My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 219 - Son

"Ashton"! A sudden voice made him halt. Turning around he noticed a familiar figure approach them, "Wow, you really look the same" Matt commented. 

"You… Don't" Ashton replied awkwardly. 

"Yeah, it's a long  and grossly confusing story." Caleb tagged. "By the way, thanks man. Ava told me you took care of Connor while I was gone".

"Anytime Man," Matt patted him on his arm. "Besides, you know how much Tammy loves Connor," he smiled.

"Who is Tammy?" Ashton prompted. 

"My daughter," Matt informed Ashton. "She is a little younger than Connor, but they get along well" he sighed. 

"I see," Ashton mumbled. "You seem… a bit different" he commented after a while.

"Well, unlike you I did grow up," Matt shrugged. 

"Yeah, he is less of an a***ole than he used to be back then" Caleb scoffed. 

"What are you talking about, I was always nice" Matt pretended to be offended before he ended up laughing as well, "I figured, with kids around it's probably not a great idea to unleash my anger here and then. I have gotten better at controlling it" He laughed.

"How many kids do you have?" Ashton asked. 

"For now one. Tracey, my mate...she is expecting again" Matt admitted sheepishly. 

"Congratulations!" Ashton let out a faint smile.

"You know, now that I think about it, this is the first time I have ever seen you smile at me" Matt teased. Ashton's smile returned to a scowl. Matt chuckled before he bid farewell to his friends after their tiny chat claiming that he was late for work.

"Let's go back" Caleb gestured. When they reached home, Ashton saw a familiar and somewhat senescent figure sitting on the front porch.

"Ashton… it's really you" she let out a bit of a smile as tears broke out of the containment of his eyes. " are really here" she spoke in between her sobs. Ashton who stood at the gate felt something wet on his cheek as he witnessed his mother express joy at his return. He felt as if his body froze and that he was unable to move at all.

Caleb grabbed his hand and led him to his mother and as soon as he was near enough Sue engulfed her son in a giant hug. "You are alive" She breathed as she hugged her son.

"I am sorry for not being around" Ashton admitted reluctantly.

"You should be!" Sue scowled playfully at her son. "You promised to get my Car fixed, you still owe me that" She huffed.

"It's still in the same condition"? Ashton's eyes widened. The only Car that they had belonged to his mom, and she needed it for her daily activities. Ashton promised to get it fixed for a cheaper price at the garage he used to work in after his trip, but that was the story of eight years ago.

"Of course not." Sue rolled her eyes, "But you do need to make up for the last eight years" She expressed adamantly. She turned to Caleb and smiled at him, "Thank you for bringing him back home, even when I lost hope, you didn't give up"

"I promised you I'll find him, didn't I?" Caleb suppressed a tear and smiled at his mate's mother. Caleb hugged Sue before saying, "I should probably get going, I need to pick up Connor." He nodded and left the mother son duo all by themselves.

They stood there in silence, simply cherishing each other's presence. Mrs Parker couldn't believe that her son was in front of her. If this was some sort of hallucination, she wished it never went away. "I have disappointed you, haven't I"?  Ashton asked after a whole minute.

"You have always been a little unpredictable" Mrs Parker chuckled, "But, no… you can never disappoint me. I know I raised my son right". Ashton smiled faintly at his mother. "Besides, I had Caleb. He was a good son to me".

Ashton's smile faded for a moment, "Don't tell me you replaced me as a son".

"He is your mate"! Mrs Parker chuckled. 

"So? He can be your son too, but you are not allowed to replace me" Ashton pouted.

Mrs Parker smacked her son lightly before saying, "Say's the one who showed up after eight years." Ashton rubbed his head while wondering how did his mom reach his head despite her short stature.  "So tell me, did you find anything? Where do you come from?" She asked.

Ashton paused for a moment before gently shaking his head, "It was my wolf who was in control, and I… I don't really recall it….Yet". he admitted.

"Yet"? Mrs Parker tilted his head.

"I saw a dream, or rather a vision where I recalled what happened after my Parent's death" Ashton mumbled. Mrs Parker remained quiet, waiting for her son to continue. "I killed their murderer".

"Oh honey," She whispered. She engulfed him in a hug once more before saying, "I know horrible things have happened to you back then. It won't go away, but always remember, you are not alone" She took his hand in her own and held it in between both her palms. "You have me, Ava and Ariel and Caleb. If you can get him to like you, even Connor" She smiled. "We are here for you, no matter what".

Ashton let out a smile before saying, "Sharing… has always been my weak spot" He mumbled. "But, I'll try". Ashton nodded. His mother nodded along as well. "Mom, can I ask you one thing"? Ashton asked after a moment. "I can tell Connor is not very fond of me… do you know how I should bond with him?"

"He doesn't like you"? Mrs Parker frowned.

"I… I think I screwed it up" Ashton admitted sheepishly.

"That's odd. You guys are so similar I assumed you would bond well, but I guess… that's not the case" She sighed.

"He is Caleb's son, and I would like to bond with him". Ashton added.

"You mean, your son right"? Mrs Parker smirked. "Caleb is your mate, if Connor is his son, then he so is yours. That's how it works. Maybe start from there then" She advised.

"I dunno, every time I try to talk to him, I feel he is distancing himself" Ashton sighed.

"And?" She asked.

"And…. I failed to talk to him" Ashton sighed.

"What did I used to do when you sulked after getting into a fight?" Mrs Parker asked with a smirk.

"You gave me advice," Ashton answered as he recalled. 

"And you were annoyed by me every single time," Mrs Parker recalled as well. "I know you think I didn't notice, but I did. But I didn't let it stop me. I knew even if you were quiet, you were looking away, you were listening" She nodded. "So does Connor, especially when he pushes people away."

"But I tried treating him the way I wanna be treated," Ashton sighed. "It didn't work"

"Maybe try how a parent needs to treat a son, rather than how he wants to be treated"? Mrs Parker raised her eyebrows. Ashton frowned, leading her to groan, "My God, you are still an idiot. All I am saying, push harder, even if he pushes you away. And give him some time, he will come around." She sighed. "It must be hard for you, one day you guys are a young couple in love, the next thing you know you have a seven year old son. But try to understand from Connor's point of view. He doesn't know you… he will need time before he warms up to you" She reminded him.

"I suppose," Ashton mumbled. "Being a Parent sounds tough. Thank you for raising me,"he replied. Mrs Parker ended up laughing at her son's words before  shaking her head gently.

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