My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 55 - At The Mall- Part1

Ashton did not receive any callback from Caleb later that day so he assumed that the latter was busy and did not bother to disturb him the second time. He was worried about him, but he did not want to pester too much. He was curious about the latter's weekend because it was the twins who bothered him to invite Caleb since it has been a long time since they saw him. When Ashton told them he could not make it they were quite disheartened. When he saw the adorable pout on the twins face he couldn't resist and promised them that he would take them to the mall.

Upon arriving there it got harder for him to keep tabs on both of them throughout as they kept deflecting from the same path. Ava wanted to go somewhere, while Ariel wanted somewhere else. Ashton was starting to remember why he did not like to bring them in places like this when Ava collided with someone. "I am sorry, I am sorry" she started mumbling the moment she regained her composure. 

Ashton ran towards her while he helped her from the ground. "Ava"? A familiar voice asked as they both looked up at the source. Ariel came back running to her brother and was surprised to see Caleb there. "Caleb"! Both the girls cheered as they hugged Caleb while Ashton turned his face away out of embarrassment. Caleb, who was delighted to see the twins, missed that reaction.

"Are you busy"? Ava asked Caleb.

Caleb frowned for a moment before saying, "Not really, why"?

"Ashton, why did you lie to us then? Do you not like him"? Ava accused Ashton.

Ashton, who was taken aback by that, stumbled with his words, "I…"

"Why didn't you tell me they wanted to see me"? Even Caleb joined in the blame game.

"Hey"! Ashton shouted at Caleb, "I asked you to call me, you didn't"! He said in an accusatory tone to refresh his memory. Caleb's eyes widened as he recalled the fact that Ashton called him while they went to Camazur. Wanting to completely forget that experience he shut out everything about that night from his memory. 

"Are you okay"? Ashton asked Caleb while gently shaking his arm when he did not respond to him and just stood there frozen.

Caleb blinked before replying, "I am fine, sorry I forgot to call back" he replied awkwardly.

"What brings you here"? Ashton asked him.

"I am here to get a tux". Caleb shrugged.

"Rent"? Ashton raised his eyebrows. 

"Buy", Caleb declared with a smug smile. 

"Oh right, I forgot, you are a rich boy". Ashton mumbled. "Why do you need tux though"? He asked out loud. "For the dance. Remember, Prom"? Caleb replied.

Ashton nodded slowly while he mumbled, "Right, the dance". He asked him out loud, "So, who is your partner"? Ashton asked with a tiny frown which threatened to creep into his face.

"You know Tiffany? The head cheerleader"? Caleb asked. "Wow" Ashton said with a tinge of judgment in his voice. Caleb managed to catch that which is why he asked, "What was that now"?

"Nothing, I guess I should not bother you anymore". He forced a smile at Caleb, "Girls, come on let's go" He took both of their hands and tried to leave, but both of them held him back. Ashton stared at them, baffled, by their level of disobedience.

"Can't we hang out with him a bit… Please Ashton"! Ava pleaded and Ariel joined her as well, "Yes, please"!

Ashton shook his head in defeat, "He needs to buy something, you should not disturb him" Ashton scolded them, but not too harshly.

"Hey, it's alright" Caleb interfered. "Actually it would be great if you guys could come with me, you can help me choose the perfect tux". Both the twins jerked their heads at Ashton with their puppy eyes. Seeing no other option Ashton sighed before he said, "Fine, let's go with him".

While Caleb and the twins got busy having the time of their world Ashton started to feel a little bit left out and tiny bit jealous. He did not lie when he said Caleb was busy, but if he had known this is how their time would go he might have lied on purpose. 

Caleb tried on several tuxes and asked for everyone's opinion. To Ashton everyone looked more or less the same, with simple variation of colors. He gave thumbs up to all of them because none of them looked bad on him, (and he was bored). The twins however had a lot of opinions. They kept saying no each and every dress based on silly reasons like the sleeves are too tacky, or it doesn't go with the colour of his eye.

After probably an eternity Caleb came out of the fitting room wearing a bluish-silver Tuxedo with a black shirt. The twins were amazed by how good he looked and couldn't stop admiring him. In the hindsight even Ashton found it hard to look away. Sensing the twins approval he went ahead and bought it. By the time they were done it was already late in the afternoon. 

"What did you want to buy here anyways"? Caleb asked Ashton once they were in the corridor. "Nothing in particular, I just wanted to hangout with my sisters". He emphasized on the word 'hangout' with a tinge of jealousy. Caleb sensing that chuckled. These sibling trio were way too adorable for him to handle. 

"Come with me" he ordered Ashton and the kids. They danced along with him while Ashton felt that he was dragged everywhere today. They reached near the jewelry section and asked the twins to choose whatever they liked. The twins were taken aback and politely refused him to buy them anything, but after he insisted quite a lot including telling them that it's a little thank you for helping him chose the perfect tux, the twins accepted it reluctantly.

"What do you want"? Caleb asked Ashton after he was done paying for the two pieces of ear rings the twins chose. Ashton, surprised to be offered, asked "Why do I get something? I clearly wasn't that much helpful".

"Well, you brought them here so it was helpful". Caleb smiled at him. "And you put up with me even if you didn't want to, so… yeah" Caleb shrugged. 

"Boy, if I get something for every time I put up with you, I think you have quite a large debt to pay". Ashton joked due to which he received a playful punch from Caleb. "Besides, I am quite used to putting up with you, and I don't do it in hopes of getting something in return". Ashton mumbled. Caleb who heard him loud and clear turned his head towards Ashton and stared at him wide eyed.

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