My attributes have no limit

Chapter 76 Luofengran Tavern

Just now I heard my sister say that she was going to this Luo Feng Ran Tavern. Is it a place to drink?

Or is it equivalent to the bar in the previous life?

Wang Qi thought in his heart.

The driver explained:

"Tavern, you may think it is a place to drink when you hear the name, but it is not."

"There are many taverns of all sizes in Yongfeng Town. The most attractive thing about this place is that there are warriors fighting in the tavern. Many people go here to learn combat experience or to watch the competition of strong people. They are addicted to watching."

After that, the driver asked with some doubts: "Go to Luo Feng Ran Tavern, you don't know what it is? It's really interesting"

"Are you a warrior?"

Although the driver explained Wang Qi's question tirelessly, he was curious about whether Wang Qi was a warrior.

Wang Qi nodded.

Seeing Wang Qi nod, the driver continued:

"This tavern is only one word away from a martial arts hall, but the difference is huge."

"This tavern is quite chaotic, and many people who go to fight are in a violent mood. The fighting scenes are sometimes bloody, and some perverted audiences just like to watch these. Hehe"

"You can go there and see it for yourself today, it will definitely open your eyes!"

When the driver talked about the fighting in the tavern, he was even more excited and spitting.

It seemed that the fighting in the tavern was very attractive.

The car kept driving at a very fast speed. It has been a long time since I saw such a prosperous scene outside. The modern sense of technology is full of a hint of ancient atmosphere, which makes Wang Qi like this world a little.

Now the world is vast, and Yongfeng Town alone is huge. After turning several streets,

Wang Qi heard the driver's reminder: "Young man, we're almost there. Where are you getting off? The car you're following has already driven directly to the door of Luo Feng Ran Tavern."

Wang Qi looked ahead and saw that there was less than a kilometer ahead. Wang Mengfei had already gotten off the car and was looking around.

She pointed to the side and said to the driver: "That's it, don't get too close!"

The car, which had already slowed down, slowly stopped by the roadside.

"Hey, thank you for 100 Alliance Coins!" The driver looked at Wang Qi with a grin.

"Why so much?" Wang Qi was a little unbelievable when he heard the price. Although the journey was long, it shouldn't be so much.

He turned his head and stared at the driver, waiting for his explanation.

"The special tracking service just now, this is charged, otherwise do you really think we are willing to take this risk?"

The driver looked at Wang Qi with a smile on his face.

Just when Wang Qi was surprised at the price, Wang Mengfei on the other side couldn't wait.

Standing not far from the door of Luo Feng Ran Tavern, he made another call.

"Xiu'er, are you here? I've already arrived at Luofengran, don't keep me waiting too long!"

"How many minutes are left?"

"Hurry up, stop dawdling."

Wang Mengfei hung up the phone and looked at the door of Luofengran Tavern with excitement.

I don't come here often, but every time I come here, I feel excited and my blood is surging, as if there is a great magic here that attracts me.

"You! What are you doing?" Wang Mengfei was still immersed in her strange feelings when she was interrupted by a rough voice.

Two burly men came from the door of Luofengran Tavern, and one of them stretched out his hand and pointed at Wang Mengfei with the iron rod in his hand.

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