My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 4 - Boy And The Wolf

Caleb was in a hurry while returning home. He knew that his heat was close and he was afraid of taking unnecessary risks in the upcoming days. He was determined to stay a human throughout his heat. Being in his wolf form during the heat was much harder to cope up with. Another thing he hated about being an omega. Why must an omega suffer like this?

He needed a better excuse than 'diarrhoea', or 'going out of town'. At this rate he will get caught someday. It was actually quite surprising that no one had caught up yet. To be fair, he was always very much careful. He sometimes tried to disappear without any reason, so that it doesn't resemble a cyclic pattern.

It frustrated him whenever he felt weak, so when he saw a deer drinking water by the bayou he lost it. He wanted to hunt today, feel the strength of a furious wolf. The deer became alert of someone's presence and started running. Caleb ran after it, and ended up killing it in manner of few seconds. Having high speed was a blessing as an Omega. A stature shorter than other wolves also helped him slip through many obstructions as well.

He was not just eating the deer; he was ravaging it out of pure rage. His eyes shone blue with the amount of intense emotion. He was so engrossed in his act, that he almost missed a passerby standing by. 'Almost' being the key word.

His reflexes were fast enough, so he looked up for a moment and growled at the person without even checking who it was.  He didn't need to look to know it's not a pack member, or even a wolf. It was a mere human. What's the best way to get rid of a human in a situation like this? It is always to scare him away.

He growled a few times but was taken by surprise when the person did not budge at all. He looked at the person's face properly and was momentarily stunned. It turns out he knew who that person was. But what shocked him was not his face but the unbothered expression on it. He was just simply staring at him.

That person walked closer to him as if he was mesmerized for a moment. Involuntarily Caleb flinched back by his approach.  Just how much did that person hate his own life that he was trying to get mauled by an animal?

He can only pretend to have a killing intent. Killing humans was against their Pack rules so he had to control himself. He stood still, while he remained very wary of the human's actions. He can hear his sharp animal like breath, now that he stood still.

Ashton, who happened to be the other person, stared at him. Looked at him in the eyes as if he knew what the wolf truly was. The wolf was pretty huge, which made them stand eye to eye. The staring contest went on for a while before Ashton raised his arms and tried to touch that wolf.

Caleb tried his best to remove the hand, before it touched him by swatting it away with his snout. Unfortunately that failed to work He was quite amazed how reckless this new kid was, and also a bit annoyed because this is not how he wanted to spend his last free evening.

Ashton's hand touched the back of the wolf's head and slowly rubbed it over the back of his neck and head. Like a magic, Caleb could feel his breathing slow down. Somehow that touch made him feel oddly comfortable. And without even realizing he started to lean onto the touch. To an onlooker it would seem that a human was trying to pet a wild animal.

When Caleb was considerably calmer he noticed the scent in his surroundings. He could feel the scent of the Alpha Pheromones which he always kept on himself wore off a long time ago. This only meant one thing, his heat was earlier than he expected. This was a new scenario as it never happened before.

He flinched back and ran away from the scene towards his house. His ultimate destination was the backyard of his house. When his parents found out he was the only omega in the family, they built him a secret cabin, which was very well hidden by bushes and the trees in such a manner that no one would notice. He tried to run faster than his limit, so that he could reach the cabin before his scent became prominent enough to be picked by other werewolves  

His body started aching even before he reached the perimeter of their mansion. That is correct, they had a huge mansion. Being the most powerful werewolf family came with its own luxuries. He turned human and ran so that he would not be stuck in his wolf form.

Once he was at the cabin he clutched his stomach tightly and lied down in the bed. He groaned painfully with his face buried in the pillow, just to not draw any attention. 

He wasn't new to this pain. He was having them since he was twelve, but even at eighteen he was still not used to it. Breaking bones while turning into a werewolf seemed easier. After he got comparatively comfortable he called his brother to let him know that he won't be home.

"Let me bring you food to last for a couple of days". That's the first thing his brother, Christian, told him. No matter who turned him down, his brother was always there for him, to care and to worry for him.

"No"! You can't have my scent on you. It's already..." he tried taking deep breaths through the pain. "...too intense. I had a huge deer a while ago, I'll be fine".

Reluctantly Christian agreed to his brother's choice. After he hung up Caleb's friend Matt showed up.

"Hey Man, is Caleb here"? Matt asked him. "It was kind of urgent". 

"There was some urgent matter so he had to leave the town". Christian lied for his brother like he always had.

"Oh, will he be back tonight?" He asked him.

"No, he can't come home today." He shook his head apologetically before he gave Matt a slight tap on his shoulder and left.

Matt was frustrated that his friend bailed on him when he needed him. To him the soccer was as important as any Pack duties. Meanwhile in a cabin not so far away Caleb suppressed his cries as he was writhing in pain…

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