My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 118 - The Future

Once the sun started to set they started walking back to the pack house in his human form. Ashton was still skeptical about letting the others see his wolf form so he simply kept to his human form in the pack. Both of them were usually quiet on their way back. While remaining silent was Ashton's trademark, it was unusual for Caleb to remain so.

"Are you alright"? Ashton couldn't help but ask.

"I was just thinking… about the future" Caleb replied with an awkward smile.

"Want to share"? Ashton offered.

"Well…"Caleb sighed. "You know how you had a plan for life. I sort of did too. And I never imagined having someone like you as a mate".

"What's that supposed to mean"? Ashton asked him, clearly offended.

"Relax, it's a compliment". Caleb chuckled. "I always thought if I even ended up getting a mate, I would not like that person, forget love" he chuckled. "And here I am. I even got to choose my own mate. After getting marked I never thought our relationship would progress like this. I mean, I wanted it to… a lot, but I was certain that it won't".

"Okay…"Ashton mumbled, encouraging him to continue. He wasn't exactly sure of the point he was trying to make yet.

"I don't know what is my next step". Caleb sighed. "I mean, I know like pack responsibility and all, but…"

"It doesn't feel like it"? Ashton suggested.

Caleb nodded at him, "Exactly". He chuckled. "You know, back when Matt was talking about college, despite telling me how everything about it was so negative, I wanted to go".

"Then why don't you"? Ashton suggested.

"Because…" Caleb sighed. "It's complicated".

"Then explain". Ashton encouraged.

"Well, first of all, the semester has started already for this year, so I cannot apply before next year". Caleb sighed.

"Then apply next year". Ashton shrugged. "Better late than never".

"What about us then? There is no college in town. I would have to leave this pack". 

"How does the rest of your pack handle going to college"? Ashton asked.

"Well, most of them opt for online courses, like my brother did. Even if they don't want to, it's fine, cause they don't have a mate back home. Or, any pack responsibilities". Caleb sighed.

"Well, I am sure the distance would be hard. But since we are mates, we are always connected. We can always link and chat with each other if needed". Ashton suggested.

"That's not the same. Besides, we have no idea what is the range of this link thing. What if it doesn't work from that distance"? Caleb popped the question.

"Then I will call you dummy! This is not 1850"! Ashton snapped at him. "Look, I would hate it if you stopped yourself from doing something just because of me. Distance or not, we are mates, that's not changing. So go ahead, finish your college degree. In fact, even I was thinking of applying somewhere, so maybe I will go where you do" Ashton shrugged. 

Caleb ended up chuckling at his words. "That is so sweet of you, but that's not the only thing. I am…" Caleb looked around before continuing, "not who I pretend to be. What if being in a closed crowd somehow exposes my secret. Or worse, get me into some kind of  unprecedented trouble"? 

"What if it doesn't"? Ashton raised an eyebrow. "You don't have a scent right now, which will prevent you from getting exposed during... heat. If it helps, you can pretend to be a human, and go to a college only for humans``. Ashton suggested. "Any human would barely recognize you, so that would save you from trouble".

"That's actually not a bad idea". A smile appeared on Caleb's face. "I might just have to convince my parents to let me do it," He sighed.

"Well, we convinced them to think of me as a prospective mate". Ashton smirked.

"I doubt they are convinced. Not my Dad at least, that man hates you like anything". Caleb blurted out while looking at the ground that somehow made Ashton feel hurt. He knew he wasn't accepted yet, but hearing Caleb say that out loud made it so real for that moment. "I think he only tolerates you because he doesn't have any choice". Caleb shrugged. 

Looking back at Ashton's face he realised how his words might have affected his mate, "I mean, don't take it personally. He has his own prejudices. To be fair, most of the time I doubt if he likes me having a son at all. I barely have his approval, how can someone whom he never met have it so easily" Caleb patted him on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it too much".

Ashton looked into Caleb's eyes for a moment before he took the hand on his shoulder in his hands. Ashton stared at their intertwined hands before he mumbled, "I know". An involuntary smile crept up on both their faces. "You too."

"Huh"? Caleb frowned.

"About the future. Like I said before, plans hardly work out the way you want to be. You told me you have to wait till another year right? Take time to figure things out. Don't make any rash decisions". Ashton advised.

"Look at you being so wise". Caleb teased with a chuckle. "Also, the applications have to be sent early, so… like half a year".

"Whatever, the decision doesn't have to be made today". Ashton huffed. "Take your time, that's my point. Gosh, I don't like to talk this much". Ashton turned around, a tiny bit embarrassed. Caleb laughed at him, earning a playful punch from Ashton.

After a minute, Caleb whispered. "I am so glad to have you as a mate". A smile carved into Ashton's lips, but soon his lips were covered by a pair of soft warm lips while Caleb's hands snaked into his neck. Ashton did the same with his hand and thus effectively bringing them closer. 

After their long gentle kiss, when they finally parted ways Caleb whispered, "I would miss these, if I decide to leave".

"Well we have a year… no, six months to make up for it". Ashton smirked suggestively before he put his lips back on Caleb's lips.

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