My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 211 - Some More Details

"I followed up with everyone's alibis. Almost everyone checked out" Alpha Miller threw the file on the table. "How the hell did the wolf escape?! I should have drenched those walls with even more wolfsbane"! Alpha Miller huffed.

"Alpha, please calm down," his second in command, Riley Bensen pleaded. Knowing his hand in the escape of the wolf, it was hard not to be anxious right now. Despite betraying his own pack, or rather the pack leader he didn't feel guilty at all for letting Ashton escape. He just needed to be careful around Alpha Miller so that he didn't let it slip.

"Did you call for me?" Christian who entered Alpha Miller's office right at that moment, asked.

"Yes, I need you to help me figure out this mystery." He huffed. "Where were you? Weren't you supposed to be helping me locate this wolf? Or are you simply here to waste your time"? He snapped.

"Alpha Miller, I understand that you are pissed at the way things worsened, but I ask you to keep your behavior in check". Christian glared. Riley, who was just standing there witnessing the scene unfold awkwardly, almost choked in his own saliva "As for where I was, I was talking with the locals outside your pack to gather any relevant information that I could find".

"Is that so"? Alpha Miller narrowed his gaze. Christian raised one of his eyebrows challenging the Alpha. "And what did you find out?"

"As it so happens, they have seen many wolves nearby, but none of them were by themselves. What I mean is that the wolves they might have noticed were always in groups. I assume they simply saw your wolves on patrol"? Christian suggested.

"Possible" Alpha Miller whispered. "I do have one thing to ask you though." The furious gaze of the Alpha turned into a composed one, rendering Christian apprehensive of his next move. "How did youid you find out about this wolf being here?"

"My beta, Melanie Pierre happens to know a wolf from this pack, Natalie Quinn. She was informed by Natalie about this attack" Christian declared. "If you have trouble believing me, you can always ask her"

"Oh, I will," Alpha Miller nodded and turned around to look at Riley. "Call her"

"Are you suspecting me"? Christian tilted his head.

"Shouldn't I?" Alpha Miller tilted his head as well. "Excuse me for my apparent rude behaviour, but this pack is my responsibility. Even if you are a guest here, you are still an outsider. And it is my responsibility to scrutinize you just as well." He explained.

"Fair enough," Christian smiled. "Feel free to ask any questions you might have"

After a few seconds Alpha Miller spoke, "I do have one question. You said your pack was attacked by something similar when you decided to come here. May I ask, like what?" Christian frowned at the question so he spoke further, "I meant, can you give me a detailed brief of the incident. Who knows, we might something which will help up track the beast down"

"I suppose that is correct," Christian smiled. He tried to rack his brains for an alternative story, which would seem believable. "Well, what happened to us was years ago. Our wolves started to disappear one by one, and we didn't know who was after that" He decided to recount the tale of the disappearance of omegas and blend it into something that would be more suitable for this situation. That way, even if Miller did some research, he won't find his story false.

"Anyways, after extensive search we found a middle aged guy, who turned into a dangerous wolf. He looked just like the one in the cage. We locked him up, but he managed to escape just like this time" Christian spoke without skipping a beat.

"Escape" Alpha Miller pointed out, "Don't you think you should have mentioned a detail like this before"?

"Our Jail is not laced with Wolfsbane. In fact, in our pack wolfsbane is banned and anyone who possesses it will have to face some serious consequences." Christian informed Alpha Miller. "Since wolfsbane is deadly, and we don't want our perpetrators to kill themselves by burning themselves in wolfsbane or something like that, we keep them out of our prison. The bars are strong enough to keep the wolves in. I assumed with you wolfsbane laced cells, the wolf won't find his way out"

"Well, your bars couldn't keep the beast in. What made you think that our mediocre cell will stop him."? Alpha Miller tilted his head. Christian prevented himself from making the snide remark. 'You think this is mediocre? Mediocre would be better' He was already fighting to keep his stand in which can only be described as an interrogation, he did not need his sass to make things worse at the moment.

"Like I mentioned, Wolfsbane" Christian clarified. "You made it very clear you used a lot more than necessary, didn't you"?

"We did," Alpha Miller pressed his cheek with his tongue, "but apparently that wasn't enough."

At that very moment Riley along with Melanie's said friend Natalie walked in. "You called for me, Alpha?" She smiled.

"I did" Alpha Miller nodded. He asked her about sending any information to someone in the pack from Cresentile, which she confirmed.

"Yes, I did send her a picture. This is the third time I bailed on our plans. I didn't want it to come off as some lame excuse, so I sent this pic as a proof" she mumbled and took out her phone to show him.

As Alpha Miller stared at the picture in Natalie's hand he gritted his teeth. For some reason he believed he would find some or the other loophole in his statements, but it was beyond frustrating that everything checked out. You see, wolves have really good instincts in general, and with someone with an experience as that of Alpha, it was even more precise at times.

So even if everything seemed to be checking out, he knew something was suspicious. From the beginning he had his doubts about sudden arrival, but Miller couldn't come up with any other reason for coming here earlier. If only there was a way to find out exactly what Christian could have done to set things this way, "Are you done checking me?" Christian asked sternly. "If it is so, I would like to leave."

"Sure" Alpha nodded at him. "I'll call for you if I need anything else," Alpha Miller nodded. Once Christian was out of his sight, Alpha Miller turned to Riley and asked. "You are familiar with their pack right? What do you think about him"?

Riley gulped before declaring, "I think he is genuine". He declared.

"Good, I hope that you too are on the right of this" Alpha Miller told Riley sternly, before dismissing him by saying, "I want you to keep an eye on him. Whatever he does, everything he does I want you to report to me. Understood?" Alpha Miller asked.

"Understood" Riley nodded before taking his leave while thanking the heavens that his anxiety didn't kick in this time. He could almost feel his heartbeat on the verge of giving away his facade. He needed a way to dissolve the situation soon, or he might be in some serious danger.

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