My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 248 - Some More

"What do you mean this is against the rules? Since when is education against the rules"? Caleb expressed his anger towards the vice principal. 

"Well, technically their parents are still their guardians, and without their consent it's sort of impossible to provide them with admissions here" the vice principal informed awkwardly. 

"Are you kidding me? You of all people know why this situation has come up. You can't keep them off here for a petty reason like this." Caleb sighed out of frustration. 

"Look, I know that. And as much as I'd like to help you out I can't. This new principal is very strict. The older one used to sign any document I brought without batting an eyelash. But this one, she literally reads every single words" sighed the vice principal. 

"So only their legal guardians can do it"? Caleb asked. 

"I'm afraid so." The Vice Principal mumbled. 

"And we can't change the Principal"? Caleb raised an eyebrow.

The Vice Principal chuckled, "Believe me, if I could, I would. This one literally has connections to the president making it way harder for us to do anything about her" dejected, the vice principal admitted. 

"I see," Caleb sighed. "Well, I can forge a fake death certificate, will that help''? He asked.

"It might" After considering, the vice principal replied. "But you might need a local guardian. Someone official". 

"I'll adopt them," Caleb shrugged. "Give me a few days, I'll bring in the documents" Caleb nodded.

"Definitely" the vice principal nodded and Caleb exited from the room. He saw the girls waiting outside so he called them to follow. 

"Girls, it'll take some time but hopefully soon you guys will be officially enrolled." Caleb smiled at them. 

"Um...Mr Wrisberg," Carmen hesitated. 

Caleb remained quiet and simply looked at her to continue with her words, "What is it?'' He finally asked, sensing her hesitation.

"We, we would like to be Fountains" Carmen mumbled. 

"What"? Caleb scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. 

"We heard you say you'll adopt us" She admitted pointing towards her ears to point out her werewolf hearing. "I really appreciate the effort but we still wanna be a Fountain" She explained.

A chuckle appeared on Caleb's face, "I am adopting you so you can get enrolled. You are under no obligation to make me your Dad or take my name. You don't have to do anything you don't want to" Caleb patted her head.

Carmen smiled before saying, "I know my Dad has a bad reputation here but, to us… he was the best Dad ever" she admitted with a certain amount of poignancy in her voice while she took a glance at her little sister Ivy.

Thinking like that Caleb realised that Adoption was kind of a big step. Sure he said he will do it in the heat of the moment, but it was important for him to consider all other aspects of it.

It was different with Connor since he was a baby, but these girls are older and know who their real parents are. Not to mention, him adopting anyone is also kind of bringing Ashton into this whole thing with them getting married soon. He had no idea how Ashton would react. Sure he hoped for a positive response, but no one can tell.

"It's okay," Caleb smiled. "I'm just glad he was nice to you two. Come on, I'll get you some ice cream. It's really hot in here". He welcomed them. Caleb took them to an ice cream parlor and needless to say the girls were quite happy by the time they came out.

On his way back he was surprised to see his mate, and recently turned to his fiancée to return home as well along with his sisters. "Where've you been"? Caleb asked after bidding the girls goodbye. 

"Shopping for the wedding" groaned Ashton, expressing his utter disgust over the activity. 

"Hey! I thought we were supposed to do that together"! Caleb replied, deeply offended by this recently discovered fact. 

"Oh not for me. For them." Ashton clarified. "Somehow they seem more enthusiastic than I am" Ashton sighed and chuckled. "Although they did drag me to shop for me, they ran out of time and I ran out of patience" Ashton declared. 

"Wow, sounds like you had quite a day" Caleb mumbled before snorting. 

"Yeah, but it was fun. What about you? Where did you take those girls?" Ashton asked. 

"I took them to enroll in the school." Caleb informed him. 

"Ahh" Ashton nodded meekly. 

"Say what, how would you feel about adopting more children?" Asked Caleb. 

"That sounds good," Ashton nodded, amused by that possibility. 

"Now" Caleb added.

"Now?" Ashton blinked. His smile was completely replaced by an expression of pure dread.

"Now" Caleb confirmed, gazing at him suspiciously. "Why? What's wrong with now"?

"Nothing," Ashton blurted out way too quickly. Caleb raised his eyebrows, clearly evident that he did not believe him. "Okay, fine. It's just… I am kinda struggling with the one we already have now. I mean.. he is great, but I doubt I'm his favorite." Ashton admitted, with respect to his relationship with Connor. 

"So what? I don't think anyone is his favorite" Caleb rolled his eyes. 

"You are. He loves you" Ashton shrugged. 

"And? We still argue from time to time. Yes, he is usually an obedient kid but did you know that once I had to ground him twice just in a day"? Caleb scoffed. "He was so pissed at me he didn't even talk to me for a month."

"Wait, what?" Ashton was shocked. "You… didn't try to talk"? 

"I did, I didn't pressurise him much. He needed to know I will not be giving in to his every other whim" Caleb grunted. "I knew he would come around eventually, as he did".

"No one ever has a perfect relationship. I know you think you have a rocky relationship with Connor, and I can imagine why you feel that way, but trust me, you are doing great. Connor won't even talk to someone he doesn't like and he is really fond of you". Caleb assured him.

"He is not fond of me" Ashton scoffed, completely in disbelief in regards to Caleb's statement. 

"Of course he is"! Caleb rolled his eyes. "He actually looks up to you. Trust me… he can relate to how difficult it is to be different". Caleb smiled and patted his mate's arm.

"Okay, Okay, I'll believe you" Ashton sighed, giving up on the argument. "But why do you want to adopt right now? I mean, what brought this on?" Caleb explained to him about an earlier conversation he had and how it led him to decide to adopt. Once Caleb was done Ashton smiled, "You did the right thing. We should adopt them" 

"That turned around your judgement pretty quick" Caleb remarked, with a curious smirk on his face.

"Cause I know how they might feel. I was orphaned at nine… I was a bit younger than the older one here, Carmen?" He asked to which Caleb nodded. "Anyways, I remember how lost and empty I felt. It was as if I was left all alone in this world, until I met my current family. I'm always thankful for these people welcoming me in their family and someday these girls too will feel the same way" Ashton mumbled. 

"Wow" Caleb whispered. "I suppose so. So it's decided then… we are having more kids". He smirked. 

"Yep" Ashton smiled back at him.

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