.

"Mayor He is back!"

He Xia slowly descended, raised his head and said: "Go and notify the logistics personnel to deal with these two monsters. The general-level monsters are a great tonic for you!"

"I'll go to the nearby area to inspect again!"

"Also notify all warriors to be on high alert. Now the number of monsters outside Yongfeng Town seems to have increased a lot!"

With a sigh, He Xia's face was also exhausted.

The strength of the monsters was not that strong for him, but the sheer number of them made his scalp tingle.

These days, they fought day and night, but even so, the number of monsters continued to increase.

"Yes, Mayor He!"

The warriors who were temporarily resting in the gathering place saw the monster corpses like a hill behind He Xia and their eyes lit up.

Although these days were hard and even many times they had their heads on their belts.

But the real battle, the unlimited supply of monster corpses, and the elixirs exchanged from the Beidou Chamber of Commerce.

Let their strengths increase rapidly.

It was indeed a lot to pay, but the gains were also very satisfying.

He Xia returned to his rest area, sat cross-legged, and relieved his fatigue.

The temporary command room that was originally built was turned into ruins under the impact of monsters again and again. In the end, they were too lazy to build too complicated buildings.

Directly divide out areas for training and recovery, or for supply.

Just as He Xia was about to turn on his communicator to see how much damage had been done in the past few days, he suddenly felt a wave of earthquakes coming from the east.


He Xia quickly stood up, urged his true energy and disappeared on the spot.

The rest of the warriors who were resting in this temporary gathering place also picked up their weapons and prepared to meet the enemy.

They were very familiar with this situation.

And looking at the dust in the distance, the entire horizon was covered by countless monsters.

Everyone was shocked.

They had just experienced this scene not long ago, and that was when the first wave of millions of monsters attacked Yongfeng Town.

Now it happened again, could it be that the warriors on the east side have lost?

All the monsters came here?

"What's going on? Why didn't anyone notify so many monsters!"

"What are the other defense points doing!"

"Emergency assembly! Emergency assembly!"

"The monsters are about to arrive, prepare for battle!"

Countless practitioners looked solemn, and the long battle seemed to have made them forget the horror of death.

Everyone had a look of fearless death on their faces.

Only one side between them and the monsters could stand to the end.

"Fuck, these damn monsters can't let me rest!"

"I just finished fighting more than a dozen monsters, and my waist is almost broken!"

The armor of a warrior was dim, and even densely packed with dents visible to the naked eye.

The condensed black and red blood looked very creepy.

Coupled with the ferocious expression, it was like a devil in hell.


"You still have a strong taste, I admire you!"

The warriors around him laughed out loud.

For a while, facing the monsters that were about to come, the originally solemn atmosphere was relieved a lot.

After all, no one can be sure that he can escape from such a battle.

"Fuck you!"

"You coward, why don't you go kill a few more monsters and mock me here? Be careful. I've killed all the monsters, and you can't even eat their shit!"

After mocking each other, they all laughed and rushed towards the monsters in the distance.

With the weapons and equipment provided by Wang Qi, they are no longer as afraid of monsters as before.

Everyone is eager to fight.

He Xia, who set off first, is now holding a sword and rushing towards the monsters.

Looking around, there are dense monsters chasing each other. This number seems to be much more than the last attack.

But the number of warriors in the gathering place is far less than before!

"We must pass on the news here so that others can prepare in advance!"

He Xia slashed with his sword, and the huge sword energy of a hundred meters long instantly tore through the space, and in the blink of an eye, the monster rushing in the front was cut in half.

But after seeing the appearance of the monster, He Xia found something wrong.

There was no cruelty or bloodthirstiness in the eyes of these monsters.

They were all extremely terrified, as if some terrifying existence was chasing them.

"What's going on!"

Even the nearest monster was about to reach him.

There was no intention to attack him at all, just trying to escape from here.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

He Xia didn't care to think too much, and the true energy in his body surged wildly. Countless monsters were torn into pieces by his sword energy wherever he looked.

Blood was floating all over the sky.

"Brothers, hurry up, someone is trying to steal the monsters ahead!"

"No more meat to eat soon!"

Just then, hundreds of Qi attacks suddenly burst out from the monster team.



All the monsters that were running away were like fish on a chopping board, without any resistance, and were killed instantly.

He Xia looked around, and in the dense monster team, one after another, hundreds of meters high Qi Dharma images rose up.

They were in different shapes, and the weapons in their hands exuded violent killing intent.

The terrifying aura instantly smashed the fleeing monster army into pieces.

He Xia was stunned, the aura of each Qi Dharma image here was comparable to his.

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