My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 20 - Final Decision

It's been four days since Caleb passed out when he finally opened his eyes. He was physically still weak which is why he was advised for four days of bed rest. 

His father was very angry with the way things got out of hand this time. He made sure all the security protocols were put in action in the highest possible level. He had someone or the other reporting him about the situation quite literally every other minute.

When he got the news that his son finally woke up, he along with his wife decided to leave for the hospital immediately. There his brother was already present and waiting for them to come.

"What did the doctors say"? Mr. Wrisberg asked in a rough voice.

"He will be alright". Christian announced with relief filled in his voice.

Mr Wrisberg nodded before he went into the private room assigned to Caleb for his stay at the hospital. There he saw him sit casually in his bed laughing at something that was going on the TV as if he didn't just wake up from a deep slumber. 

"Son". Mr Wrisberg spoke and that caught Caleb's attention. The relaxed demeanor of Caleb morphed into a more serious and cautious one. One would think that being around family would make one very comfortable, but somehow it tensed him further.

"How are you"? His father gulped before asking that. It was weird how that one simple question felt so awkward. He knew about his son's condition, but he decided to ask him anyways to start a proper conversation. 

"Fine" Caleb replied to his father just as awkwardly. Before the conversation could proceed further his.mother walked in the room as well.

"Oh my son, I am so glad you are finally awake". His mother said in a  near compassionate tone. Caleb didn't say anything else. He was so sick of being this awkward. 

"Son, I want you to tell me everything that happened that day". His father ordered him without beating around the bushes anymore.

Caleb nodded and narrated the incident like one of his patrol reports. After he was done his father asked him, "Are you sure there were two of them"? 

Caleb frowned and asked his father, "Yeah I am, why"? 

"Your brother found three sets of footprints in the woods. If you only fought two of them, I wonder what was the third one intending to do". His father said while he was thinking hard.

"He told me they ran away, we need to be even more careful. What if there is more of them"? Caleb pointed out. "I have no idea why we are being attacked like this all of sudden". He sighed.

"Neither do I, But I do know one thing". Caleb's father said with determination while he looked directly at Caleb. When Caleb noticed his father's look he felt a tad bit uncomfortable. "You are not leaving the house".

"WHAT"! Caleb exclaimed with confusion and anger. His parents have always been controlling in nature, probably a perk of leading the pack. In times like this he wish they weren't the pack leaders. 

"I have allowed you to do many dangerous things despite my great displeasure, and look where it has gotten you". He scolded him. "I am not putting up with any more of your childish requests".

"Dad, they killed many Alpha's whereas I was barely hospitalized. How can you still view me as incompetent"! Caleb almost shrieked with frustration. 

"Caleb, do not be disrespectful to your father"! His mother scolded him. Caleb snorted with frustration and looked away from his parents.

"You were here for four days, and my decision is final". He declared and left the room. The moment he exited the door he saw a young woman who looked younger than she was, a common trait of the wolves, trying to get permission to enter. 

"Mrs Parker what brings you here"? Mr Wrisberg asked the woman.

"Alpha". she bowed lightly at her. "My son informed me of your son's condition, they are apparently on the same team so I thought maybe I should pay him a visit". She smiled.

"I have been trying to tell her this is a private room, but she keeps on insisting she would visit him". The nurse ( who was also an omega) tried to explain herself in fear.

He thought for a moment quietly before he nodded, "When my wife comes out let her enter". He then turned to Mrs. Parker, "He told me that you helped him once, thank you for that". He gave a faint smile and left.

Meanwhile in Caleb's room he refused to talk to his own mother who insisted on supporting his father instead of him. Yes its true that mates always favor each other, but he was her son. Once in a while it would be nice if she took his side whenever him and his father disagreed. 

Mrs Wrisberg after trying numerous times gave up and decided to leave finally. Caleb who was still lying down facing away from the door heard a softer and warmer voice call his name, "Caleb". 

The familiarity of the voice intrigued him so he turned around to find Mrs Parker standing there with a tiny bouquet and a warm smile. "Ashton told me about you so I came to visit. I didn't realize you were the Alpha's son". She informed him.

"Thanks Mrs Parker".Caleb replied with a smile.

"What did I ask you to call me"? She asked him in a stern voice.

Caleb chuckled nervously before saying, "Sue". 

They chatted for a while, and somehow interacting with her made him smile. His frustration from earlier has dimmed down considerably. However, the woman who was pressing her ears on the gate and listening to their conversation felt a pang in her heart. 

It was not easy being the Luna and Caleb's mother at the same time. When she heard the movements of the chairs she assumed that Mrs Parker was coming out of the room and positioned herself accordingly to avoid any suspicions. 

When Sue exited the chamber she greeted the Luna politely and left the building premises.

Caleb sat on the bed and thought about all the things that were happening all around him, now that he was much calmer than before. He sat there thinking all the possible ways he could get his father to agree for him to go back to school. He wanted to finish high school no matter what.

Amongst deep thought he noticed a tiny white thing in the bouquet of pale yellow flowers. He dug through the stems of the flowers and found a tiny folded get well soon card. 

He opened that card and read the message that was written there and started laughing. What was written there?

"GET WELL SOON…". That was the message. Below in a much tiny word it was written "pineapple". There was only one person who would call him that, and the fact that the message was exactly to the point confirmed his suspicions.

"Young master, Sir and madam wants me to look after you while you are here". A woman in her late thirties wearing a black apron entered his room. She was a human who worked for the Wrisbergs back at the mansion, and weirdly unaware of their secret as she was comparatively new.

"Thanks, Brenda" Caleb smiled at her and nodded.

"Can I get you anything"? She asked politely. 

"Tell my dad that I want to meet with him"Caleb paused for a moment before saying, "and also… a pineapple shake would be nice". 

"B...but sir, you hate them". She said reluctantly. 

"Eh, they are not so bad". Caleb mused.


Come up with a ship name for my main couple, and comment below (I'll make one of them official when they become a couple here) !!

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