My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 17 - Killer At Large

Ashton's focus from the game started to decline. He was more interested in the conversation Caleb was having with whoever was at the end of that line, from the moment he heard Caleb utter the words "pureblooded Alpha".

He already cornered him once today, so he tried his best to let it go. He finished the game in his excellent form, but soon after it started to bother him once more. He wanted to ask him what was that all about, but with all these wolves surrounding he could not do so without revealing his own identity.

Lucky for him, Matt was really intrusive and inquisitive when it came to his best friend.

"You look worried, is everything alright "? Matt asked him.

"Mr, Stetson passed away". he informed him. "He was attacked like James was".

Matt scrunched his eyebrows, "Wasn't he an Alpha too"? Caleb nodded at Matt's question.

Ashton's paused for a moment in his tracks when he heard that. A situation like this made him the prime suspect. Even though he told Caleb it wasn't him, there was a good chance that he didn't believe him.

He didn't wait for the refreshments and went straight to his work. Even if his boss liked him, she was very angry that he missed a whole week. She gave him an earful for a really long time, but luckily he wasn't fired.

He was late for his home once more, it was so much work. Keeping in his mind that a killer was at large, he decided to not go back to home at all today. After a lot of request the owner gave him permission to stay in the coffee shop for the night.

He was about to change the sign on the door from open to close when someone walked in. He was about to tell them they were closed when he recognized the face as Caleb. Despite that he did tell him to leave. "We are closed".

"Alright, you don't have to sell me anything". Caleb rolled his eyes at him.

"Why are you here"? Ashton asked him when his curiosity got the best of him.

"I wanted some coffee". He said flatly.

"No, I mean here near the school. Shouldn't you be in your home by now"? Ashton asked with sass.

"I came from there only. I live nearby". Caleb smiled.

"And yet you drive your fancy car everyday. You are so spoiled". Ashton commented.

"Hey, I have a lot of pack duties and driving saves me time. I am not spoiled". Caleb got defensive.

"Whatever". Ashton shrugged while he got him his coffee.

"I thought you said you were close". Caleb raised his eyebrows suspiciously.

"You can't afford to be sleepy if you are going after some Alpha killer". Ashton shrugged again.

"Wow, you eavesdrop on me a lot don't you. If I didn't know better I would say you are obsessed with me". Caleb teased him.

"I am OBSESSED with keeping my secret". Ashton shot him a glare. "I thought you were their Alpha, so I kept checking mostly for any news that could threaten me". Ashton admitted reluctantly. He wasn't proud of his method, but it worked.

"Oh…" Caleb trailed off before he said "I kind of am actually". Ashton raised an eyebrow at him questioning what he meant, so Caleb explained further. "I am their 'Alpha', since they think I am one". He finger quoted the word Alpha. If one was attentive enough they could detect his distance in the word 'Alpha'. "My family is the head Alpha, so… I am kind of a leader figure. My brother will be the next pack leader though. He is older than me and a true Alpha". Caleb shared.

"Why are you telling me all this"? Ashton raised his eyebrows suspiciously at Caleb.

"I know about your family, it's only fair you know about mine". Caleb shrugged.

"Wait head alpha? As in the Wrisbergs"? Ashton deadpanned as soon as it clicked him.

"Yeah, don't tell me you didn't know what my last name is"? Caleb scrunched his eyebrows. Ashton simply shrugged at him while he shook his head.

They chatted for a while, but soon Caleb received a text after which he left. The next day he went to school a little early. Its been long since he took a shower, and he won't play the game without taking one. He was surprised when he woke up all sweaty this morning, which was another reason he needed that shower badly. That could only mean one thing, his nightmares were back.

He was worried when he didn't see Caleb at the game. He expected Matt to freak out but he was surprisingly calm and well composed. No wonder Matt was leader because he can pull through times like these.

For the first half Ashton had to play since Caleb was missing. If he didn't know any better he would think Caleb bailed on purpose, but last night he saw him get ready for patrolling, so he did feel kind of worried right now.

After half time when the match was about to begin Caleb finally showed up. One would think that his arrival was a relief to the team, but his face looked disheveled and there was a bruise at the edge of his lips on the left side. With him being and wolf, the fact that the injury was still visible could only mean one thing, this happened to him in the last hour itself.

"What happened to you"? Matt frustrated asked him. He wanted his friend to show up, but not like this.

"It's nothing. I am in good shape, it's just a minor bruise" Caleb patted Matt's shoulder to convince him.

Matt was a bit reluctant but after a lot of requesting he finally let him play. Their game was almost upto the tie, with them being on the losing end with 1 point. With Caleb back on the teams they reversed the situation in no time.

The whole school cheered for the wolves (their team) as they started to play. Even injured Caleb was a better player than Ashton. They made the last goal at the last minute when they won the game. The wolves were so happy that they started to jump and cheer all around and started going for a group hug. While Caleb didn't join them he smiled at their victory.

Ashton contemplated whether or not to join the sweaty team when he saw Caleb, who was standing a moment ago upright beaming at his team, collapse at the middle of the football field. Panic and chaos ensured while everyone including the coach and standby players rushed towards unconscious Caleb.

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