My attributes have no limit

Chapter 744 The Massacre Begins 2

"There should be no danger!"

"Let's go our separate ways!"

The students quickly split into two groups, one heading to the living area, and the other returning along the original route, following the direction Wang Qi left.

Before Wang Qi reached his destination, he met Ma Jie, who was struggling to resist two black-gold apes in the middle of the road.

Two more peak-level monsters!

Seeing the three figures fighting, Wang Qi's eyes flashed, and he instantly grasped the strength of the two monsters.

Ma Jie's current strength is not weaker than any monster, but he is fighting one against two.

Most of the time he was passively defending. If he took the initiative to attack, he would easily be attacked by another monster. After a long battle, he was exhausted.

"Ma Jie!"

Wang Qi shouted, and at the same time a flying sword was swung out of Wang Qi's hand.

The spiritual power urged him to turn into a stream of light and rushed straight to the two monsters of Sarutobi.

Hearing this familiar voice, Ma Jie also turned his head and saw Wang Qi's figure and was immediately overjoyed.

"Principal, you are finally here!"

Not long ago, they came out of the secret realm and did not see Wang Qi's figure. They wanted to contact him but could not.

Facing the attacks of monsters and these sudden appearances of martial arts peak monsters, they could only fight hard.

It is very difficult to kill them, and they, the teachers, can barely protect themselves.

It's a pity for so many students.

They were just trained, but they were killed by monsters again.

"Another one is coming to die?"

"Yu Wu, one for each person, hurry up! We will have to..."

When the Sarutobi saw Wang Qi appear, his eyes lit up, and he excitedly shouted to Yuan Wu who was still preparing to attack Ma Jie not far away.

But before he could finish, the flying sword controlled by Wang Qi's mental power instantly pierced his head.

Blood gushed out like a geyser, spurting hundreds of meters.

Then the flying sword continued to be powerful, and a visible sword light stabbed at Yuan Wu again.


A sharp whistling sound was heard, and Yuan Wu also fell down with his eyes wide open.

Reaching out and grabbing, Wang Qi put the corpses of the two nearly 1,000-meter-long monsters into the storage space.

"Ding, kill 2 Wushuai peak monsters!"

"Ding, get attribute points + 0.3 Earth-shaking Tiger Power"

"Ding, get 2 strands of martial arts truth!"

"Ding, trigger unlimited explosion equipment! Get 2 Wushuai peak magic weapons! 2 sets of Wushuai peak armor"

"Ding, trigger unlimited treasure chests! Get 2 Wushuai level treasure chests!"

"Ding, trigger reward critical hit! Get reward increased 40 times!"

"Ding, get attribute points + 12 Earth-shaking Tiger Power"

"Ding, get 80 Wushuai peak magic weapons! 80 sets of Wushuai peak armor..."

"Ding, get 80 Wushuai level treasure chests!"

The strength of these two monsters is a little stronger than the one Wang Qi just killed, which makes Wang Qi's current strength increase again.

Ma Jie looked at Wang Qi and killed the monster so easily, with a bitter smile on his face.

He could not do anything to the opponent even if he resisted hard, but when it came to Wang Qi, he solved it so easily.

How strong is Wang Qi at this moment?

Ma Jie was filled with emotion, and then he watched Wang Qi throw a sword and a brand new set of armor over.

"Here, change a new set!"

The long battle had damaged Ma Jie's weapons and armor a lot.

Ma Jie nodded and took it.

"This time the situation was a bit unexpected, and a lot of students in the martial arts school were also lost!"

"The specific number of people will have to wait for a detailed statistics later!"

Ma Jie's tone was mixed with a little regret. It seemed that only death would make the battle with the monster more real.

Wang Qi sighed: "We all expected too conservatively!"

"I thought that these 100,000 generals plus you should be safe, who would have thought that it would be like this!"

"Wait until this matter is over, give more compensation to the families of these students!"

"After all, they died to protect the safety of Yongfeng Town!"

"Let's go!"

During the conversation, the two quickly flew towards the old site of Yongfeng Town.

"Attention all students! I'm Wang Qi!"

"If there are powerful monsters chasing you and you can't resist them, please report your position quickly!"

"Attention all students! I'm Wang Qi!"

"If there are powerful monsters chasing you and you can't resist them, please report your position quickly!"


At the transmission channel of Yongfeng Town.

Many martial arts school teachers who are still struggling to resist the demon clan geniuses, their hands flashed with eye-catching light at the same time.

Wang Qi's voice also came from it.

Suddenly, everyone's face raised a smile, as if relieved.

As long as they hold on for a while, there should be no problem. After all, before entering the secret realm, Wang Qi had killed two powerful monsters at the peak of martial arts.

According to the speed at which Wang Qi's strength is improving, he will definitely be stronger than before.

In this way, these martial arts peak monsters in front of them are nothing but chickens and dogs, and they will collapse at a blow!

For a while, everyone's morale soared, and the attacks in their hands became more and more fierce.

This sudden change surprised the demon clan geniuses.

But what followed was a growing rage.

They had fought for so long but had not killed a single person, which made them feel a little tired.

These humans cooperated very well with each other. Whenever they organized an attack, these people would quickly change their formation and defend with all their strength.

Not only that, once they caught a little gap, these humans would quickly organize a very powerful attack.

They did not dare to resist the joint attack.

The situation of the battle was deadlocked.

"What a bunch of trash!"

"Until now, they are still fighting on their own, a mess!"

"If they can break through the human defense like this, it would be a miracle!"

Yuan Yang's figure was like lightning, turning into a black and gold light that kept shuttling through the battlefield.

He had told other monsters about the joint operation, but only some of them were willing to obey his command.

There were also many monsters who were very self-righteous and disdained to be with him, but they still went their own way.

The killing intent in Yuan Yang's eyes became more and more intense.

In this case, he would not waste time.

Scanning the battlefield, he soon locked onto a lone demon genius.

"Follow me!"

He turned his head and called out to the demon geniuses around him, then took the lead in pretending to attack the humans.

In the eyes of the other demon geniuses, Yuan Yang had discovered the weak points of the human defenses again.

But only Yuan Yang knew what his goal was.

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