My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 214 - Kids

After a lot of convincing Ashton finally managed to get Connor to return to the Pack house with him. All the way he was wary of Ashton which ended up making both of them uncomfortable. Connor ran away to his room as soon as he reached the front door. It was evident that the news like that hit him pretty bad. It would be the same for anyone. You spend your whole life believing something, and in a matter of few seconds everything changes.

As Connor sat on the bed he took out the pamphlet he was supposed to give his father. It was an invitation to his school for Halloween where there was an event and everyone was supposed to give it to their parents. When Connor was in the car back home, he was reluctant to mention it to his Dad as knew Caleb was busy and didn't have much time to spare. But now… he didn't want him to give it to Caleb for a whole different reason.

"Master, you are being called for dinner" Mr Gibson informed when it was getting late.

"I am not hungry" Connor mumbled and slept down on the bed burying his face on the soft mattress.

"But Mast-" My Gibson began but Connor shut him up. 

"GO AWAY!" He screamed. 

Mr Gibson sighed at the young boy's behaviour. Even though tantrums like this were normal Mr Gibson could feel it was something bigger. Even Caleb's mate looked wary when Mr. Gibson was tasked with calling him for dinner making him wonder what was wrong. Noticing the pamphlet next to his bed, he decided that it was better to call Caleb and let him take care of him instead.

He went to call for Caleb asking for his help, who upon considering the matter decided to take care it by himself. When Caleb noticed his little boy sprawled into the bed along with the flyer next to his bed, he felt bad. He automatically assumed that Connor was sad that Caleb didn't give him much time and that Connor thought that Caleb would  refuse to attend.

"Hey, buddy" Very softly, he called out to his son.

"..." Connor didn't respond but he did push his face further down the mattress.

"I am available on Halloween, do you want me to go with you"? He asked.

"No"! Connor shouted. "You lied to me. Don't come" He jolted up on his bed and snatched the paper from his dad, and tried to run away, but failed as Ashton stood in front of the door. Even though Connor would never admit it, something about Ashton scared him.

"What's the matter, Connor"? Caleb begged. At that point Ashton decided that it's best for Caleb if he had better context. Ashton had hoped that Connor would behave differently, or that Caleb would not find out he knew, but hiding stuff just to protect the other was what was hurting Connor in the first place.

Ashton linked Caleb and gave him a glimpse of the interaction he shared with Connor which drained the blood from his face. Caleb's pale face turned paler. "Move" Connor shouted at Ashton but he stuck to the door like a statue.

"Connor, please let me explain" Caleb begged Connor, but Connor refused to look at his dad.

"I don't want to listen! You lied to me, you will lie again. I don't trust you!" Connor broke down to tears and Caleb rushed to hug his son. Ashton continued to stand at the door and stare at them as he was confused on what to do. His instincts told him to comfort Connor, but Caleb was better at it, and it seemed he had it under control for now.

"I am sorry baby, I should have never lied to you. Please forgive me" Caleb begged. He tried all these years to keep this one secret from his son, and he hated that his son found out the truth like this. Still it was better than someone else telling him and manipulating him in his/her own accord. Knowing how they had their enemies, it was still a huge possibility.

"Is this why you are away all the time, because I am not your real son?" Connor whispered through his sobs. Caleb's eyes widened at that as both his and Ashton's heart broke at the question. So that's why Connor was so frustrated. Because he thought Caleb didn't love him.

"NO! DEFINITELY NOT"!  Caleb asserted with a louder voice. "I had my own issues… but never have I once not loved since I took you in. That is the truth."!  Caleb declared. "I am sorry, I have not been around so much… but I promise to be better. Okay? I love you." Caleb fought his own tears. "Don't you dare call yourself 'not my real son'. I raised you since you were a baby! I am definitely your Dad!" Caleb scolded. 

Connor turned around and hugged him and they both cried their hearts out while hugging each other. Ashton knew it was hard being a single parent, even if he didn't have any such first hand experience. And he felt sorry that because of his absence Caleb and Connor had strained relationships. When Caleb's gaze met his during all that crying, Ashton mouthed a soft, 'I am so sorry'.

Caleb lightly shook his head. After what it seemed like a really long time, Caleb finally got his son to calm down. Caleb finally managed to talk him into going for dinner and shot a glare at Ashton who happened to witness everything and stood near the doorframe the entire time.

"Caleb, I am sorry I didn't mention it earlier..." Ashton added to a speed walking Caleb.

"Don't mention it" Caleb replied to him coldly.

"Look, I am really sorry. But I didn't want you to be hurt. I thought I handled it well…" Ashton began but was cut off by Caleb.

"Handled it well?!" Caleb shouted. He stopped midway and looked around himself. Relieved that no one was actually around he walked back into his room followed by Ashton. As soon as they were in Caleb closed the door and shouted at Ashton, "What the hell do you mean, you handled? You don't even know Connor. You just met him today".

"You asked me to bond with him" Ashton reminded him,

"Yeah… but it doesn't mean hiding something this big from me."! Caleb sighed in frustration. "Just... let it go. None of this would have happened if I didn't tell you the entire story standing in the middle of a hallway. I mean..."  He glared at Ashton. "Why the hell would you assume he is biologically related to me? I am a guy for f**ks sake".

"I know… I think I have heard somewhere that male omegas are capable of conceiving. Clearly I was wrong." Ashton sighed as well. As soon as those words left Ashton Caleb became quiet.

"You were not wrong," Caleb added with a melancholic tone. Ashton narrowed his gaze which is why Caleb continued. "Usually male omegas can." He found his voice hitched in his throat, "I can't." 

"Oh" Ashton whispered. "I am sorry didn't know"

"I never told you. That's on me. I am sorry for keeping it" Caleb bit his lips. "I should have told you when we started dating. I am sorry".

"Wait, how long have you known"? Ashton asked.

"Since the time I found out I was an omega." Caleb informed him. "My parents were not convinced that I might be an omega. They… they wanted to confirm once more so they had me tested. With a confirmation of me being an omega I also came to know that I can never have kids of my own" Caleb sighed. "When I met you… you were so against having a family, And… I also presumed you didn't know about male omegas capable of I never bothered to tell you." 

"I… I am sorry"  Ashton whispered.

"Why are you sorry now?" Caleb snorted with frustration.

"It must not have been easy, finding out you can't have kids of your own". Ashton mumbled. "I am just sorry you had to go through that"

Caleb scoffed, "You are not mad that I didn't tell you?"

"It wouldn't have made any difference."  Ashton shrugged. "I was too selfish to let you go. I still am." He whispered. Caleb stared at Ashton with a gaze full of poignance  with a mix of affection he had for his mate, which Ashton reciprocated very well. "You were right, I don't know Connor, not like you do and I promise not to do something like this again. I… I am new at this. Usually I wouldn't care how my interactions went… but I don't wanna screw it up with Connor. He is your son, and I just want him to like me as well" Ashton mumbled.

"I know" with a quivering voice Caleb mumbled before planting a deep passionate kiss on Ashton's lips. They kissed for a real long time and before things started to heat up Ashton pulled away. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I thought… I could pick up where I left off. I was wrong. I missed eight years, and I need to figure out a lot before… this can happen," Caleb frowned at Ashton's statement but didn't interrupt. "It's been a little tense between us… ever since I regained consciousness. Maybe we shouldn't rush it?" Ashton asked.

Caleb considered it for a moment before giving him a subtle nod. "Maybe it's for the best"

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