My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 75 - Search For The Sisters

"Wait what"?! Ashton exclaimed. "But why"?

"I was busy when you called me, and it slipped out of my mind by the time I was done". Mrs Parker mumbled while panic slowly began to take over her. 

Sensing the severity of the situation, Caleb spoke up "Maybe they are fine. Let's wait and watch for a bit before we panic". Caleb suggested.

"They are my sisters! How can I not panic"! Ashton shouted at him, who flinched a bit due to the sudden loud voice. Realising what he just did Ashton mumbled a quick, "Sorry" before he sat on the couch thinking hard.

Mrs Parker on the other hand took a chair in the dining area and tried her best to link her daughters. She got no response which made her panic even further. The girls would never turn down her link no matter what because they know that their mother would not link them until and unless it is absolutely necessary. 

Caleb realised that that it was probably best not to talk since anything he says can backfire. He sat next to Ashton and just patted his back softly instead. It would be a lie to say that he wasn't worried at all, but somehow seeing them break down already encouraged him to stay strong. If only there were some ways he could help at the moment. 

"You guys wait here, I will take my car and see if I can find them". Caleb announced and was about to get up when Ashton grabbed his wrist tightly. Caleb turned back, confused, and raised his eyebrows.

"I… I will come with you. I can track them better with my enhanced ability of senses" Ashton mumbled. He was also worried that sending Caleb out, all by himself, was not a good idea after all. If his sisters were in danger, Caleb could get in danger too.

Taking Caleb's car they tried to track her scent. The twins had exited the house a long time ago, so their scents has faded quite significantly. Being underaged, they had quite less pheromones to begin with. They literally followed any direction Ashton could smell even a tinge of his sister's scent, even when Caleb couldn't. 

Their haphazard route led them to the children's park, where Ashton first met Karolyn. There, both of their smells were comparatively strong so the moment Caleb stopped the car Ashton ran off in the park to look for them. Caleb tried his best to follow and keep up with Ashton. 

After looking around for a bit and following the scent he realised that Ariel's scent was stronger than Ava. On walking further he found Ariel lying under the tree face buried on the ground. Ashon ran to her and tried to shake her up, "Ariel! Ariel"!

On trying multiple times when she didn't respond he picked her up in his arms and checked for injuries. At this very moment Caleb reached them and saw the tears brimming in Ashton's eyes as he held his unconscious sister. "I will look around for Ava". Caleb informed and started to follow her scent, which was now quite prominent for Caleb to sniff.

Caleb tried to look for Ava and soon he found a musky Alpha scent coming off as soon as he reached the boundary of the park. The scent seemed to be coming from the other side of the fence so he decided it would be better if he jumped over to the other side to look for her. He was hanging from the wall during his attempt, gradually pulling himself above the fence when something pulled him back making him almost fall on the ground. 

His back collided with a body and on turning around he found it was none other than Ashton himself, holding Ava on his left shoulder and arm. "What the hell do you think you are doing"! He shouted at him. "Following the scent"! Caleb shouted back at him. 

"Are you crazy, what happens when you do find wherever she is? Don't you think you get abducted too"? Ashton scolded him.

"Like you said before, I know how to take care of myself". Caleb asserted.

"I am sure you do, but if someone is actually kidnapping them, there is a high chance that they are heavily guarded to let a lone wolf pass. And even then, holding them as a hostage would only make it hard for you to work your way out"! Ashton tried his best to explain it to him.

"So what should I do? Give up"? Caleb voiced his concern with desperation.

"Let's take my sister to the hospital. As twins, her connection to Ava is stronger than anyone I have ever seen. Even if my Mom couldn't reach them, she can reach Ava". Ashton informed. "We have to wake her up".

"No… that's not good enough". Caleb mumbled.

"What"? Ashton asked skeptically. 

"We can't just let this trail go to waste, not especially when we are looking for so many lost omegas. I will call my brother and ask him to check it out". He offered. Ashton sighed before nodding in agreement. "Let's take my car to the hospital" Caleb suggested and both of them hurried to their destination. 

The moment they reached hospital Caleb tried to link his brother, [Hey, I can't talk right now. Things have turned way worse] his brother answered him.

[I know! Remember Ashton? His sister is kidnapped as well]! Caleb informed. 

[What?!] His brother was surprised. [Another omega from our pack disappeared this morning] his brother informed him back.

[Ashton's sister's trace disappears at the edge of the park, but from there starts the scent of Alpha pheromones. You would recognize them because it's exactly the same as the one I use.]

[I can track it! But… what if the pack members think it's you? Or find out that you are an omega?] His brother expressed his concern, turning his voice soft but heavy at the end.

After a moment of silence Caleb replied with utmost determination. [I don't care, find them]

[Let's not make any rash decisions, I will see what I can do] his brother announced before letting go of the link. Caleb took out his phone from his pocket and texted Mrs Parker to arrive at the hospital as soon as she could. She called Caleb to ask what happened, but he simply asked her to hurry and come, and that it would be better to explain face to face.

Caleb rushed into the hospital and saw Ashton struggling to get to the wolf doctor since he was perceived as a human. His sister was shifted to the ward but Ashton was not allowed inside. "What's happening"? Caleb asked upon arriving at the situation. 

"He is requesting to go to the restricted section. We cannot allow that". The receptionist answered.

"He is with me, it's fine". Caleb nodded at them and dragged Ashton to the wards. "I will talk to her, keep quiet or else your cover will be blown". he whispered to Ashton.

"What if you don't ask something I want you to ask"? Ashton questioned him in frustration. 

[Whatever you need to ask, or tell, just tell me like this. I promise I will convey your message]. Ashton heard Caleb inside his head while a poignant smile was displayed on his face. Not having anyone in his head for almost a decade, this experience of link was new to him, which is why, naturally he forgot about the newly developed linking with Caleb.

Ashton nodded at him in agreement while both of them stood beside Ariel's bed. Finding a chair Caleb made Ashton sit beside the bed. Ashton stared at his sister intently as regret and despair engulfed him, so much so that even Caleb started to feel it. Knowing Ashton, he deduced that Ashton blamed himself for being unable to protect his sister.

The doctor arrived at the scene and glanced at Ashton suspiciously before he noticed Caleb standing next to him. "What happened to her"? 

"Well, upon proper examination, I found some injuries to her spinal cord. Luckily she is a…" the doctor stopped in the tracks, unsure of whether or not it was okay to mention the word wolf so instead he said, "strong girl... so she will heal in no time".

After a few minutes Ashton's mother arrived running to the hospital as she stared at Ariel's unconscious face. After recovering from her daze she turned around and asked Ashton, "Where is Ava"? Her question was met with silence so she turned to Caleb and asked him the same.

"We... don't know", reluctantly, Caleb answered.

She was much more composed than Ashton, but it was clear that inside she was way more devastated. Her mind went completely blank for a whole minute. After recovering from the shock she asked Caleb to describe each and everything that happened. Caleb explained to her the entire incident in the park and assured her that his brother was following up, which is why they will definitely find her.

After almost an hour, Ariel's fingers moved slightly and slowly she opened her eyes.

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