My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 225 - The Caramel Wolf

Ashton was suddenly flanked by Riley and Matt. he could feel his connection flicker with Caleb, but he couldn't focus on it right now. He wondered how to convey the duo behind him his thoughts when he recalled he could link them. He tried that and was elated to realise he succeeded. [He is Miller, the Alpha of Ice Fountain]

[What?] Matt panicked. [Why is the Alpha here? How is he here?]

[Oh no…!] Riley deadpanned.

[What ?!] Matt snarled before Ashton could.

[In our pack we put a tracker in everyone's enamel so that we can track the wolves when necessary. It's a way to protect us in case of emergencies] Riley explained through the pressing situation. [I forgot I had one. He must have tracked me]

[You brought them here?] Matt was furious. [You put my kid in danger, I swear I would kill you. I knew you weren't trustworthy] Riley didn't bother to counter the accusation.

[MATT!] Ashton shouted in his voice. Ashton failed to realise but the pureblood tone in his voice was what influenced them, compelling Matt to keep quiet. [we have a bigger, and a clearer enemy in front of us. We need to deal with him]

[But if he is here… there can be more] Riley mumbled.

[We need to deal with everyone] Ashton declared. He tried his best to contact Caleb, but he failed. No matter what he couldn't link his mate. This was all on them now. He had to ensure everyone remained safe. He was the reason these people were in trouble, and ergo they were his responsibility.

That was the moment Alpha Miller attacked, but instead of going for the trio, he jumped through the stairs at the kids. The pregnant women tried to keep the kids out of the way before the trio jumped blocking him. Both Matt and Riley shifted and jumped on the Caramel wolf while Ashton retained his human form. 

He tried to safeguard everyone until another wolf who happened to be a Sub-Alpha broke into their room. For the wolves, it was 2 vs 2 now. However, it appeared Matt and Riley were losing against Alpha Miller and the other one, [Who is she? Do you know her?] Ashton asked in the link.

[She is our Luna] Riley replied. No wonder these two were losing, they were Alpha and the Luna for a reason, and their skills were impeccable. A wave of fear washed through everyone as Matt screamed in pain the moment Miller's teeth broke into his thick skin. The fight that was already hard seemed impossible to win at this moment. 

Seeing Matt hurt like that, Tammy cried, "Dad!" The cry of fear of the little girl triggered something in him. If he continues to maintain his human form and not fight them, these two will definitely suffer, but so will their family. He cannot let fear of losing control stop him from doing the right thing. 

If things are already this bad here, he had no idea how bad they must be back at the pack house. Suddenly the reason why his connection to his mate got cut off became clear to him. Aside from the fear the anger consumed him and he snarled at the fighting wolves scaring almost everyone. His snarl had the dominating undertone of a pureblooded Alpha, and with that coupled with his red eyes at the moment, it was hard not to be scared of him.

"Let them go" He pronounced each of those words clearly, each word with a step he took. If not for his authoritative voice, the wolves would have attacked him, but they feel compelled to abide by him, like an invisible force controlling them instead of their own subconscious. 

Suddenly another glass broke distracting everyone, thereby marking the entry of the third werewolf in the house. [Seriously how many are gonna pop up] Riley groaned in frustration.

Taking advantage of that distraction both Alpha Miller and his mate pounced on Ashton making him fall down. They went for the kill, but luckily Matt and Riley stopped them due to their quick Ashton. "Ashton"! He heard the voice of Connor ring through the crowd. Recalling his promise to protect him at all cost, Ashton broke through his skin and morphed into the giant wolf everyone feared. 

As soon as Alpha Miller noticed a giant shadow subsuming his own he turned to look at the source. Alpha Miller was stunned momentarily as the time when he was almost killed by this same werewolf flashed in front of his mind. So that's why that wolf was gone… thought Alpha Miller. Before he could respond Ashton grabbed the third wolf by its neck and threw him out of the window. For a pureblooded/Valestine (?) wolf like Ashton, it was no big deal.

Alpha Miller deadpanned. Recalling everything this wolf was capable of, he nudged his mate to run. She refused to until somehow he managed to convince her and she made a run for it. Riley and Matt tried to stop her but Ashton didn't care. His focus was solely upon the Alpha wolf who threatened his family. Who threatened his life… who threatened these innocent little wolves just for the sake of his pride. 

Ashton took a few careful steps towards the wolf in front of him. He jumped on the wolf and started to rip him. Alpha Miller was heavily injured in the process and was mewling for his dear life when he heard, "Don't"! It was none other than Connor. "Don't kill him. Don't be a killer" He begged.

Taking advantage of the momentary distraction and mustering all the strength he had left in him, Alpha Miller made a run for it. As soon as Ashton realised what was happening he tried to go after him but Connor managed to run in front of him. Given his Vampire genes, Connor was faster than anyone in the pack. He stood in front of Ashton and shouted. 

"Don't do this! Don't do this!"  Ashton's wolf tried to swat him away with his snout, but it wasn't exactly of any help given Connor was just as stubborn as Ashton. "You promised me you won't hurt Dad. If you do this you will hurt him". That was what snapped Ashton back to reality and his red eyes faded to the black ones. 

He changed back to his human form and contemplated how immersed he was in killing Alpha Miller. His wolf didn't get the control, neither did he desire to kill Alpha Miller… then why? Why couldn't he stop them? With Alpha Miller that heavily injured it was sure he won't attack anyone personally anytime soon. 

The marks made by a fellow wolf took time to heal, which meant wherever Alpha Miller was, he was suffering. He was weak. In retrospect they were safe from Alpha Miller. Doesn't mean the other's won't come through. Ashton needed to compose himself when they did, and as all these thoughts upon him he looked around him. Those kids, the young women… they looked terrified of him. Like Always.

And then he looked back at Connor, expecting the same reaction. But instead… Connor appeared grateful, and somehow that hurt more than the scratch on his arm made by Alpha Miller.

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