My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 206 - The Return

"I am glad you decided to visit me, it's sad that you have to leave right now" Christian faked as he hugged Caleb goodbye as he noticed Alpha Miller in his earshot. If there was any chance he was eavesdropping, he had to be sure he didn't give away anything. 

Caleb booked a return flight as soon as he woke up. The flight was supposed to leave at night, therefore he had to spend an entire day here, before he could finally leave in the evening. [You sure this is okay] Caleb asked his brother in the link.

[Don't Worry. Ashton is their target, get him out as soon as possible. It's Important to keep him away from all this madness.] Christian advised.

[Won't you be all by yourself here?] Caleb's worry started to appear in his face. 

Christian shook him lightly and replied. "Don't worry. I will make sure I am safe while looking for this wolf. I got this." He assured his brother. Christian knew that sentence could have been interpreted in two different ways, and he took very advantage of the fact.

Ashton came out of the apartment carrying his mate's luggage before they boarded the car. The whole time Caleb felt nothing but anxious. What they did was literally trick the other pack leader and he knows that if the situation was reversed how pissed off he would be. Yet, he didn't feel like admitting the truth was the solution here. He just needed to get Ashton out of here, before he could make any proper move regarding this.

Once they boarded the plane, they finally felt relaxed enough, or at least Caleb did. Ashton was highly anxious about meeting his family. His anxiety levels were so high that Caleb could basically sense it even without his bond to Ashton. "Ash"?  He called out his mate. "Worried about your family"?

Ashton nodded. "I don't know what to expect. Maybe it would help if you could tell me what they are up to these days, but you refuse to tell me anything" Ashton pouted.

"Hey, I am just being fair. They spent eight years wondering what the hell happened to you. You can spend 8 hours wondering what happened to them" Caleb shrugged.

"Wow" Ashton huffed. "You have definitely become mean"

"Yeah. It's hard not to when you have to take crap from basic idiots. Actually you know what, everybody in general" Caleb rolled his eyes.

"So… they still don't know about you.. Being an omega"? Ashton asked carefully noticing his mate's frustration. 

"No" Caleb shook his head. "Most of the pack members believe I lost my mate and the fact that I refused to believe it is a sign that I have gone crazy." He rolled his eyes once more. "They can barely respect me as their leader anymore, imagine how they would feel if I came out as an omega to them" He huffed. "I can't wait to see their stupid faces once they see you" Caleb sighed.

As Ashton heard Caleb's words he realised how different he sounded. Caleb's personality emanated a bitter aura, most of which was definitely his fault. This was exactly how he used to react to situations after he lost his parents, obviously in a more childish way. But something about this situation felt similar to that one.

The warm bright aura that Caleb had, which annoyed Ashton since day one, somehow seemed to have faded. And Ashton definitely missed that. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Those words from Caleb are what brought his focus back to their current scenario.

"Nothing," Ashton mumbled before looking away.

"It's not nothing. You were looking at me like… you were disappointed or something".  Caleb admitted. 

"Of course not!" Ashton rectified immediately. "I could never be disappointed in you no matter what. I just… I am starting to notice how… different you have become" Ashton admitted.

"And it bothers you?" Caleb asked. "That I don't seem the same anymore?" 

"No…" Ashton trailed off. He was certain it was not that. He wasn't just sure what he felt at the moment. "It's not like you are a completely different person. You are still you. It's been eight years since I last saw you and you were bound to change. I just… I just wish we could have changed together" He admitted. "Grow up together".

"...Me too," Caleb mumbled after a minute. "But, fate had different plans" He sighed. "It's weird how you don't remember a single thing since you shifted. It's also weird how you appear exactly the same. You were already a year and half years younger than me, and now you look even more younger" Caleb scoffed.

"Looks like you are destined to date a kid" Ashton joked while Caleb shot him a glare that conveyed a message, 'not funny'. "Sorry" After another minute, Ashton asked. "Why did everyone think I died? I mean, you would feel the severed bond right?" Ashton asked.

"That's what I said," Caleb groaned. "But everyone refused to believe me. Remember how when Warren was attacked, you know the day he turned into a vampire. Karolyn could feel it even without any marking or mating. We have been through both right? How could I not feel anything if something bad happen to you?" Caleb questioned. "But then again, the lack of any link from you made me question how much of my logic was valid".

"That's another thing I don't understand," Ashton murmured. "I was alive. You are capable of linking me in my wolf form right? Or even if my wolf was in control"?  Caleb nodded at his mate, "Then how come you couldn't connect with me at all?"

"I don't know." Caleb sighed. "Maybe your wolf does" ? Caleb suggested. "Should I try speaking with him again"? He asked.

"I am not letting my wolf get control," Ashton shook his head. "I told you, I am not sure I can control it anymore. I.. I..." Ashton fumbled so Caleb put his arms around Ashton and tried to calm him down. 

The entire way Caleb didn't bother bringing up the topic at all. They both watched a movie but both of their minds wandered off to their respective problems. Caleb was worried what would happen to his brother whom he left behind meanwhile Ashton was worried about how he will see his family, and what would their reaction be upon seeing him

When they finally reached the airport, they left immediately for the pack house. The entire way Ashton was distracted as he was busy coming up with all kinds of different scenarios for the supposed reunion of Ashton with his family. All Caleb told him that his sister's were home, but he didn't give much detail on that. 

As for his mother, she was not home yet. Where was she? He had no idea cause Caleb refuses to tell him anything. Honestly if Caleb didn't insist on keeping these from him, maybe he wouldn't be having such a hard time right now. But a part of him also felt like he deserved it. He too needed to know how frustrating not knowing can be.

When the Car finally stopped in front of the pack house instead of in the garage, Caleb was the first one to get out. As soon as he did he saw his father coming out of the building as if he was headed off to somewhere. He halted as soon as he spotted Caleb next to his car.

"So?" His father asked Caleb. Caleb pursed his lips and looked back at his car from where Ashton emerged as he finally gathered the courage to face Mr. Wrisberg. He saw Mr. Wrisberg gave him stern and blank expressions. Ashton found it really hard to make eye contact at this very moment. Of all the timed Mr. Wrisberg was displeased with him this time for a solid reason.

"So it was him". Mr. Wrisberg mumbled. He took a few steps towards Ashton and stopped directly in front of Ashton's face as his gaze intensified. Ashton, who had been avoiding his mate's father's gaze, was finally forced to look at Mr Wrisberg.

"Dad" Caleb tried to divert his Dad's attention, but to no avail. A sudden loud noise startled all of them followed by a really terrible burning sensation on Ashton's cheek. Ashton… or, for the record, even Caleb did not expect for Mr. Wrisberg to slap him just like that. The moment Caleb recovered from the shock he shouted, "Dad"!

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