My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 8 - Who Did It?

Caleb was in the middle of the woods, running without any particular destination. The fresh breeze and the sunny weather just uplifted his mood even more. He was in a pure bliss when suddenly everything started to become distorted. He heard a very familiar voice speak. "Caleb, wake up"! 

He slowly opened his eyes and realized he fell asleep on his table and that it was his brother who was trying to wake him up.

"What is it?" He asked in his sleepy daze.

"I am sorry to wake you up when you are taking a rest but…" Christian trailed off.

"What happened, Christian"? Caleb asked him, quite concerned now.

"James and his friends were killed. They found their bodies in the warehouse by the cemetery" His brother informed him. 

"What?" Whatever amount of drowsiness was there in Caleb suddenly vanished. He was wide awake. He never liked James or his friends. They used to harass a lot of omegas and sometimes even humans just to get the feeling of superiority. However that doesn't mean he wanted him to die, or get killed like this. "How?" He asked his brother. 

"Well, we are still unsure. But we did detect an unidentified scent at the spot".

"Scent of what?"  Caleb asked his brother carefully. 

"A pureblooded Alpha". Christian told him. Caleb tensed for a moment. If a pure blooded Alpha was in town there was a high chance he could get in trouble if he met him or her.

"You okay"? His brother asked him, seeing his troubled expression.

"Hmm" he nodded. "I am just wondering why a pureblood alpha would come to this town? Do they have any ulterior motive"? 

"Maybe they do have an ulterior motive. It goes without saying that we are one of the strongest packs. Maybe that's why we are being targeted". His brother shrugged.

"Let's see. If a pureblooded Alpha is on a killing spree, then we are in trouble. I thought they were almost extinct or something"? Caleb asked him skeptically. 

"Almost, yes. But like you they are rare as well". He nodded at him.

"Let's go and check out the crime scene". Caleb suggested.

"Are you sure"? His brother asked him with concern. "What if he is still there lurking or something". 

"So? I am strong enough to take down a pureblooded Alpha. Take me with you. Maybe I can remember the scent. I can track him down if I ever happen to encounter it. I am fast, he or she won't be able to run away from me". Caleb assured his brother. Although reluctantly, his brother finally agreed to take him along with him.

He would not admit but he was very protective of his little brother. He would never send him alone there all by himself. So he tagged along. 

It was a full blown crime scene. They died in their human form and thus humans/police officers were highly involved in the case.

The wolves knew them as the Alpha family, but the humans knew them as the mayor's family. 

After an earnest request they let those two enter right in.

They grimaced at the sight of the dead bodies that were covered half in white blankets. The face was severely disheveled, almost making them unrecognizable. 

"This is weird".  Caleb mutters, but his brother heard him nonetheless. 

"What do you mean?" Cristian asked him.

"The marks. They are claw-like marks right?" Christian nodded at his brother. 

"Even a pureblooded Alpha's claws aren't strong enough to impair a wolf's healing. Whatever killed them was clearly loaded with wolfsbane. See the wounds are so fresh. Healing, even if a little bit, should have begun". He said.

"You are right". Christian nodded. He looked around to see if any human was looking or not and touched the edges of the dead body. He felt a burning sensation at the tip of his finger and retracted his fingers. 

"A wolf would never have wolfsbane on its claws. They would end up killing or at least hurting themselves instead". Caleb explained. 

Christian was started to feel glad that he brought his brother. Caleb was quite observant of his surroundings, which came in handy in situations like this. 

"This smells good". He suddenly ended up blurting.

"What?" His brother looked up flabbergasted at him. "This smell? It is burning my nostrils".

"You are an Alpha". He shrugged. "As an Omega Alpha's usually smell nice to me. Since it's a pureblooded one, it's even nicer I guess". He whispered to his brother and shrugged. Not that anyone would have heard him, but he still did not want to take his chances.

He roamed around for a while before he called out to his brother "You know what else is odd?" 

"The smell, it doesn't lead anywhere. It is just present here. As if someone poured a bottle of pheromones here. Shouldn't the smell follow the Alpha"?

"Huh! That is weird".  Christian agreed. They looked around for more clues, perhaps any piece of clothing or something. Not that it was easy,  the police must have already cleared the scenes. But in case they missed something, those two still looked around.

"It's been a long time since we faced something like this. I think we might have to strengthen our perimeters" Christian told Caleb and nodded. 

Back at the mansion Caleb on his way to the room saw two people crying while talking to his parents. They were James's parents and they wanted the head alpha's help to find the killer and serve him justice. He felt a little bad for them, losing your son must have been difficult.

He spent most of the night thinking who could have killed them. Was it the pureblooded Alpha himself, and he was just overthinking the evidence. Or was it someone else framing an Alpha. Was that smell just some pheromones, or was it a real wolf? Why was there another wolf in this town without informing them? They were responsible for keeping track of the wolves in the town. Amidst all his thoughts he felt his heavy lids weigh on his eyes and he fell asleep.

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