My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 146 - Over The Year

As promised both of them tried their best not to let distance get to their heads. It wasn't as easy as agreed, but they looked forward to every time they would get to see each other next. There were times when either of them had to cancel, or some or the other hurdles showed up, but they were too stubborn to let them affect their relationship. 

After almost a year when it was time for exams, both Caleb and Ashton were busy as hell. Ashton was in fact worried that if he didn't score well enough, he might have to find another college. 

Mr Wrisberg wasn't sure of letting him out of sight, but Caleb used his presence at the college as an advantage to convince his father to let him come to him. Over the whole year he failed to notice any questionable behavior from Ashton, so albeit his reluctance, he gave Ashton his permission to go.

As the end of first year for Caleb and the beginning of Ashton's first year approached they couldn't help but be excited. Caleb was supposed to return home for the summer, but he wished with everything he got that he won't have to return alone.

It was two weeks before summer break when he was on the ground talking with his brother on his phone when he heard a familiar voice, "Caleb"! 

"Karolyn"? Caleb turned around. He saw an urgent expression on her face prompting him to hang up so that he could listen to whatever Karolyn had to say. "What's going on".

"You won't believe what happened with me"? She managed to speak in between her huffs as she ran her entire way. 

"I am guessing something exciting based on the giant smile on your face" Caleb shrugged. 

"Yess"! Karolyn exclaimed. "You know, I am so glad that we didn't work out because I just found my mate"! She screamed with excitement. 

"That's awesome" Caleb mimicked her giant smile for a minute which soon turned into a frown, "Wait, what do you mean just found"?

"Yeah, it's exactly what it sounds like" She nodded. "I have a fated mate". Karolyn, who managed to be calm most of the time was on the verge imif squeaking.

"Great, so who is it"?Caleb asked.

"This guy I met. I signed up for these extra classes last week, but I couldn't go due to exams. I went there today, and guess what"? She smirked.

"There stood your prince charming", Caleb teased. 

"No"! Karolyn scowled. "He is not in my class. I ran into him on my way out". She explained. 

"Oh" Caleb's smile faded a bit.

"Yeah, plus he is human." Karolyn mumbled. 

"You seem oddly excited about that". Caleb commented. 

"I am just excited to find my mate. I know it sounds cheesy, but I always wanted to experience what it would be like to have a fated mate. Looks like I am about to find out". She shrugged. 

"Well, it might still be a bit difficult for you. Remember that guy is not a wolf so even if he does feel attracted to you, he won't feel that strongly."

"I know" she shrugged. 

"Don't come off too strong". Caleb advised further. 

"I know"! She raised her voice. "Just because I am excited doesn't mean I am an idiot, Caleb. I know I have to be careful so that I don't scare him off". Karolyn rolled her eyes.

Caleb chuckled and gave her a hug before he said, "I am so happy for you".


"So… what's his name"?

"Umm…" She hesitated. Caleb raised one of his eyebrows, "That's the thing I don't know".

"What"!? Caleb shouted. He looked around to find suspicious stares at him so he cleared his throat before lowering his voice. "What do you mean? Didn't you ask him"?

"No. I didn't want to ruin my first impression, so I wanted to take my time. By the time I felt ready, he vanished". She sighed. 

"You could have followed him! You have wolf smell" Caleb pointed out.

"I know! But he is a human. Even if I can smell his scent, it's too weak for me to trace. It disappeared soon". She sighed.

"Then how come you are so excited"? Caleb sighed. 

"Cause I at least found him. That's definitely something!" She insisted. 

"I love how optimistic you are", Caleb snorted.

"Whatever, help me find him." Karolyn insisted.

"How am I supposed to do that", Caleb "I don't know where he is or who he is as a matter of fact", Caleb huffed. "You saw him, I didn't," He scoffed.

"I know, but come on. I can describe how he looks like and you can help me. I can't exactly go to anyone else for this now can I? People will think I am some kind of weird stalker". Karolyn whined.

"Well…"Caleb sighed. "Sure give it a whirl". 

"He is quite tall. I think he is a mix-race, but I am not completely sure. Black hair". She tried.

"I don't think I know any mixed-race person. Sure he is from this campus"? He asked.

"Yes! It's not like you know everyone. Please keep an open mind", she insisted. "Please".

"Look, I don't mind helping you. I just can't guarantee I will find him though. I mean, you didn't give me much to go for" Caleb sighed.

"Unfortunately, that's all I got" she frowned. "But I appreciate whatever help you can get me".

Caleb smiled and patted his friend's back. They chatted for a while, catching up with each other a bit until they both decided to part ways. 

On his way back to the dormitory he couldn't help but smile to himself as he recalled his past. There was a time when he dated Karolyn, when their parents tried to set them up against each other. But they had better suitors awaiting, someone who was meant just for them which is why it's good that they didn't work out. Maybe things have a way of working out after all.

Back at his room he called Ashton, although they couldn't talk for long due to Ashton's exams. Caleb was set to return home two days later, and was busy packing when his roommate just walked in and collapsed on the bed. 

Warren was usually a hardworking person, so this wasn't new to him. However something felt different. Caleb wondered if he should bother asking him or not. Given how despite having no idea, Warren tried to help him whenever he got caught in heat at the wrong moment, he decided to give it a go.

"You alright"? Caleb asked. In response he received nothing but a muffled groan from the pillow his head was buried in. "What's going on with you"? Caleb asked carefully. 

"I screwed up" Warren raised his head from the pillow only to put it back once more into it.

"By doing what"? Caleb pestered. 

"Remember when I said I pissed off a teacher at the beginning of the semester"? Warren turned to talk.

"Uh huh" Caleb nodded.

"Well, I dropped his class in the fear of scoring less. But now, the professor who taught me instead the whole year is on leave" Warren groaned. 

"Which is bad because…"? Caleb frowned. 

"Because all the papers would be checked by Professor McCain. The one I pissed off" Warren sighed. 

"Stuff with him happened ages ago. Maybe he simply doesn't remember". Caleb suggested. 

"Nuh uh" Warren shook his head. "For a 50 year old guy he has got one heck of a memory. I would hate to find out how sharp he was when he was our age". Warren scoffed. 

"Maybe he only remembers important things"? Caleb tried once more. "What if he forgot what he did. Or doesn't hold grudges and it doesn't make any difference on your grades". 

"He gave me this when he saw me today" Warren scoffed. He made a peace sign with his fingers then put them in his eyes followed by in front of him. "That was so random," Warren groaned. 

"Oh yeah, you're screwed". Caleb mumbled. "But, I have seen your grades. I am sure even if you score less than you deserve you will get a pretty good score" Caleb tried to reassure him.

"Still, it would suck after a year long hard work." Warren groaned.

"That it would". Caleb agreed. "You know what we should do?" Caleb spoke up after a moment. 

"Get me a plastic surgery and a change of name and identity"? Warren suggested. 

"What"?! Caleb cringed. It had been a year, but he was yet to get accustomed to his random idiotic ideas. "Nooo"! He rolled his eyes.

"Sounds like a perfect option" Warren shrugged. 

"We are not getting you plastic surgery or anything. But let's get you drunk"! Caleb offered. 


"Yeah, Seth Walker is throwing a party at his floor. Come with me, and we will enjoy it". Caleb offered. 

"Well, normally I don't like such parties. But, what the hell, let's go". Warren shrugged and started to get ready. Soon they disappeared for the party

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