My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 204 - Backstory?

"I think we need to get our stories straight." Caleb suggested. Christian nodded at him. 

"Here is what I was thinking. I'll say when you told me you were here, I didn't know you were here with Ashton. So, I didn't know he would be coming?" He proposed. 

"Okay, so we are faking that he came with me"? Caleb asked inquisitively. 

"You got any better idea? I am all ears" Cristian shrugged.

"No, let's go with this one," Caleb nodded. "How about, we say that I was here with Ashton for a trip. Like to get away from the craziness of our pack life"? Caleb proposed. 

Christian nodded at him before he mumbled, "Although, what if the alpha here found out that your mate had been missing for years? We are the sons of pack leaders, new travel fast".

"True, but the very fact that you had to introduce yourself, and that he didn't know about you beforehand might be suggestive of that he actually doesn't know about us" Caleb suggested. 

"Well, if so then there is a very high chance we might be suspected for his disappearance from the cell", Caleb sighed. "Not to mention, even if that guy...Riley? Was it? He helped us. I am not so sure about his intentions. He is awfully nice to complete strangers" Caleb admitted. 

"I am not gonna lie, I find it suspicious too". Christian sighed. "For all I know he might rat us out to the Alpha".

"Well, we are werewolves from a strong pack, if it comes down to it, we might have to fight back". Caleb sighed. 

"No"! Ashton prompted. 

Both Caleb and Christian turned to look at him before Caleb asked, "What?"

"I am not fighting anyone. I am not going to shift" Ashton declared. 

"Are you out of your mind?" Christian huffed. 

"I am not!" Ashton insisted stubbornly. Christian was about to lose his temper when Caleb gave him a nod to keep him quiet. He looked at Ashton and waited for him to explain.

"I don't want to shift. The last time I did, eight years went by. I don't want to shift". Ashton insisted. 

"I got you," Caleb whispered. "I managed to get you back, didn't I? Maybe my presence will help?" Caleb suggested. 

"No" Ashton shook his head comparatively more vigorously. "I don't want to"! His voice raised a pitch. 

"Okay, okay… you don't have to". Caleb assured him. "So, what do we do now?" Turning to his brother, Caleb asked. 

"We wait for the Alpha to find out, and we wait for his verdict". Christian sighed.

"It's really risky, you know that right"?  Caleb asked before he sighed. Christian gave him a slight nod before they were engulfed into silence once more. All of their heart rates hit a spike as soon as they heard knocks on the door.

Hesitantly, Christian opened the door to his room only to reveal Riley at the door. "The Alpha found out about the missing wolf. He want everyone including you two be there".

"Wait, did you tell him it's two of us"? Panicked, Christian asked.

"I think what I actually said was 'our guests from the Cresentile Pack'. I didn't say '2' per say." Riley informed them.

"That's a relief." He sighed. "Can you tell him that Caleb was accompanied by Ashton on his way here?"

"Sure" Riley nodded. "But, you really need to hurry. He called a meeting and we urgently need to be there"

"Can't you tell him that we are sleeping?" Christian asked.

"I did bring it up earlier. He asked me to 'just wake em up'" Riley rolled his eyes while he emphasized on 'just wake em up' by deepening his voice. "Just put on a few night robes I guess. Make it look like you were actually sleeping to sell it? I'll wait by the door till you're done. But hurry up, or things might get worse" He shrugged before closing that door.

With Riley by the door it made it difficult to have a conversation out loud. While Caleb can communicate with both Ashton and Christian via link, the later two didn't have any means of communication. If Ashton was trained in ASA (American sign language) it might have still worked.

Sighing, Christin got a few robes out of his wardrobe and handed each of them to the duo. They changed quickly as soon as possible before heading out. Riley guided them to the community hall where the entire pack was gathered around together. "You're late" was the first thing Alpha Miller uttered upon seeing them.

Before the trio could say anything, Riley interrupted. "Well, he was sleeping, and they were busy… getting busy, so we got delayed" As soon as Riley mumbled those words both Caleb's and Ashton's eyes widened at that. Meanwhile, Christian tried his best to keep his smile away from his mouth.

"Wait a second, why are you three people".

"They are mates," Riley introduced. Alpha Miller tilted his head, so Christian put forward the explanation they had planned already. Once he was done, Christian looked at him waiting for him to say something as he kept on glancing at Caleb and Ashton suspiciously.

"Very well then" Alpha Miller let out a faint smile. "Since we have new guests, why don't you go ahead and introduce yourselves. He asked after looking at the mate duo.

Unsure of Ashton's mental state, Caleb took the lead. "I am Caleb Wrisberg. I am his brother." He pointed at Christian using his thumb. "And this is my mate, Ashton Parker".

"He looks quite young, '' Alpha Miller commented.

"You know how it is… love is love" Caleb added but soon started to feel awkward about his statement. He agreed with it, but at this moment he was trying to fake the entire situation just to avoid getting caught.

"Of course it is," Alpha Miller gave a nod before shifting his focus to the crowd. "You must be wondering why we have gathered here. I just want to make an important announcement that can have big consequences on us." he declared.

The entire crowd started to talk in hush hush, wondering what was going on here. "Silence" He ordered and once again the entire hall dipped back into cold silence. "As I was saying, I have alarming news. The ferocious beast that attacked us the other day had escaped his containment" The fear and shock was evident on the face of each and every member of the crowd. 

Seeing their horrified expression pained Ashton as guilt of hurting such a large pack started to consume him. He couldn't believe he really went savage after all. He couldn't help but feel that he deserved to be locked up in the cabinet. Suddenly a tight grip on his hand drew his attention to the person next to him. It seemed as if Caleb could feel his guilt that engulfed him.

"Do not worry," Alpha Miller assured the rest of the pack. "I will strengthen our security measures and try my level best to track down the runaway wolf. If any of you have any suggestions or any intel on the wolf I suggest you come forward. We might need all our resources to find this one" Alpha Miller sighed. 

He waited patiently for anybody to speak up, to make a stand, but no one did. Therefore, after waiting for like half a minute he declared. "Then. That will be all for now. I apologise for ruining your sleep but I suggest you ensure your safety as we have a fugitive beast. Good night everyone" He declared.

Everyone started to clear out the hall, and so did our Crescentile trio. However, before these three could go much further, they were stopped by Alpha Miller. "If you don't mind, I would like to discuss something with you. Can you stay back?" He asked. As the three of them halted, each and everyone of their faces paled waiting to get caught.


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