My attributes have no limit

Chapter 760 He Xia and his partner come 3

"I want to confirm with you again. You said that the crisis at the old site of Yongfeng Town has been resolved and there won't be too many monsters coming to attack. How much force do we need to stay there?"

Wang Qi frowned slightly.

It seems that He Xia and the others are still a little unclear about the real situation here.

Thinking about how to tell the current situation.

"Don't worry about it. The transmission channel at the old site of Yongfeng Town has been closed."

"At most, there will be monsters wandering from other living areas or other wilderness areas."

"There are so many cultivators in Yongfeng Town now, and the monsters in the wilderness area are not to be feared at all."

"As long as there are no more monsters coming from other places in a short period of time, Yongfeng Town can be said to be impregnable, and even those monsters are not enough for cultivators to hunt."

When these words came out, He Xia and the others were stunned.

"The transmission channel is closed?"

"How is this possible?"

The two exclaimed. They originally thought that Wang Qi led the students of Beidou Martial Arts School to clear all the monsters in the old site of Yongfeng Town.

Only then will they say that the crisis is over.

But as long as the demon domain still exists and the demon beasts in it have not died out, there will still be a steady stream of demon beasts appearing in the transmission channel.

How did the news from Wang Qi turn out to be that the transmission channel connecting the demon domain at the old site of Yongfeng Town has been closed.

Is this true?

Surprised, the two suppressed their nervousness and excitement and looked at Wang Qi with great expectation.

If it is really as Wang Qi said, then Yongfeng Town can really be said to be safe now.

"Really, believe me!"

Wang Qi said solemnly, taking control of the demon domain and saving the compatriots of Yongfeng Town.

Although this matter was not completed perfectly, the sense of accomplishment brought him also made him very fulfilled.

"Good, good, good!"

Wang Qi's affirmative tone and expression made He Xia and the others excited, and their blood surged in an instant.

Their faces flushed with excitement.

Originally, when the transmission channel had not appeared at the old site of Yongfeng Town, the demon beasts in the wilderness area did not pose much threat to the living area.

The cultivators who come and go all day long hunt monsters to earn cultivation resources while practicing in actual combat, and they can also isolate the monsters in a relatively far place.

Now that the threat of the old site of Yongfeng Town is gone, the biggest crisis has been resolved.

He Xia and the other person looked at each other, and both saw the look of relief in each other's eyes.

He took a deep breath and calmed down.

He Xia sorted out his thoughts and continued.

"In this case, let me tell you what I think!"

"Originally, I came to discuss with you today to see how much force is needed to stay."

"Because if the crisis in Yongfeng Town is resolved, we have to find a way to clear the monsters in other living areas nearby as much as possible, otherwise it will still be a potential threat to our Yongfeng Town."

"In this way, the truly safe area will also expand. In case of any special situation, we will have enough room for buffer."

He Xia sat up with a little excitement, although the news he just received would disrupt his original plan.

But it is developing in a better direction.

"This is easy. I will post some tasks in the martial arts school, and the students of the martial arts school will definitely complete them as soon as possible!"

"As long as there are no monsters in other living areas that are stronger than the generals, there will be no problem."

These are not difficult for the students of the martial arts school.

In addition, they were just attacked by powerful monsters and suffered heavy losses. Most people are holding their breath.

Now that they can continue to hunt monsters, if it goes as expected, there will probably be a lot of people participating in this task.

It depends on whether there are enough monsters in other living areas to kill.

"Okay, I picked five living areas closest to our Yongfeng Town."

"According to the location of each living area, these places will be excellent breakthrough points."

"After opening up, opening up these living areas will make it more convenient to advance later."

While speaking, He Xia also controlled the communicator in his hand to project a light curtain.

The map near Yongfeng Town was displayed.

Most of the town-level living areas are marked on the top.

But now almost 90% are gray.

Another more eye-catching mark is the three county-level living areas.

Among them, the closest to Yongfeng Town is Yangjiang County.

Wang Qi looked around and saw that there were about 300 town-level living areas in the area covered by the three counties.

Their Yongfeng Town is relatively remote, and it is unknown what is bordered in this farther place.

"The area under the jurisdiction of Yangjiang County is relatively small, and its strength is also the bottom among the three counties."

"And the area where my Yongfeng Town is located is not the closest to Yangjiang County!"

"In addition, several town-level living areas in Beihe County are bordered."

"The strength over there is stronger than ours, so our support direction is more inclined to the living areas in the Yangjiang County area."

Looking at the map on the light screen, Wang Qi already understood He Xia's arrangement in his heart.

The five living areas he marked can be connected in series to wrap Yongfeng Town in it, forming the first line of defense.

"Do you know the specific situation of these places now?"

Wang Qi asked.

"We have arranged people to investigate, and it is certain that they have fallen."

"There are already many practitioners who have escaped from these places in Yongfeng Town."

"After the information is collected, we will make specific allocations!"

"It's not a big problem. These are small living areas with a small number of people."

Yu Kangning was confident. He knew more about these things than He Xia.

If it weren't for the sake of insurance and the safety of all the practitioners in Yongfeng Town.

There is no need to investigate so carefully. After all, he knew a little about the situation in these living areas before.

But the current preliminary collection of information, coupled with the example of Yongfeng Town, does not allow him to be too reckless.

After all, any living force is indispensable to the living area.

If he rushes out because of the unknown enemy situation, he can't afford to cause too much loss.

"I just don't know how many students you can send out here. Can you give me a rough number?"

Yu Kangning looked at Wang Qi.

"Now, including the students who have returned one after another, if the martial arts school is fully mobilized, there will be about 70,000 people."

"I have some other things to arrange for the rest!"

"That's it, it should be enough!"

Wang Qi raised his eyebrows, and a thoughtful look appeared in his eyes.

It is indeed important to clean up other living areas, but the development of the martial arts school cannot be left behind.

According to the current situation of the students returning, the system is right, and they will all be able to return soon.

In this case, he will have to reserve some manpower for some subsequent tasks of the martial arts school.


"That couldn't be better."

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