My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 52 - A Trip To Camazur

Caleb felt drained after he finished his SAT's. He just wanted to sit back and relax and do nothing once he exited the building. Last couple of days have been hard on him with studies and pack duties which is why he was looking forward to the trip they had planned to Camazur beach.

Who were they? They were his friends namely Matt, Melanie, Camilla and Duke. Camilla and Duke were twins who were both Sub-beta and went to the university, being a few years older than Caleb.

When Caleb and his friends first started high school, they bonded over many shared interests and have beem close until they had to leave for the trip. They came back from the university for the vacation and they were the ones who suggested for the trip. Needless to say, all of them were pretty excited to hangout together. 

While Caleb would be usually reluctant to an out of town adventure with a bunch of werewolves, even he couldn't deny that he needed a break. Of course his parents or his brother didn't agree with him, especially because they worried about his secret getting exposed, that too near an Alpha(Matt). Caleb didn't dare tell them that Matt already knew. For some reason he didn't want to infuriate his parents more than they already were.

He even wished that he could bring Ashton along. It's been a long time since they had any kind of proper conversations. He missed teasing that kid, but it was probably for the best that he maintained his distance. He didn't want to be confused with his developing feelings any further. 

On the day of the vacation he decided to sneak out of the house. He knew that he would get in trouble but like always he would deal with that later. They had to leave early in the morning so it wasn't that hard to sneak out. Most of the time his family slept late due to all the work they had to take care of and thus were mostly asleep around 5o'clock in the morning. 

They wanted to take Caleb's fancy car but of course due to the lack of permission they took the car that belonged to Duke. They had breakfast at a roadside stall at around 10 before they drove any further towards their destination. 

While eating Caleb received a call from his brother. At first he decided he would ignore it, but suggesting from their past he knew that was a bad choice. If he didn't answer his call his brother would probably send a search party after him. "Hey, what's up". He answered gleefully.

"What's up? WHAT'S UP"!! His brother shouted at him. "Do you have any idea how much I tried to look for you"! His brother shouted at him from the other end of the phone. Caleb retracted his ears away from the phone as he could hear him loud and clear without going deaf from that distance. 

Once the other end went silent he spoke up, "I am with Matt". He had hoped that much explanation would be enough for him but unfortunately his brother had different plans, "I called his parents, neither of you are there". 

"I never said I am at his house, we are out to get some stuff". Caleb tried lying to his brother but he realised that he failed miserably when his brother asked, "You're at Camazur aren't you"?

Caleb gulped before saying, "Not really". Technically that wasn't a lie, they still had a few miles to cover before their destination. 

"Caleb" his brother asked him sternly. Caleb sighed before he replied, "I am en route". "Why do you always have to disobey everything"? Christian asked him calmly while trying his best to hold in his anger. Caleb remained quiet on the other end so his brother continued, "Don't die, or get exposed". His brother whispered the exposed part so that in case anyone heard their conversation on the phone. 

After reaching there, they got a hotel room where they relaxed before heading out to the beach. According to their plan, they would spend an entire day before heading back to Crescent Point. The Camazur beach was a perfect place for hangout by the wolves as it did not have any wolf packs around. There was no wolf related business or dispute that could arise from spending some time here.

They were five of them and they got three rooms, they wanted to take two but Caleb insisted on taking one room for himself. He knew his heat was near and he did not want to risk his identity by sharing his room. This is the same reason he took suppressants before he came here. While they seem like a perfect tool for hiding their identity they harboured their own adverse effects. 

For example, the suppressants were not 100% effective, which means on some wolves they might not even work. Even if it did work, there was no guarantee how long or rather how much delay it will be able to cause for the heat. On top of that, while it have preheat symptoms like increased temperature, uncomfortable feeling etc, when the heat actually happened following a dose, the pain was almost the double of usual heat making it unbearable.

As if these were not bad enough, overdosing on the suppressants can cause severe and permanent damage to them. This was not the first time he took the suppressants. When he was young and had trouble fitting in as he adjusted to a new life of lying about his identity, he once took them. After the horrible experience he swore he would never try them again. However, as it was years ago Caleb wanted to give it a try once more to see if he could hold onto it without much trouble.

They spent most of the daytime doing ambient shopping and sightseeing. After having lunch they decided to head to the beach as the sunset itself was quite beautiful. They sat on the damp sand as they shared casual and deep conversations. Caleb remained quite for most of the time as he didn't feel like sharing much things, so he mainly focused on listening to them.

When the sun was completely below the horizon, instead of heading back Duke decided to open the bottle of drinks he brought along with him. While the older ones, namely Duke and Camilla didn't let them have it due to the age, once they got drunk enough they shared it. Caleb refused to take it for two reasons. One, he did not want to be a drunken mess and a blabbermouth. Secondly, he was starting to feel uncomfortable that would indicate his preheat. 

Being the only one sober, Caleb decided to volunteer to buy them some drinks. Most of them were wasted so they did not realise that Caleb won't be able to actually get it without an ID. Caleb, however, well aware of the fact brought them water and stuff to keep the drunken wolves hydrated.

On his way back to the beach he heard some noises from the alley next to their hotel. He stopped in his tracks as he tried to figure out what that noise might be. He contemplated his next step but before he could reach a decision he felt a heavy blow to his head. While it hurt as hell it was still not strong enough to make him pass out.

He stumbled a bit before he noticed a man staring at him wide eyed. Being a wolf enabled him to maintain his consciousness, which startled the man at the same time. By his scent he could make it out that he was a human which is why he relaxed. Taking a deep breath he hit him hard enough that knocked him out.

Smirking at his victory he started to walk out of the alley but before he could walk even two steps further he was pushed back inside with a much stronger force. The force strangling him was too strong for him to breathe. Despite the situation a faint smell reached his nose that indicated two things. One, it was an Alpha wolf which he has never met, and second, this Alpha was in rut.

"How dare you interfere in my business"! That Alpha spat at him. "…"Caleb struggled to say those words as he had no idea what that guy could have possibly meant. That Alpha stared at him before bringing his nose close to his own hand that strangled Caleb. "What a nice surprise, a male omega" that man said in a voice that sent chills down his spine.

He knew what that comment meant and he kept struggling in his grip. While he looked for ways to get out he found it harder to implement any of his moves as he was weaker than usual and that Alpha was stronger than usual. Everything about an Alpha was intensified during their rut which is why he could detect his masked scent in the first place.

"Let's get down to business," That man mumbled before taking out his canines. He brought his face to Caleb's neck to bite. Not only would it leave a permanent scar but also will indicate a permanent mark of ownership. Scared, Caleb closed his eyes as he awaited for his worst nightmare to become real.

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