My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 29 - To The Hospital

Caleb was about to get out of his car when Matt stopped him by grabbing his hands tightly, "Dude, please try to understand that the situation is dangerous"!

"As a pack leader dangerous situations are definitely my cue. Besides we are two of us, what can they possibly do"? Caleb sighed out of frustration. 

"What are you talking about? It's always two. Ever since that attack happened on you, your father made sure no wolve patrolls alone. Still the attacks keep happening". Matt explained. 

"Then, maybe it's nothing", Caleb suggested.

"What if it is? Your father will kill me for not stopping you"! Matt cried out of frustration. "I still have to make babies before I die"! Caleb rolled his eyes at his dramatic behavior.

"My father will also kill you for not accompanying me when I left that car". Caleb smirked and released himself from Matt's grip and got out of the car. 

Matt hit the door out of frustration once he got out and hoped he didn't make any dent, before he followed Caleb. Ever since they were young Caleb always got his way either with manipulation or threats. While he was pretty used to it, he did not feel like losing his life like this.

He followed after Caleb who was too fast even for someone who walked fast. Matt always envied his speed, who was almost as fast as an omega. After looking around for a bit Caleb found a man laying on the groud. His attire brought back his own memories of being attacked which made him hesitate for a moment. 

"Who is he"? Matt asked when he spotted him, "He appears human" he commented. 

"I think he was the one who attacked me, this attire… " he trailed off. Matt looked at him wide eyed before checking his pulse and all to find him still alive. During his examination he found black empty tree like markings on his neck, "have you ever seen anything like this"? Matt asked him.

Caleb who was looking around for anything else focused his attention back to the unconscious man. "No, that's really odd". Caleb whispered. 

He searched once more, this time leaving that spot. A part of him was hoping that he found nothing else. A part of him dreaded he would find Ashton's injuried self, or worse dead body, in the woods. After a while he found a coffee brown colored wolf laying down unconscious in the dirt. 

For a moment his heart rate accelerated. He had never seen Ashton as a wolf, so what if it was him? Carefully, be approached the injured wolf and that's when another Alpha scent hit him. It wasn't as strong as Ashton's but it was definitely new. He didn't know who the wolf was, but he knew it was not Ashton. Nevertheless it was his job to take care of an injured wolf.

"Matt"! He called his friend. "A wolf is injured, we have to rush him to the hospital" he announced and picked up the heavy wolf. It was a bit harder for him but he managed nevertheless. 

"What about him"? Matt questioned. "Can't we wait for a minute till your brother gets here"? Matt pleaded which made Caleb pause on his tracks.

"What"? He deadpanned, "You called my brother"!? He asked, frustrated. While he would usually prefer his brother's presence at a situation like this he wasn't sure how good of an idea it was. His brother was familiar with Ashton's scent, and smelling him here would only raise further suspicion on him. 

The thought of Ashton made him wonder again where he was a. He looked around thoroughly but found nothing else. Why was his scent all over the place? What exactly happened here then? Was he okay? Caleb wondered all those things. 

"We can't wait any longer. I will link my brother and ask him to come to the hospital. We are taking both of them there", Caleb declared and nudged Matt to pick up the unconscious man. They stacked both of them in the backseat. 

On his way he linked his brother and gave him the status update. (A/N: link is basically like a call, except you are connected by mind. It's a method of communication between wolves of same pack which especially comes in handy in wolf form)

At the hospital the doctor took the wolf into the restricted unit, ( a unit where they treat the already transformed wolf). After a while his brother showed up with a few pack members. He also saw George who usually stayed away from all this mess. Could it be that he knew the wolf personally?

"Where is he"? Christian asked. Not sure which one he was talking about he informed him about both of them. They went down to the lobby where the man was, guarded by Matt who checked him thoroughly for wolfsbane before agreeing to watch him solo.

After a while when the doctor came in Caleb rushed towards him and asked, "Is he going to be okay"? 

"I think so, a little late and he wouldn't have made it. The antidote wouldn't have worked on him" the doctor informed with a smile. 

"The antidote"? Caleb asked.

"After your attack we made sure to keep it stacked. I had a feeling we would be needing them in a larger quantity for a while". The doctor explained. 

"Can I get a few of them"? Caleb asked. The doctor was taken aback by the request and looked at him in confusion. "I am the son of the Alpha Arthur Wrisberg. If I was attacked once before, there is a high chance I might be attacked again. I think its best to have some handy" Caleb explained himself.

"I see", the doctor nodded, "here you go" he gave him four vials. "Just take one of them, and only take the other if the first one doesn't work within two hours. If the injury is severe you might try two at once" he also handed him a syringe to administer the antidote properly. 

He put them in his pocket as he looked around the place. His brother including Matt was very busy with the intruder. Amongst the chaos he managed to take Matt's phone and got Ashton's number from it. 

He tried calling him several times to get a proper explanation. His calls went straight to voicemail for almost ten times. Along with it his anxiety increased ten folds and thus he slipped out of the hospital and went straight to Ashton's house. He needed to know the situation for himself properly.

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