My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 259 - The Final Cut

"Finally, last day" Sebastian smiled as he woke. Today for the first and the last time in their entire shoot, they had an outdoor spot. Sebastian was kind of excited, to leave the confined area and shoot outdoors. Sebastian preferred the outdoor ones more, and thus his pleasure on today's plan.

Christian, who was late to wake up today, tilted his head in confusion with the amount of excitement his roommate emanated. "Why are you so excited? We are still here for two more days" Christian pointed out. 

"I know!" Sebastian exclaimed. "We are in France dude, let's go on a tour. Paris is just a train ride away. Let's visit the city of love" Sebastian smiled. 

"Did you hit your head or something"? Christian scrunched his eyebrows. "What is up with you"?

"I am just excited to finish this. I always get this excited when I finish any project. This is a minor role. You should see me after a major one… it's like I am going all out" Sebastian smirked. 

"Okay" Christian nodded awkwardly. He had never seen such excitement on Sebastian ever in their decade long friendship. Sure, for most of their relationship it was Sebastian being annoyed at something Christian said or did. Yet, it was nice to see this side of Sebastian. 

They left the apartment and went straight to their filming location. It was a windy day, making things a bit more messy that they were hoping for, but also, provided a perfect setting for that day. "I only have like an hour to shoot before I go back. Only one shot today" Sebastian shrugged.

Christian nodded at him as they got him prepared. At the scene there was a big black Mercedes, which was supposed to be the Car of Sebastian's character. Christain couldn't help but wonder where the storyline was headed. 

He didn't pay much attention for the past two days, but somehow the story didn't really add up. Sebastian informed him that they don't always shoot the story in sequence, but shoot it according to their convenience. Seeing everyone work hard like this, Christian realised how difficult it was for everyone, way more difficult than it seemed on the screen

After staying here for a couple of days Christian must admit that he had less worry about his pack. Maybe staying here made it easier for him to stress less about his pack. He must admit, it wasn't so bad. But yeah, it was a bit boring.

Sebastian suited up once more for his final scene. Christian focused on the Director's screen instead of the scene itself knowing it looked way too messy. "Yeah, I don't care who got evicted, I need to finish those projects on time! And I need those files very first thing in the morning" huffed Sebastian as his character in the phone while sitting on the backseat of the car. 

Suddenly the car shook like it halted. 'Sebastian' lashed out at his driver for not driving properly before he turned left and widened his eyes. "And cut," The director shouted. 

Christian couldn't help but mumble, "Wait what's happening"? 

The director shot him a dirty look before spatting, "he's getting into an accident, what do you think"? 

Christian's eyes widened at that. The accident would explain why Sebastian only had a cameo role. They were simply killing of his character. Christain knew that Sebastian wasn't dying for real, and yet seeing him die… even in the screen worried him. 

They turned the car over to make it realistic, while smeared Sebastian's face and hands with Fake blood before getting him into the car. It took a few people to position him accordingly and they began their shoot one more.

The scene began with Sebastian opening his eyes, regaining his consciousness while he tried to free himself, and yet before he could do so he passed out once more, or maybe, he simply died. Christian could feel his heart rate escalate, so much so that he almost scraped the idea of watching this series, specifically these episodes when it aired.

When the scene was done and Sebastian was all cleaned up, he approached Christian, "So that's what they were gonna do" He snorted. 

"You didn't know they were gonna kill you off"? Christian asked. "Not really. I found out this morning. According to the script my death would be the first scene that aired. It'll serve as some mystery and all those scenes that I recorded till now will serve as a flashback." Sebastian explained.

"Wow. Have you ever been killed on screen like this"? Christian couldn't help but ask.

"Plenty of times" Sebastian shrugged non challantly. "There was this scene where I was killed by being buried alive. I wasn't technically buried, but that was really freaky" he scoffed. 

"Wait, what?" Christian's eyes widened. "Why on earth would they do that"? He couldn't help but be freaked out. 

"That's the point. I think it was either a horror show or a thriller…" Sebastian mumbled. "I was a cameo there as well" he explained. "You know, now that you mention, a lot of my cameos ended in death" Sebastian nodded.

"You certainly love dying," Christian commented. 

"Hey, as long as it's not real, I enjoy almost everything." Sebastian smirked.

"Everything? Even… R18 stuff" Christian couldn't help but ask awkwardly.

"Well, the sex scenes we film are basically taking of clothes and then waking up the next day" Sebastian shrugged. Somehow hearing it made Christian bite his inner lip so hard that he almost bled. "Are you.. jealous"? Sebastian couldn't help but ask when he noticed a slight grimace in his flat expression. 

"Why would I be jealous? It's just acting" Christian brushed it off.

"Yeah, but… something seems off," Sebastian frowned. 

"Nevermind. Let's go home". Christian shrugged. 

"Oh we are not going home. I checked out this morning. Let's go grab lunch, and after that we will take a train to Paris this evening" Sebastian smirked.

"Wow… you really planned a lot. You make it sound like its honeymoon or something" Christian shrugged. 

"Well, Let's see how this trip turns out" Sebastian winked before leaving him standing all by himself, making him wonder all kinds of things Sebastian might be planning for their trip.

As planned they had their final lunch in the city before they headed off to Paris. They arrived at their new hotel around night, but the journey there gave them a tiny glimpse of what might await their trip here. Christian would be lying if he said he wasn't excited at all for the next two days.

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