My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 80 - Rescued

"What did your brother say"? Ashton asked Caleb exactly 30 minutes later. Caleb was taken aback for a moment, but before he could deny that they didn't chat his brother linked him. To have a proper conversation Caleb raised his hand, stopping Ashton so that he and his brother could have a proper conversation. 

Once he was done, he turned back to Ashton telling him that they were about to give up, but for some reason he had to let go. "Do you think it's something serious? Should we go"? Ashton's lips trembled. Caleb sighed before shrugging. 

"I will try contacting him again after a while, don't worry let's not complicate the situation further". Caleb tried to reassure Ashton. After around another half an hour, once more it was his brother who contacted him. 

[Caleb, we found them. The lost omegas, more than we knew were missing.]

[That is great!] He exclaimed in his mind. Ashton who didn't fail to notice his sudden beaming expression jolted up from the bed to ask him what happened, but Caleb once more asked him to hold up. [Where are they? Is Ava there? Can we see her?] He Bombarded his brother with all these questions.

[Everyone is taken to the pack hospital. You can come if you want but… make sure Dad doesn't see you. Take the emergency exit] his brother suggested. Letting go of the link he literally almost shouted at Ashton. 

"They found all the lost wolves! They found Ava"! Caleb's corner of the lips stretched beyond its limits as he couldn't stop himself from smiling. Even Ashton who barely showed any kind of positive reaction smiled, while happy tears threatened to roll down his cheeks.

Excited, he jumped on Caleb and hugged him even tighter. "She is safe, Caleb. She is safe". Ashton mumbled in a quivering voice. Caleb could tell that Ashton was very emotional right now, and after hearing the shift in Ashton's voice, so was he. 

Caleb hugged him back and they remained in this position for a while, mainly because Ashton didn't want to show his tears, so he was wiping them away sloppily on Caleb's shirt. Unfortunately for him though, Caleb can feel the wetness on his shoulders, so he knew Ashton was crying, but he decided not to bring it up.

After the long hug, Caleb popped the question, "You want to see her"?

"Oh god yes"! Ashton exclaimed. "But… can I? Won't your whole pack be there"? Reluctantly, he asked. 

"Don't worry. They are at the pack hospital. Your mom and Ariel are already there, just blend in with them. I know how to get you in there without getting caught by my Dad" Caleb winked. 

"It sounds like your hospital has a very promising security". Ashton remarked sarcastically. Caleb rolled his eyes, while glad that Ashton was back to his old, somewhat playful sarcastic, self. They headed off to the hospital.


Ashton wore a hoodie which he really didn't need, and also that it belonged to Caleb, and tried to avoid as many gazes as he could on his way in by keeping his head low. In fact even Caleb helped hide by guarding him as much as he could. Not that it made him invisible or anything, but still it made him quite inconspicuous.

Since Ariel was supposed to be discharged today, Mrs Parker was here the whole day, and now that her other daughter was back she stayed back along with Ariel. Both of them stared at Ava's lifeless form while the doctors put her on medications. Ashton joined them, while Caleb diverged to meet Christian and his father.

Ashton gazed at Ava with a straight face, while his heart crumbled from the inside. Even if he wasn't the reason for it, he hated that he couldn't protect his sister from this danger, and glad that she was back. Her lifeless form and pale lips made her look like a zombie, which is why he was relieved when the doctor said she is just severely dehydrated which is interfering with her healing. 

She should recover sooner than anyone whom they rescued today. Ashton looked around the room and realized that indeed her sister was in the best situation, and feared to even imagine what they went through. All the families were notified and one by one they were starting to arrive. Some being far away still needed some time to come.

Caleb found his Dad talking to a few of the wolves and his brother at the reception. Weighing his options he decided it was best to approach his brother to ask what had exactly happened. In the excitement of Ava and the others being found he forgot to ask about the whole situation. 

"Did you find out who was behind all of this"? Caleb popped up the question, prompting his brother too look up to him from the papers he was writing on. 

"No, unfortunately we are not 100% sure. Something killed that wolf, and if it's no-" he stopped in the middle of his sentence, realising he can't mention Ashton. In the periphery Caleb notified a suspicious glance of his father on the. "I mean, if it's not a suicide, which seems highly unlikely, we have no idea who killed him. Or who was behind all of this". Christian mumbled. 

His Dad approached both of them and ordered Christian. "Go home, both of you. I will spend the entire night here. These omegas are back but they are still not safe. As long as they are here, I don't want any of them going missing. Meanwhile, make sure no one is discharged yet". He nodded indicating mainly about Ava since she would recover quite soon. Turning around he paused and looked at Caleb. "Nicely done", said with a slight nod and left.

Caleb stood there shocked, glued to his own spot while his brother suppressed his laughter. "Did he just… approve of someone I did? Me, his younger son, Caleb"? 

"So it seems", chuckled his brother before getting back to his papers. Caleb went back to ward to find the whole family in the same position as they were when he left. He felt bad for intruding, but at this moment he had no choice. He approached them and both mother and daughter gave him a sad smile.

"How are you doing"? He asked little Ariel with an apologetic smile.

"Much better"! She tried to smile. "Thank you for taking care of us". Her sincere words touched Caleb which in turn made him feel guilty for not informing them in the right time. Which is why he decided not to make the same mistake. 

"Can I ask you something"? He asked. She nodded at him with a warm smile, encouraging him to continue. "I know it's been a little hard lately, and that Ariel is still pretty tired. But… Can you guys stay here for the night? The things are still quite unsure, so I think staying here with everyone else will be much safer. I am sure my Dad will come up with some or the other way. He is annoying, but he is great when it comes to taking care of the pack". He chuckled. 

"I think that's actually a great idea. Ariel is still not discharged yet, she just came running to see her sister" She smiled. "I will see if I can transfer her to this ward and they can sleep here". Mrs Parker suggested. 

"I won't sleep" Ariel protested so her mom patted her head.

"I know you are worried about your sister, but what if you are too tired to talk to her when she finally wakes up? She is getting her share of rest, you get yours too". Mrs Parker suggested. 


"No buts. Go to sleep, I promise if she wakes up I will wake you up. You were awake the whole night yesterday, you need some rest". Her mother told her in a warm yet a little bit stern voice. She nodded meekly before sitting down in the empty bed next to her sister. 


It was a long day for the Parker family. With everything that's been going on, it was exhausting for them. Caleb spotted Ashton, half asleep next to the vending machine, his face hidden perfectly by the hoodie along with his head posture. Everytime Ashton drifted off, he jolted back to his seat, seemingly alert before repeating the same cycle.

Taking an energy drink from the vending machine, he sat down next to Ashton, who was too tired to realize that someone was beside him. "Ashton, you told me you like your soft bed, why are you sleeping in a hospital chair" Caleb started the conversation as a joke.

Ashton, who was too tired to get that mumbled in half asleep state, "Your's is softer" before jolting back once more.

"I know you are tired, and I can imagine why". Caleb began. "If you don't want to go back home, it's fine. But get some proper rest". He nudged him on the side with his shoulder. Ashton turned around to look at him with half opened eyes before putting his head on Caleb's shoulder. After all, his shoulder was much more comfortable than keeping his head floating.

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