My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 143 - Back At Home

It took Ashton more than a day to return home. The journey was tiresome in its own, and despite his wolf status he failed to avoid collapsing on his bed the moment he returned home. 

He wasn't sure what exhausted him more, the journey or the fact that he would have to travel the double amount in case he ever wanted to see Caleb. With his senior year starting he would be busy enough as it is, on top of that he needed to make sure he got enough grades to be eligible for Willmount University next year. 

He still had a week before officially his classes began so he had the whole week to enjoy by himself. Except he didn't have much to do on his own anymore. 

He took a quick nap and once he woke up he decided to go check out the twins. At this time of the day it was their daily practice session time and with Caleb gone, it was up to others to teach them. Although, almost a year of practice had made them quite invincible. 

"Ashton, wanna join us"? Ariel offered her brother when she noticed him standing below a tree at their practice site.

Ashton contemplated, but decided to not do it since he was not comfortable with fighting his sisters. "Come on! With Caleb gone we can use some formal training". Ava insisted. 

Ashton was still hesitant but somehow after a little bit more of the same persuasion Ashton finally agreed. Saying no to these twins had always been one of his weakness. And he ended up regretting it in more than one occasion.

At first he thought it was maybe because they are so adorable. Now that they were starting high school and they looked quite older, they had much mischievous appearance rather than an adorable one. Yet somehow he failed to deny their request. 

Ashton fought with them in a hand to hand combat. Even though he could still overpower them, the very fact that they managed to give him a hard time was evidence of how good Caleb had trained them. Not to mention, at one point both of them managed to trick Ashton. 

What he noticed was that Ariel and Ava faired much better together than alone. They exchanged looks, silent nods and some key signatures to augment each other's tactic. Essentially they had a good teamwork and compatibility with each other. Despite feeling that maybe as a twins it is obvious, Ashton was quite proud of them.

At first it seemed to Ashton that this was just another training session for the twins. But after a lot of practice when the twins were reluctant to give it up, Ashton wondered if something was bothering them or not. 

He wasn't sure how to ask them, but he gave it a try nonetheless, "You guys okay"?

"We're great"! Ariel replied once she and Ava exchanged a confused look.

"Then why are you so invested in practice"? Ashton frowned. 

"Well we…" Ava hesitated. "You know us, we enjoy training".

"Is something bothering you" Ashton tried a more direct approach. He was not usually great with such conversations, and it was clear to his sisters how their poor brother was struggling. 

"We are just… excited to start a new school". Ariel shrugged. 

"So you are worried"? Ashton raised an eyebrow. 

Once again Ariel and Ava exchanged a glance. "A little bit". Ariel mumbled. 

"It's hard not to. It's high school! Like we are excited but, you know… we are also worried how it will be like." Ava explained.

"I am sure you will find a lot of common friends", Ashton wondered. 

"We know" Ariel shrugged. "It's just that… it's still a new environment."

Ashton nodded reluctantly. He had always tried to steer clear from almost anyone altogether when it came to getting involved wit people. Oddly he never bothered about such things because he knew no matter what he is gonna avoid anyone no matter what. Maybe that's the reason why he failed to see things from the twins perspective 

Despite that, he wanted to be of help to them. He wasn't sure what the right words were so he simply added, "Well, I am a senior now. If anyone bothers you or you need any help, feel free to approach me". 

"We know" Ava smiled. 

"We will be fine. It's just first day anxiety. I am sure" Ariel assured. 

Ashton nodded awkwardly, "Well if anyone bothers you I am sure you won't need help. You guys are good" He joked, while approving of their skills.

"Thanks", Ava shrugged.

"What about you? How you holding up"? Ariel asked her brother. 

"I mean, it's the same old high school for me, thankfully for the last year. If anything I am excited to go and just get it done with". Ashton grunted. 

The twins chuckled before Ariel spoke, "I am not asking about high school. I am asking about Caleb. I mean, we love him, but he is your mate. With him gone, how you holding up"?

Ashton blinked. He didn't really expect to be asked such a question by the twins. It was a bit weird given how it was Ashton who mostly looked out for them, but now even they asked him questions like this. "I am okay". Ashton shrugged. 

"Doesn't seem like it", Ava prompted. "You really want us to believe that you're completely fine with your mate gone, the guy who couldn't keep his distance from Caleb"?

Ashton's eyes widened at that. Never did he ever imagine the twins being so bold with such stuff, "That is not true"! He protested. 

"Yeah, right" Ariel scoffed.

"You do realize that we are not ten years old anymore"? Ava asked. "We notice things to. I mean I knew you had a thing for Caleb way before you did". Ava smirked. 

Ashton sighed and simply shook his head. Exactly what kind of situation did he get himself into, he wondered. "Well, I am fine. I am the one who encouraged Caleb to go. Why would I mind"? 

"Because he is your mate"? Ava said like 'duh'.

"You encouraged him because you thought it was right thing to do", Ariel continued. "It doesn't mean you have to love it".

"Oh, really"? Ashton folded his hands. He still couldn't believe he was having this conversation with his sisters. 

"Yepp. What we feel and what we think might not be the same. Our feelings can often be irrational and that's okay. We are allowed to feel irrational things". Ariel shrugged. 

Ashton looked that suspiciously before he sighed, "Okay, that's enough with you two! Now let's go back"! He scolded them. Not that he didn't agree with her words, but the fact that they seemed so right bothered him a bit. 'When did they become a wise owl'? Ashton wondered. 

"You know we are right" Ava screamed on her way back once she was at a considerable distance. 

On his way back he ran into his mom who was working on some knitting. "What are you upto"? He asked her.

"One day and you are already bored"? Mrs Parker snorted.

"What"? Ashton frowned.

"You never ask me that. What's wrong with you? Do you miss Caleb"? She asked him.

"No! Why is everyone so obsessed with Caleb"? Ashton groaned with frustration. 

"Who is everyone"? Mrs Parker laughted.

"The twins, you" Ashton rolled his eyes.

A chuckle formed on Mrs Parker's lips as she mumbled, "I raised them well", earning a glare and a pout from Ashton. "Well, as you can see I am knitting." She said amidst her soft laughter.

"I mean, why would I miss with him? I am the one who encouraged him to go ahead and go to college". Ashton huffed.

Trying to suprress a smile, Mrs Parker spoke, "Sounds like you do miss him."

"No, I don't". Ashton insisted once more.

"Well, then you are lucky. Remember when Dan was away for a whole month because he had to take care of his parents, but since it was exam season I had to stay back with you guys"? Mrs Parker asked.

Ashton smiled and nodded at her, "Did you miss him back then"?

"I did. Even though I was the one persuaded to go". Mrs Parker smiled.

"So how did you deal with it"? Ashton asked.

"I… didn't. I kept missing him. Check up on him from time to time and well… when we were finally reunited, it felt relieving". Mrs Parker explained. 

Ashton remained quiet for a long time. When Mrs Parker looked at him he asked softly, "It must be tough. I am sorry that he is not here anymore". Ashton mumbled. Putting himself on his mothers shoes, even just imaginating a world without his mate terrified him to his inner core. He couldn't possibly fathom how his mother dealt with it.

"It's tough, I agree. But I know what he had was worthwhile, even if we had it for a limited amount of time". She smiled, fighting her tears back. "I guess, looking back I simply cherish those memories." Her poignant smile deepened. "Plus I have three kids who needs my attention so I am busy most of the time" she chucked.

"Thank you. For making me a part of this family"Ashton smiled, as if he wasn't on the verge of tears himself.

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