My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 141 - New Roommate

Caleb opened the door to reveal a tall brunette guy carrying a bunch of stuff with him. He wasn't as tall as Caleb, but may be mere inches shorter. Thanks to the black mask on his face Caleb couldn't make out his face, but he could make out his beige complexion and his hazel eyes. "Hi! You must be my roommate". A deep voice spoke. "I am Warren Ewing". He held out his hand.

Charmed by his friendly demeanor Caleb shook Warren's hand, "Caleb Wrisberg".

He was about to get inside when he noticed Ashton next to him. Stopping abruptly he asked, "Did I get the wrong room"? Caleb frowned, until he realised that this Warren guy mistook Ashton for his roommate. 

"No, this is my boyfriend". Caleb introduced a grumpy faced Ashton. "He is not my roommate".

"Oh, hi". Warren greeted, taking off his mask. For a human, Warren did have a charming appearance. Ashton nodded simply and decided to take his leave.

"I will be back later, get comfortable" Caleb instructed his new roommate and went out with Ashton. Catching up to him he asked, "Don't tell me even he makes you jealous". Caleb snorted.

"Actually he doesn't", Ashton breathed. "I guess my Alpha instincts don't get triggered by humans''. He wondered.

"Well, then I am glad I chose this school", Caleb admitted honestly. After having some pancakes, Ashton took the bus and left. He returned to his room to find his new roommate sprawled across the bed on the right while playing with his phone. 

Caleb wasn't sure how to interact with him. Being roommates it was necessary for them to get along, but at the same time this is their first time meeting so it was bound to be a bit awkward. Caleb sighed and simply sat back on his seat.

It seemed Warren finally noticed Caleb and looked up from his phone, "Hey" 

"Hey" Caleb nodded awkwardly. 

Somehow the guy seemed to miss that awkwardness and continued with his conversation, "So? Where are you from? I am from New Orleans". 

"Crescent Point. It's a small town in the south". Caleb explained. 

"I see". He nodded. "Well, I hope we get along". Warren shrugged.

"Me too" Caleb smiled. "Can I ask you something"? Warren nodded at him. "How come you are here so early in the morning".

"Let's just say I had to take the wrong flight on my way here due to last minute booking. I would be here early but I was on a trip with my family, and… well, let's just say things went a little bit different than expected". He chuckled.

"I see", Caleb nodded with an amused smile.

"What about your boyfriend? He seemed…" Warren trailed off finding the right way to describe his first impression.

"Tense"? Caleb suggested.

"Well… that's one way to put it". Warren snorted.

"Don't worry about him." Caleb brushed it off. "He can be like that. I think he was tense because we are parting ways… for now". 

"You guys are trying the long distance thing, huh? Warred smirked. "I don't think I could do that. I specifically broke up with my girlfriend before I came here". 

Caleb snorted at that. Even though Caleb used the term boyfriend, their bond signified something more than that. It wasn't some casual relationship like most teenagers have these days. It was a sacred mate bond between two werewolves. Of course, he could explain none of this to his human roommate so he simply shrugged. "He is a great guy. But he talks less". Caleb explained.

Warren nodded at him with a smile, "So, what's your major"? 

"Sports. Yours"?

"Science. Biology to be precise". Warren shrugged.

"Wow" Caleb mumbled.

"Well, do you have any idea where we can get something to eat?" Warren asked.

"There is a place down the street. I ate there last night. It should be open now" Caleb instructed. Warren thanked him and left.

Throughout the day he kept wondering how far along Ashton was. As if Ashton could anticipate this he kept on texting Caleb his location every half an hour. When he got enough time he called his brother to let him know he was settled. In usual cases the kids call their parents too, but he barely talked with them while he was there, so why bother now?

Apart from Ashton, he was also worried about his orientation the next day. It was a part of common college anxiety. A mix of excitement and anticipation running through the mind. His roommate's chilled attitude did not help. Before meeting Warren, he did worry what kind of roommate he would get and so far it seemed like it was working.

Thanks to Warren's friendly nature, their interactions were less awkward than anticipated. Whenever he talked to Caleb, it seemed like he was talking to an old friend which put Caleb at ease. Caleb oddly enjoyed it. 

Back at pack house many kids avoided him due to his background. They didn't want to get involved with him in case something goes wrong. In fact, whenever anyone talked to him it was either out of fear or respect. Of course Ashton was an exception, but he and his family were probably the only one.

Of course he had Matt, but there were times when Matt could be a jerk. Now that he was settled at his own college and had a girlfriend, he barely made it home. He never met Tracey, but he simply hoped that she was better than Sara. He didn't want his friend to suffer another heartbreak like that.

Thinking of his friends Caleb recalled that here too he had a friend. SInce he was getting bored he decided to call her and see what she was upto. She told him that she was headed off to buy some supplies and if Caleb wanted he was welcome to join her.

Caleb agreed and took his wallet as well, so that he could buy if he found something he needed. "So, how have you been"? He asked once he met up with Karolyn.

"Same old." She shrugged. "What about you? Last I saw you, you were pinning for that boy who worked at the cafeteria". She asked with a suggestive smile. "I forgot his name, what is it"?

"Ashton" Caleb reminded her.

"Yeah. What happened with that. If you are here, should I assume something bad happened"? She narrowed her eyebrows.

"On the contrary, we are mates now". Caleb gave her a giant smile.

"Really?" A smile flashed on her face as if she was ready to squeal. "Then why the hell are you here?" She gave him a are-you-crazy look. "Wait, you said mates, does that mean you told him that you are a wolf? How did he take it"? She was so excited with the news that she kept bombarding him with these questions. 

Caleb frowned for a moment but soon he realised that there was a time when Ashton was considered as a human by almost everyone. He wondered if telling her the truth might be the right thing. Given how Ashton's secret wasn't so much of a secret anymore he decided to confide. "He knew".

"Wait, what"? Karolyn scrunched her eyebrows while at the same time he filled up her cart in the mart.

"Yeah, he himself is a wolf". Caleb admitted cheekily while putting a few cereals in his cart.

"How? I don't think I smelled any Alpha scent on his", her frown deepened as she tried her best to recall. Caleb explained to her everything. How Ashton was a pureblooded Alpha and how he hid his scent. He also told her that Caleb was aware of this secret before falling for him, although he didn't reveal how he found out. If he did,he would have ended up revealing his own secret.

Once he was done, Karolyn's mouth was agape. "Wow, that's a lot of drama".

"Tell me about it", Caleb scoffed. "What about you? What's going on with your life"? Caleb tried to divert the conversation. "Find any suitor's yet"? 

"Not really", Karolyn shrugged.

"Still hung up on me"? Caleb teased.

"Eww!No!" Karolyn cringed. "I am just… not in a rush." She explained. 

"Your parents didn't force you"?

"Why would they?" Karolyn frowned. "They want me to live my life the way I want. They never tried to control it in the first place".

"Wow, wonder what that's like" Caleb scoffed. "Can your parents adopt me"? He joked.

"No thank you. I already have three irritating brother's of my own, I don't want any more". Karolyn declared. 

They left the mart and drove back to the campus. It was Caleb who drove them here so it was up to him to drop Karolyn off to her building. She wished him a quick good luck before she left. When he returned he was momentarily stunned to see a messy bed on the other side of the room. The contrast from his own was clearly visible. Staring at that he realised that he might have to spend his next three years dealing with mess in his room after all.

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