My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 116 - Conflicted Descriptions

Christian headed straight off to the office to meet with his father. He showed him the entire clip before he said, "Whoever he is, it is clear that he was the one who drugged him. I don't think it's fair to keep Sebastian locked after this". 

"I agree, let him go" His father replied.

"Really"? Christian was taken aback by sudden approval. Since when was convincing his father so easy? He wondered. "What about pack rules"?

"What about it"? Mr Wrisberg frowned.

"He is not proven innocent yet, so…"

"I am confused, do you not want to let him go?" His father questioned him back. "Are you harbouring some sort of enmity towards that man that I am not aware of"? Mr Wrisberg eyed him suspiciously.

"What? No!" Christian insisted.

"Very well then" Mr Wrisberg sighed. "I doubt after all this he would join our pack, let's not be too hostile about him". The more his father agreed the more suspicious he got. What was going on?

"Well, I will let him out then"  Christian nodded. "But what do we do about this guy? We don't know who it is"?

Mr Wrisberg looked back at him before he viewed the footage once more. "We would need to figure out who he is. Did you contact the ones who interacted with him"?

"All of them are gone". Christian pursed his lips.

"Seriously? What is this, medieval era? Contact them via the internet". Mr Wrisberg sighed. "You know what, I will do it. I am afraid you will end up making it an interrogation".

"Okay…" Christian frowned.

"Did you figure out what the drug was"? Mr Wrisberg asked.

"Nothing from our server. Those effects don't match with any of the ones that we know off. It must be something new, or a mix, or something rare" Christian explained.

"Well, try to find out what it is. And let that poor man out. I think we have tortured him enough for no good reason". Mr Wrisberg dismissed him. On his way back to the pack house he couldn't help but find his father's behaviour suspicious. It was as if his father, who was famous for his paranoia, was convinced that Sebastian was innocent. But why? 

Shaking the feeling off he unlocked the door before he called out to Sebastian, "You are free to go".

"What changed"? Sebastian looked at him skeptically.

"I have no idea" Christian mumbled, "But my Dad asked me to let you go, so… here I am" He shrugged.

"Seems like everyone is your family is smarter than you". Sebastian scoffed. "So I am free to go anywhere I want"?


"Great"! Sebastian exclaimed before he awkwardly looked around, "So where do I stay now"?

"Wait, you want to stay back"? Christian scrunched his eyebrows at him. He was sure after the treatment Sebastian received here, he would run away as soon as possible, but somehow he was surprised for the second time today. 'Why is everyone behaving so strange today'? He thought.

"Of course. I had to go through all this crap. I am not going anywhere until I make that son of b****h pay for what he did". Sebastian huffed.

Suddenly Christian found his Dad trying to link him, [What is it?]

[Come to the office, right now!]

[I am with Sebastian right now...]

[Great! Bring him in as well] His father ordered. Without waiting for any reply he disconnected the link.

"Come with me" Christian ordered Sebastain. 

Sebastian glared at his commanding tone, unamused before he mumbled, "Which prison are you taking me to now"?

"Nothing, my Dad has something to say. I think it's related to this incident. Just come. After that I will get you a place in the pack house". Christian sighed before leading the way. Sebastian didn't say anything back to him and simply followed him.

At the pack office Mr Wrisberg urged both of them to take a seat before he proceeded with whatever he had to say. "First of all, I apologise for the way you were treated. I am not sure if you were aware or not, but things have been horrible for the past few months". Mr Wrisberg told Sebastian with utmost sincerity. Christian meanwhile sat in the background trying very hard not to scoff. His father rarely ever apologised to anyone.

"Secondly..." He began before taking a glance at his computer until he finally looked at them. "I emailed them asking about this guy. Many are yet to reply, but two of them did. They say they do recognise him, however their descriptions vary quite drastically". He told him.

"What do you mean?" Curious, Christian moved to the other side of the table and stared at the two emails displayed.

The email from Mr Milton described him like this:

He was a man around in his late thirties or early forties. He had quite an athletic build, although that's not uncommon in wolves. He seemed polite and genuinely interested in my family. He had a moustache. He told me that his name was Herman Tolby and that he was from a neighboring pack from Willow street. It was hard to tell his rank, due to everyone being so close to each other, but I think he is an Alpha.

While the other mail from Mrs Colton described him like this:

Roger Dale, a man in his early forties, rude attitude. Even refused to tell me where the restroom is, and I only asked him because I overheard him say that he lives here, and that he has been to this hall in every occasion held here ever since he was little. His smell was less prominent, but I am pretty sure he was a beta.

Christian made sure he read those emails, twice. In fact the expression of conflict was so evident on his face that even Sebastian walked to that side to get a read. Mr Wrisberg was not quite comfortable with him this close to all the sensitive files that were present on his desk, but he let it slide just this once.

"The only thing that is common between these two mails is that he was a man in his late forties". Sebastian spoke up.

"I am pretty sure both the names are fake, but I forwarded the previous male to your mother in case she recognised the name. I am sure she keeps tabs on the wolves from Willow Street". Mr Wrisberg informed Christian.

Suddenly another mail popped in his computer. It was a reply sent to him by Mrs Colton, which was a reply to a previous mail sent by his father in regards to if that man had a moustache or not. She confirmed that he didn't which only raised the diversity between these two personas.

"Are they the same person"? Christian found himself questioning out loud.

"I think so. We sent both of them the same footage, and this guy doesn't disappear through the entire video. I am surprised how he pulled off two different personalities. He seems smart" Mr Wrisberg commented.

"I think the second one is more similar to his original one". Sebastian spoke up.

"Why"? Christian frowned.

"Well, think about it. She says he was being rude, as if he was busy with something else. I think he had something on his mind so he behaved rashly, like maybe the plan he was about to pull off. If he would have been careful, he wouldn't have tried to behave rudely". Sebastian explained.

His father thought carefully before giving a satisfied smirk, "I agree, that seems plausible". Christian was not very comfortable how easily Sebastian gained his father's approval. His father who was skeptical of everything, was actually impressed by Sebastian? Could his day get any weirder? 

"I don't know who Mrs Colton is. Can I see the footage where he interacts with her"? Sebastian asked Mr Wrisberg politely. Mr Wriserberg nodded and pulled the footage. After a while he pointed at a middle aged woman as if she was looking for something before she pulled on that hooded guy's arm, abruptly stopping him. The entire time his gaze was focused on something else, while trying to brush him off. They had noticed this before, but didn't deduce anything from it. His gaze was focussed on something that was unfortunately not caught on the camera.

"That is Mrs Diane Colton. She is the pack leader of a pack in the North". Mr Wrisberg threw in the fact casually. After a little while Mr Wrisberg received a reply from his wife denying the existence of any such man. However, she did send him a list of men which fit that physical description from Willow Street. That list had consisted of around 12 men, which was a lot, but at least something.

"How do we proceed from this? Do we investigate each of them? But them what if he is from here"? Christian questioned.

"It seems Mrs Colton and Mr Milton remember him quite well. If you keep everyone's profile here, you can simply send their pictures to identify them". Sebastian suggested.

"That's not a bad idea, however some of the pictures are way old. They might not be accurate", Mr Wrisberg sighed.

"Don't wolves age slowly once they hit twenties. Maybe he didn't change much" Sebastian shrugged. That sentence brought a smirk in everyone's faces.

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