My attributes have no limit

Chapter 87 It’s Over

"These people are really unlucky." In the backyard of Luo Fengran Tavern, the two of them took advantage of the night to neatly place the corpses.

One of the staff at Luo Fengran Tavern said.

"Watching a fight, you can encounter this kind of thing and lose your life."

The two men looked at these corpses and shook their heads with sighs on their faces.

I don’t know whose son or whose husband lost his life.

"Okay, let's go. This isn't the first time I've seen this happen."

Just as the two of them turned to leave, Zhang Zhan, who was lying among the dead, suddenly opened his eyes!

Inside Luo Fengran Tavern

"What happened tonight has shocked everyone. I am the steward of Luo Fengran Tavern. All the competitions will continue. We will cover all the drinks tonight at Luo Fengran Tavern! Everyone, enjoy it!"

Looking at the many spectators around, the young man in blue said to the surroundings with a smile.

Hearing this, the audience cheered immediately, as if what just happened was nothing in their eyes.

The young man in blue looked at the excited expressions of the audience with a smile. These are the lifeblood of Luo Fengran Tavern. They are expected to generate income for the tavern. What does a few drinks mean?

It seems that this competition mode is really popular with everyone. The boss is the boss, and there are many ways to make money.

At this time, Wang Mengfei and Wang Mengfei also hid in the crowd and witnessed the scene just now.

"Meng Fei, that woman just now must be the legendary heroine who punishes rape and eliminates evil. She is so handsome!" Wu Xiu looked admiring at this time.

The woman in black just described Zhang Zhan's evil deeds, and even took Zhang Zhan's life with her own hands. She was simply a hero in Wu Xiu's mind.

But when she finished speaking, she found that her friend was still standing there blankly.

There was some panic and fear in his eyes.

"Mengfei, Mengfei!" Wu Xiu shook his friend's arm in confusion upon seeing this.

She didn't understand why her friend was like this. Could it be that the scene just now scared her?

But if you think about it carefully, it's wrong. The two of you have been here before, and Meng Fei will only be extremely excited when seeing these fighting scenes. She has never behaved like she did today.

"It's over! It's over!" Wang Mengfei muttered to herself at this time.

The expression on his face changed from panic and fear to a bit bitter.

"What's wrong?" Wu Xiu looked at Wang Mengfei confused.

Wang Mengfei looked at her friend helplessly and said in a depressed tone: "That was Wang Qi just now. He must know that I am here today. If he tells my mother what happened today, I will definitely be doomed."

Wang Mengfei was very worried that Wang Qi would tell her mother what happened today.

According to my mother's temper, I'm afraid she won't be able to spare myself.


"Wang Qi, that twin brother of yours? Was he there just now? Why didn't I see it?"

Wu Xiu didn't understand what his friend said.

And his twin brother, did he also come to this tavern?

"The one who just joined forces with the woman in black is Wang Qi!"

There was a hint of bitterness in Wang Mengfei's tone, Wang Qi's strength had improved too fast.

The level of combat just now was probably that of a top warrior.

"What? The boy with the woman in black is Wang Qi? The one you signed up with at the martial arts gym that day?" Wu Xiu also looked at Wang Mengfei with wide eyes and surprise.

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