My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 160 - To Be Or Not To Be

Ashton couldn't sleep the entire night that day. What that teenage looking vampire said to him was enough to trigger something in him. What is Valestine? Did it actually mean something or was it simply a bluff? Although that vamp didn't know him well enough to pull out such a bluff. 

Every time he drifted off he recalled what the vampire said, and just like that he was wide awake. He had an urge to go to him, to find him and ask him about it. But he knew that was probably not the best idea. He didn't mind putting his own life in danger, but what if it affected Caleb as well?

Naturally, the next day he felt drowsy. He was distracted too on top of that to even when it came to the date he was on. Since Ashton was quite new here, Caleb took it upon himself to show him around, and at the same time make the most of their date.

"Ash, what's wrong"? Caleb asked his mate while he drove. He could tell something was bothering his mate but he wasn't sure if it was okay to ask.

"..." Ashton kept staring outside the window. 

"Ashton"? Caleb called him, a bit louder this time.

"Huh"? Ashton jolted, signaling that Caleb's voice broke through his reverie. 

"What is going on with you?" In a concerned voice asked Caleb. "You have been distracted for the entire evening? Did something happen? Is it me"? 

"What?" Ashton's brows furrowed. "No"! He immediately shouted to reassure Caleb. He didn't realize that Caleb would think like that. "I just…" he hesitated. "I… I can't help but think about Valestine".

Caleb blinked as soon as he heard him say that. Ashton didn't notice, but Caleb's hold on the steering wheel got significantly tighter. "Do you really think he was being honest"? In a soft voice, Caleb asked.

There was a moment of silence in the car before Ashton mumbled, "I don't know what to think". Caleb looked at Ashton but didn't say anything. After a minute Ashton asked, "Do you think it's foolish of me, to let me bother something like this?"

"No"! Caleb assured. "In fact, I think if I were you, I would have done the exact same thing". 

"Yeah but…" Ashton sighed. "I usually don't let simple stuff like this bother me".

Caleb chuckled once he heard that earning a suspicious glare from his mate,"I think you pretend that it doesn't bother you. I have seen you worrying about small stuff, stuff which usual people don't give a damn about".

"Hey"! Ashton shrieked. He was clearly offended by Caleb's words. Although that shriek earned him a series of laughter from Caleb. Ashton shot a glare at him before he mumbled, "well, this Valestine thing bothers me. Do you know what it is?" Ashton asked. 

"I… it sounds a bit familiar but it's hard to recall exactly." Caleb mumbled. "Shall I ask my brother? Maybe he will know". Caleb offered. 

"I…" Ashton hesitated once more. "I am not sure." 

Caleb frowned before he asked, "What do you mean? Aren't you curious?" 

"I am… I am just worried. What if I don't like whatever it is? What if… what if it's really related to my past"? Ashton expressed his worries. "What do I do then?" 

"Well… " Caleb tried to think of what would be the right thing to say. "I don't know what's the right thing to do. But, whatever you need, I am here for you" Caleb smiled at Ashton. 

Ashton smiled back at him before looking away. "I know" he mumbled 

For the later half of the evening, Ashton felt much better than before. He was yet to figure out what he wanted but he knew that it's okay to not obsess over this decision for the time being. 

Caleb took him to all the places that were nearby their dorm. As a city, it was much more lively than the town, which made it easier for them to do a lot of stuff humans here enjoyed. For example, Caleb took him to the bowling alley and tried to teach Ashton. Over the last year Caleb learned to play this sport and thought would be fun to do it together. 

When it was a bit late, Caleb took him for ice skating as well. Surprisingly enough, this was something Ashton was not unfamiliar with. In fact, he was better on the rink than his mate.

"Where did you learn to skate?" Caleb asked him at the end, thoroughly impressed by his mate. 

"I used to move around a lot, remember?" Ashton reminded him. "I stayed in Alaska in my early teens. There was this guy who happened to be the son of my Dad's friend. He taught me these". Ashton informed. 

"Singing, Football, Ice-skating… aren't you a talented fella?" Caleb teased. 

"Quite charming don't you think"? Ashton winked at Caleb earning him a chuckle. 

With so much physical activity and learning new things, Ashton's focus was completely shifted from his worries to the present making the day quite eventful that he thought originally. By the end of it, it was really late for them to keep trying new things. 

Ashton suggested that they should go back, but Caleb insisted that they eat out. Unlike Crescent Point, the restaurants here were open with a lot of people in it. While it was nice for a different vibe, it was bad for a couple who had no reservations. "What should we do now"? Ashton asked.

"Wait?" Caleb suggested. 

"It's already past curfew"! Ashton reminded him.

"We will sneak in", Caleb shrugged, earning a frustrated groan from Ashton. Caleb tried once more to see if he could get an earlier slot while Ashton looked around the restaurant taking in his surroundings. "So...we might have to wait another hour," Caleb nodded cheekily.

"How about that," Ashton pointed at a food truck from a distance. 

"You want to eat from there?"

"Why not? Even if it's less fancy, it's fun. We should try it". Ashton grabbed Caleb's hand and dragged him there.

Buying some street meat, Ashton and Caleb decided to take a walk down the street while they ate. "So, what's it like? Having a vampire roommate?" Ashton asked.

"Not so bad, except the room stinks all the time". Caleb cringed and they both ended up laughing. "Sometimes I envy he won't get my scent. Then he would realize how it is like for me". He grunted. 

"Isn't that better? Imagine if both of you were pissed off by the other just because the other 'stinks'. You guys will fight all the time". Ashton pointed out. 

"I guess". Caleb shrugged. 

"So, he is adjusting fine"? Ashton asked. 

"Yeah. For now he didn't vamp out or anything. I worry though, if he runs into someone bleeding what will happen. He is a daywalker so he can go out on the day, so that's a bonus for hiding identity." Said Caleb. "You know he also asked me about us, so I explained the mate thing to him. He was surprisingly excited by the prospect of mates". Caleb chuckled. 

"Well, then I am sure he would love to have Karolyn as a mate". Ashton mumbled sarcastically before taking a sip from his cup of sprite.

"Hey"! Caleb hit his arm lightly sensing the sarcasm "She is not that bad you know." He defended. "But, I did regret telling him about the mate thing cause he asked me about Karolyn. I didn't want to lie, but then again I wasn't sure I should tell him… so I said no". 

"Poor thing" Ash mumbled. "He has no idea that he will have to deal with her forever" Ashton mumbled. 

"Ashton"! Caleb scolded once more. 

"Sorry, sorry" Ashton suppressed a chuckle. "You were saying…"

"Yeah, Karolyn. I think he didn't like the prospect of Karolyn having a mate. Who knows, maybe he got a crush on her".

"Yesterday they argued all the time," Ashton pointed out.

"We used to argue a lot," Caleb reminded his mate. "I think arguments are fine. She helped him when he needed, even if she came off a bit strong. I think they could work out". 

"As a fellow werewolf,  I hope so." Ashton agreed. "Chosen Mates are easier, because we literally chose the other person. We know we want them. But Fated mates are a bit… tricky, I guess".

"Maybe they are fated for a reason. Think about it, Warren wouldn't have survived if it were not for us. We wouldn't have helped him or rather wouldn't have known that he needed help. If that scrawny vampire found him before us, he would be dead by now. Warren is a nice guy, he deserves better". Caleb explained. 

"I suppose you are right. I guess things do have a way of working out". Ashton declared. They walked in silence for a while. While Caleb was simply quiet, multiple trains of thoughts ran through Ashton's head as he reflected upon his own words. "You know what"? He prompted their silence. 


"Ask your brother. About Valestine." Ashton declared.

"You sure"? Caleb asked.


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