My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 100 - Being A Leader

The ride itself was quite uncomfortable for the trio, and given their long distance, it was further exhausting. Upon reaching, Caleb dropped off Matt, but not before thanking him for the second time for accompanying him. Caleb asked one of his maids to show Cyrus the room he had been allocated, just before he stormed off to the pack-office to confront his father.

"What were you thinking sending me to pick up a pureblooded Alpha? What are you trying to pull off? Is this why handed me this responsibility"? He questioned loudly the moment he entered the room. His father who was on the phone, and from the looks of it, it seemed quite an important call, glared at Caleb.

"I will call back, later. I have something to take care of". Mr. Wrisberg mumbled on the phone before hanging up, maintaining his glare throughout the process. "First of all, I think I was very clear that you are not supposed to come inside my private office without knocking. This rule applies to anyone in the pack, you don't get to be an exception just because you are my son".

"Yeah, I am aware. You're my pack Alpha before you're my father". Caleb huffed. "But, even as the pack Alpha, what were you thinking"?

"That brings me to my second point, I did not send you to pick anyone up. I simply handed you some responsibilities. You were the one who was supposed to determine how to handle them, thus you are the one who decided to pick him up by yourself. And why are you getting mad at me? I mean, aren't you fond of dealing with pureblooded Alphas, considering you mated with one? With choice? Now who is being judgemental"? Mr. Wrisberg scoffed.

"I am not being judgemental, I am being skeptical of your actions. He doesn't bother me as much as your decision to invite him does". Caleb asserted. "If you hate them so much, why did you invite one? Never did you ever do such a thing". Caleb snorted. "You clearly have problems with Ashton".

"Yes, I do not trust him. But neither do I trust the one I invited. The one I invited, Cyrus Viserboldt, he is one of the most influential… no, definitely the most influential pack from Europe. Imagine being on the wrong side of him". Mr Wrisberg tried to explain his son.

"So you're being two faced" Caleb scoffed. "You're pretending to be nice to him, just because he has power"!?

"Yes" Mr. Wrisberg declared unapologetically. "This whole pack is my responsibility. Anything I do reflects on the pack, and I would do anything to protect it". Caleb remained silent as he felt betrayed. He would be content even if he pretended to like Ashton. Why did he have to be so against his own mate?

"You are young, Caleb. It is natural to be reckless, but I am assuming you want to be treated like a grown-up, so here is your chance. Proof that you can be responsible without letting your emotions get the best of you". Mr. Wrisberg smirked. "Being a leader is much more than ordering people around and living in luxury". Caleb rolled his eyes at that. "I am not going to help you this time, you have a problem, fix it on your own, without… causing the pack any trouble". His father voiced sternly. "Now get out of here and let me do my work". He dismissed him.

Caleb's anger was still bubbling inside of him which wanted to burst out like a volcano. Frustrated, he left the premises. He had so much left to do, but not in the mood to do it. He was literally cursing his fate, and his father in his head when he noticed Ashton standing in front of his door. "Can I help you"? He snapped at Ashton, clearly misdirecting his anger.

Ashton, taken aback by the hostility, frowned, before changing it into glare. "Nevermind". He spat and was about to leave when Caleb grabbed his wrist, preventing him from doing so.

"I am sorry, I am...I am not in a good mood right now, and I have a lot on my plate" Caleb apologized, not wanting to worsen their situation further. 

"Don't you think I know that"? Ashton snapped at him. "I could tell you're busy because ever since our first date I barely saw you". 

"So what? Am I supposed to abandon my work to spend time with you"? Caleb sighed with frustration. Already being on edge, Ashton's words started to frustrate him.

"That's not what I meant," Ashton sighed. Looking away, he continued, "I know you are busy, and since I don't have any classes today, I was wondering if you needed my help with anything else". He mumbled. 

All the anger that was piling up inside Caleb vanished the moment he heard those words. Here he was misunderstanding Ashton, credits to his hot headed mind, whereas Ashton was just trying to be helpful. Feeling touched, Caleb smiled and gave Ashton a deep kiss on the lips before saying, "Come inside. Maybe I can use your help after all". 

Locking his fingers with Ashton, he dragged him in while Ashton simply let him do that since he was still recovering from the shock of the sudden kiss. He still had a long way to go before he got used to Caleb's surprise kisses.

Caleb welcomed Ashton to sit comfortably on the bed while he took out necessary things from the drawer, "Can I ask you something"? Caleb spoke while digging.

"Sure", Ashton shrugged.

"Now that everyone knows that you are a pureblooded Alpha, why do you still hide your scent"? Caleb questioned. "I didn't notice it much, but I realized this when you released your scent in the car". 

"" Ashton stumbled as he tried to come up with a logical explanation. There simply was none, and he decided to admit that. "I guess I am used to it. Besides what's the point of spreading my pheromones everyone? It will only make your family, where everyone is Alpha, even more uncomfortable".

"Still… I would hate it if you were doing it just for my family's sake". Caleb mumbled. 

"Don't worry, that's just one of the reasons. And that too a not so important one. I want your family to accept me, but not by deception, but for who I really am". Caleb was taken aback by such blunt honesty from Ashton. Those words were indeed so endearing that it was starting to melt his heart. He gave a tiny smile before joining him on the bed with a pile of files.

While they both sat in the bed, he showed him all the plans that were in order for the banquet. While everything was supposed to be under his supervision he could use some help with arranging few of the things.

At first Caleb wanted to give Ashton charge of the decoration, but knowing how little Ashton cared about such things, and how much Caleb cared about these things he decided to check that himself. After much careful thinking, he gave him the responsibility of lightning. He explained to him the plan, and guided him through all the activities that would be taking place on the day of the banquet before giving him the contact info of the people who were in charge of lighting. 

"What are you waiting for"? Caleb asked, frowning, when Ashton sat there quietly for a minute after Caleb was done with the explanation. 

"I…." Ashton wondered if it was the right moment to give him the present he bought. While he would prefer a much romantic setting, with the way they were getting rarely enough time to spend he didn't want to delay it any further. "I have something for you"? Ashton declared. 

Raising his eyebrows Caleb asked suspiciously, "What"?

"This" taking out the black wolf keychain, he handed it to him.

Caleb looked at it quite carefully before a smile appeared on his face, "Is this supposed to be you"?

"Sure" Ashton shrugged. "I barely shift, so this will help you not forget my wolf form" Ashton tried to joke. 

Caleb rolled his eyes before saying, "FYI, I happen to have a wonderful memory". He smirked. "Shouldn't you get a white one too? That would make this a set" Caleb jokes.

"Got it" Ashton took out the white one as well and displayed it properly to Caleb. Caleb blinked at Ashton, not actually expecting him to get a set and smiled. 

"You are amazing" Caleb, unable to resist anymore, kissed him once more. This time, instead of freezing, Ashton responded with equal enthusiasm. Ashton nibbled on his lower lips which made soft moans escape from Caleb's mouth. After kissing for a while, before things got way too heated, they pulled away. Trying to bring their breathing back to normal, both of them cleared their throat, trying to act 'normal'.

"I think I should… get going then" Ashton stammered before almost running out of the room. Meanwhile Caleb chuckled at his adorable behavior.

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