My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 72 - Status Report

Christian hurried towards his office just to make sure that he wouldn't miss anything important. Halfway through, he realised that he forgot to pay for his orders and ran back, since he was aware Caleb didn't have any money on him, but he was astonished to find him coming back from the cafe on his way.

"You… how did you pay"? Christian asked him.

"The owner knows me, so she will allow me to pay for it later". He simply shrugged.

Christian nodded and went back to the office where his father was waiting for him. "You wanted to see me"? Christian asked at the door.

"Come on in". Mr Wrisberg motioned towards the chair in front of him indicating him to sit down.

Before he could begin, Christian asked, "Where is mom"?

"She is still not here. Things are bad at Willow Street. The whole family is worried because we failed to provide protection for the second time and now both their daughters are gone. We need to ensure safety for the omegas, or things will worsen further" his father mumbled in his deep thought.

"I agree" Christian sighed. "So… till now, what's the status report"?

"You know, fifteen omegas are missing, all female, five underaged and as usual, all unmated. This is why I say mating is important for omegas". He huffed. "Things have turned much more serious than we expected it to be, and things are escalating fast and if we don't anything sooner, we might lose all the omegas. We are one of the strongest pack in the area, we can't just treat this issue so lightly." 

"So, what's our plan for now"? Christian asked.

"For now, I think we must aware the people. There is no point in hiding it anymore Many people here have no idea what is going on, if they are aware they would be cautious". Mr. Wrisberg suggested. "Maybe we can even implement some of the security measures once more which we did fifteen years ago when we took down the major trafficking network"?

"Sounds good, but last time we had a fair idea who they were. This time we don't. We know it's not the same guys because they are dead". Christian shrugged. 

"I know, this time around we need a new strategy to track them down. We not only have to protect the omegas that are still here, we must also track down each and every one of the omegas that are being taken". Mr. Wrisberg asserted. "Any ideas"? He asked his son.

"How about we follow up once more with the lost omega cases from the scratch? Maybe we will find a pattern or something that we might have missed on our first try"? Christian suggested. 

"Already on it. I have asked all the local alphas for the whole report on the missing omegas in their area, they will mail me everything by this evening. Help me out, will you? We might need to pull an all nighter" Mr Wrisberg announced. 

"Are we… going to involve the police at all"? Christian asked hesitantly. 

"I don't know… there is one wolf who works there, who might help us get some clues, but I don't think it will be wise to include the humans". Christian recommended.

"Why not"? His father scrunched his brows. "Since all of them are woman it could completely come under woman and child trafficking jurisdiction. Maybe they too can help us".

"But they don't know about wolves. What if it is useless"? Mr Wrisberg asked him sternly. 

"What if it is not? We don't really have any leads, I think we should keep all our options open, even the ones that seem utterly useless" Christian tried to convince his father.

"I guess you are not wrong". Mr Wrisberg said after nodding. "I'll call them and let them know". After a moment of silence Mr Wrisberg spoke again, "You should go home now, take some rest. We will need to put an all nighter". He advised his son.

"But, the patrolling"? Christian asked.

"The others can take care of it. Now go" he dismissed his son.

On his way back he wondered if he should inform Caleb about what happened. Now that Caleb's smell wasn't detectable he could go and talk to him personally instead of calling him or linking him. He was standing outside their house staring at the Cabin when he suddenly felt an hand on his shoulder. 

Startled, he tried to grab and twisted it but somehow the other person managed to block his attack and throw him on the ground. After grimacing properly from the intense momentary pain he looked up properly to see none other than his mother smirking at her son. "You still have a lot to learn".

"Not cool, mom. Why would you surprise me like that"? He asked, feeling betrayed. 

"I did call you, but you seemed lost in thought". She smiled. "What were you looking there for"? She asked him.

"No reason, just waiting for him to come out". Christian shrugged. "Anyways, you're back"! He hugged his mother before asking, "What happened"?

"Well, I am sure you know about what happened". She sighed. "The older Morgan daughter, Sally disappeared last night, two days after her little sister Shelby. The whole family is devastated and I couldn't find...any words that could offer proper consolation". She sighed with defeat. "I can't imagine what I would do if something happened to either of you, let alone both. I so wish I could somehow bring them back magically".

"What did the local Alpha say"? Christian asked after giving his mother a moment.

"You mean my sister"? She snorted. "She has no idea what happened, as I expected".

"How is that possible"? Christian asked, rolling his eyes.

"You know her, after promising that she would increase the security she flew off to a different country altogether". She scoffed.

"Why would she do that? I mean, I know she can be a bit irritating but I never thought she would be this irresponsible". Christian commented. 

"Well, she is out there to celebrate her 25th anniversary while her pack is suffering". She huffed furiously. "She is gonna get an earful from me as soon as she comes back, and not just as a big sister, as the Head Luna"! Mrs Wrisberg declared, glaring at a rock far far away.

"Okay…" Christian mumbled feeling bad for the poor rock. "Do you ever regret it"? He asked out of the blue which caught his mother's attention as she looked back at him. "You know, giving away your position for the local Alpha"? He asked.

She snorted, "I guess". 

"You would have made the best Alpha"! Christian cheered his mother who smiled at her.

"I know, I am not quite that bad as the head Luna either" Mrs Wrisberg boasted. "But yeah, being Alpha would have been far more fun than being the Head Luna. Although I have to look out for more people now, which is kind of doing 'the greater deed', I still would have liked that". She sighed.

"Is that why you gave it up in the first place? You know, to be able to help more people"? Christian asked. 

"What!? Nooo"! She chuckled. "I became the Head Luna because I married your father, and I married him because I fell in love with him". She explained with a smile.

"Really? That man"? Christian teased his mother indicating towards his father's grumpy attitude.

His mother gave him an unamused look before shaking her head. "You never know whom you fall for". 

"I can never imagine falling for someone this grumpy" Christian snorted. 

"We will see" Mrs Wrisberg smirked as if she was sure her son would pick someone who had an attitude. Her confident smirk wiped off the prideful smile from Christian's face.

"Whatever" he mumbled. 

"So who is incharge there if the local Alpha is away"? Christian asked. "Me, I guess. Being the only one related to the Alpha by blood, and as the head Luna" she sighed. "I should get going then. I will spend my time there until she comes back. Meanwhile try to make sure everyone is safe". She patted his arm. 

"Wait a minute, you are leaving already"? He asked her. 

"Hmm, they need me so it's better I avoid any delays. I just came back to take some stuff and say goodbye to my sons". She smiled. "Which reminds me, where is Caleb"? She asked. 

"Still in his heat, remember" he pointed at the Cabin. 

"Right. Well, when he comes out of there tell him I said bye". She nodded before she went inside. After a few minutes she emerged from the building with a giant suitcase and then she drove off to her destination. 

After a few hours his father called for him to the office for proper investigation and stuff. They spent the whole night trying to figure out any pattern or any connection that might lead to something. When the sun hit him on their faces and they had nothing new is the moment they realized they were screwed.

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