My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 286 - At The Scene: Part 1

{Trigger Alert: Some non-sexual explicit shit mentioned.} 

Caleb had been extremely tired, and asleep when a call woke him up. However his mate was still sound asleep right next to him. He blinked a few times before the number focussed and he picked it up, "What's wrong"? He asked.

"We got another one." The voice from the other side replied. "This time it's shredded." He shrugged.

"Send me the location, I'll be there ASAP." He declared and got up from the bed. This was Ashton's room, but even he had his stuff packed, so he somehow wore the shirt and pants he had last night, went down for a quick change and headed out without wearing formals.

As soon as he reached the location, he realized it was just outside the city boundaries, a little deeper into the woods. A perfect spot for unnoticeable crime. There were tapes surrounding the entire area and a few cameras from the local journalists. The scene appeared so intense, with body parts sprawled across the field, some parts barely recognizable thus being attributed as mere pieces of flesh. It was a gore fest.

He noticed his fellow new colleague at the scene, approaching him as he was about to brief him, "Sir, this body… or at least the parts of it was discovered by a family on their way to the picnic as their tire broke down. They discovered the smell of rotting bodies and thus approached this.

"You have their statements"? Caleb asked. The sergeant nodded and proceeded. Meanwhile Caleb tried his level best to sniff if there was any residual wolf smell or not. There was a tiny chance it was a wolf, but due to the rancid smell, nothing else was remotely detectable. Caleb grimaced in disgust.

"So that's all about it." Sergeant Stevens finished. Caleb, who had missed out on everything, looked at Sergeant Stevens wide eyed. "Oh, Um… Leave me a copy of these on my desk. I will go through them once more while going through the case."

"Sure sir." Sergeant nodded. Going below the tapes of the contained zone, Caleb took a closer look. At the very first step, he felt something below his foot, despite all the mud. Withdrawing his foot he noticed it was an ear attached to some fleshy body part, that didn't really resemble a muscle, but then again, who could tell in this mess. 

Caleb was so glad he had skipped breakfast, because despite his strong gut there is no way he wouldn't have thrown up at this site had he been full stomach. He looked around the area to spot anything that would suggest it was the work of some wolf or someone he might have recognised.

"Sir, I need you to step aside, we can't let this zone get contaminated." One of the Forensic guys spoke up as Caleb approached further. 

"I am an hour late here, aren't you guys done taking the sample"? Caleb huffed in frustration.

"It's outside the city limits, even we were late." the same guy replied.

"Well hurry up. I need to check for some things….?" Caleb lingered on, asking for his name. 

"Belmont." he declared his surname. Caleb nodded and left. He waited for a while before his sergeant appeared in front of him again, "What is it"?

"I have been wondering, should we connect with national security"? The sergeant proposed. Given their circumstances, if they contacted any form of national security, and werewolves or related were involved in this, things could go awry. It's a bad thing that it was the new Sergeant, Casper Stevens who was the one to pick up the call, or else he would have quite easily kept it under the wraps until they had more information. 

With Scott, such problems never arose as he was accustomed to the shady things that occurred in this town from time to time, however, this new worker seemed quite determined, a typical law abiding police which kind of annoyed Caleb even further.

"Let's wait. Once we have some more info we can contact them." Caleb suggested.

"But what if it's too late by then"? The sergeant asked.

"We can't just ask the national security to help us without doing some digging of our own." Caleb declared sternly, with a little bit of snap in his voice. "If we get their help, we will still be needed for helping them as locals. We need to show them we are competent enough, or our department can get in serious trouble." Caleb declared.

"Isn't that a bit far-fetched." Unconvinced, The sergeant asked.

"I think so too, but it's the typical bureaucratic nonsense." Caleb shrugged. "I am also the ma- former mayor's son. Trust me on this." Caleb tried his level best to subjugate his underling. Still not completely convinced, The sergeant nodded reluctantly and left. 

After a certain while, the forensics cleared the scene, allowing Caleb to explore the scene further. Before he could go much further, he called upon the forensic guy from earlier, "Hey, Belmont!" Caleb shouted. "What did you find out"? He asked.

"Well, I still have some samples to run." the guy, Belmont admitted honestly.

"Yes, but what's your cursory findings"? Caleb asked.

"If you ask me… if you throw all judgements and predicaments aside, there is no way this was done by some local animal or humans. It's done by some sort of monster." Belmont declared, as a chill went down his own spine.

"Wait, why not animals?" Caleb asked. Wolves (or werewolves to be exact) were a common sighting in this area. It was likely a wolf would have done this… right?

"No animal would shred apart it's prey like this and not take a bite. Even though the body has started rotting, they still fit like jigsaw puzzles." Belmont declared.

"And… you have found each and every piece?" Caleb asked.

"We think so." Belmont nodded.

"A human could have done this." Caleb offered. "They have weapons." Caleb reminded Belmont.

"It's easier to cut a human like this if they are dead. Whoever did this, attacked this person while he was alive. Not only the blood is drained, we found a few leaves where there is splattered blood. It's as old as this body." Belmont explained.

"The person could have been killed here before he tore him into pieces."

"There was no blood in the body at all." Belmont declared, which instantly turned Caleb's head towards vampires, but then again, there was blood all around the place. A vampire won't need to do all this. 

"Only a beating heart would be able to do that. Blood clots quite fast in a dead body. There would be something left, if not all had this body been dismembered this badly." Belmont explained. Caleb heard the words and stared at the scene in horror. Most of it was removed by the forensics and only traces of the scene remained in the crime scene.

"Thank you for your analysis." Caleb declared, dismissing Belmont. He didn't know how long he stared at the scene. In his thirty years of life, he had never seen anything this horrible, and yet something like this happened right outside their town. How can he not worry? 

Caleb's reverie was finally broken by a text from his mate saying, {Caleb, you okay?}

As he stared at the mess in front him, he received a text from his mate, "Are you Okay"?

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