My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 88 - A Different Approach

Christian watched his father carefully the entire time Caleb and his Dad were arguing. He knew arguing with his father was useless, luckily his father had no idea that Christian was well aware of Ashton's identity beforehand. Mr. Wrisberg was too focused on scolding Caleb, and Christian planned on taking advantage of the benefit of the doubt. 

His father didn't try to follow Caleb and Ashton which did come off as a bit of a surprise to him, but once they were gone, his ther turned to him for his opinion, as expected, "What do you think son? Am I being too harsh"? 

Whenever his father wanted his sympathy, he called him son. Clearing his throat Christian replied, "A little bit". Hoping that it didn't tip off his father too much he continued making his point. "I agree that we cannot trust him after he has been lying to us. But I think maybe locking him up isn't the best. It's for the ones who have actually harmed us. He didn't do anything, and we have no evidence whether or not he was planning to".

"He marked Caleb", His father pointed out. 

"But he seems to be okay with it, so we cannot convict him for it". Christian offered. 

"I am not letting him walk out of this place so easily"! Mr Wrisberg raised his voice.

"What if…" Christian trailed off. "What if we have his family move in with us. This way that boy would be under our scrutiny. I am sure Caleb would love to have him around as well". Christian shrugged, proposing the offer like a win-win situation. 

His father thought for a while before shaking his head, "No, it's too risky" his father sighed. "Are you trying to protect that pureblooded brat as well"? With a suspicious gaze Mr Wrisberg looked at Christian. 

"I am just trying to help Caleb. He is my brother after all," without losing his composure he uttered. 

"That boy is clearly manipulating him, I can't believe he can't see it". Mr Wrisberg uttered. "All of you should leave right now. I will see what I can do about it". He ordered the rest of the wolves in his room. Reluctantly, they agreed. While some of the council members thought that the Alpha was being unfair, some thought he wasn't getting strict enough. But no one was stupid enough to voice their opinion in front of their enraged leader.

Once they were gone, Christian tried again. "Caleb has already chosen his mate, and with the marking being done, there is nothing we can do about it. If he hurt Ashton, we will end up hurting him".

"Don't you think I realise that? What I don't get is how come he chose an Alpha, a pureblooded one on top of that, when he clearly hated them. Exactly what did Ashton say to him to convince otherwise". His father sat down on his chair and engulfed in deep thought. 

"Maybe you can figure all that out better if he moved in". Christian tried to pitch the idea once more. His Dad, however, wasn't an idiot who would miss that Christian was dead set on selling this idea to him. While he found that annoying, he couldn't exactly argue with that logic. Maybe this was the best way of having him under scrutiny without hurting his son. 

"I will give it a thought" His father shrugged. "Try to find Caleb in the meantime. I think he got rid of any tracking device, and he is not responding to my link". His father ordered. Christian nodded before he headed towards his room. He wasn't sure if Caleb would respond to his link or not, so he simply sent him a text to contact him when he can.

The commotion in front of his house was lesser than before, but still it was there. Most of them were terrified of having a pureblooded Alpha in their pack, given how dangerous they can be. With most of the purebloods gone only legends about their lack of control and their savage behavior prevailed.

After almost an hour Christian recieved the link from Caleb. He was asking about the status update, so he explained the situation to him. Christian was glad that after giving it a thought Caleb agreed to return with Ashton.


Once Caleb let go of his link, he looked at Ashton, who in turn was staring at him in anticipation. "So"?

He explained everything to him, whatever his brother told him, and it got Ashton thinking. Would it really be safe? What if he got attacked in the middle of the night or something. As if Caleb anticipated what he was thinking he spoke, "Don't worry, my Dad won't be able to hurt you, now that he knows you're my mate". He declared. 

Not entirely convinced Ashton nodded "Alright then". He was starting to worry about his family too, but not having his phone with him prevented him from contacting his mother. 

"Have you ever been here before"? Ashton asked Caleb who turned around the car. 

Shaking his head, Caleb replied, "No". 

"We are not lost right"? He asked Caleb, quite skeptical of the other.

"Don't worry, I am good with directions" Caleb winked at him.

The ride back, to the house was as quite as the ride on the way to here, except this time the silence wasn't so uncomfortable. Both of them were engrossed in their own thoughts. Caleb mainly focused on the road and his excitement of finally getting the guy he wanted for so long, along with a little bit of worry about what would happen next.

Ashton on the other hand was anxious as hell, despite maintaining a calm outward appearance. He wasn't sure how he would convince Mr Wrisberg that he was trustworthy, and thus worried about his family more than himself. Mr Wrisberg seemed dead set on his prejudices, which made it even harder for him to convince. Which also made him wonder, will he be able to date Caleb through all this tension? 

With a crazy amount of confidence, he asked Caleb out, but now his actions were finally starting to get him. He knew that he wanted Caleb, but he really hoped his own feelings were as genuine as Caleb's. Not having much time to process his feelings, he hoped that he didn't make a mistake. Seeing the affection Caleb held for him made him feel lucky, and a bit worried. He wanted to be with Caleb, but he couldn't help but worry how the dating would affect them. 

Amongst all these thoughts they reached their destination. He was surprised to see a lot less people outside than before. Did the situation really calm down? He wondered. 

On the front door he found his mother standing there with a beautiful lady who looked like she would be around late thirties thus looking obviously younger than she was. She was none other than the pack Luna, Rachel Wrisberg. Coming in front, she looked at Caleb, sternly "You father wants to see you". Caleb nodded and was about to go when his mother stopped, "By yourself" she pointed towards their locked hands with their eyes and both of them quickly retracted their hands.

Caleb left the moment later and his mother's stern gaze shifted to Ashton which slowly morphed into a creepy smile. "I heard you're my son's mate". She mumbled at Ashton. She took a few steps towards him and looked at him with her piercing eyes. "I hope you take care of my son properly". She said with a sickeningly sweet smile, which Ashton found to be a bit intimidating. Of course she was worried about her son, so he didn't find her tone offending.

Ashton decided to remain quiet, knowing fully well that if he opens his mouth to say something, it won't be pretty. Usually he didn't care how his words offended others, but he needed to impress Caleb's parents to get their approval for dating their son. Ashton's mother sensing the tension, stepped in and spoke to Ashton, "Son, I was just talking with Rachel here. They have invited us to stay with them for a while. They already got our stuff". Sue explained.

"What"? Ashton deadpanned. His eyes depicted pure horror as if something very bad has happened. Both the women gave him a curious and suspicious look, "I need to go". He ran away.

Rachel turned to Sue and asked, "What was that"? 

"I am assuming he is worried that you might have forgotten something, so he is going to look for it" Sue shrugged. 

"Well, he better not run away" Mrs Wrisberg remarked. 

"Don't worry, I didn't give birth to him but I did raise him. And I didn't raise a coward" Sue declared sternly. 

"Aren't you worried that you attitude might not be in his favor"? With a victorious smirk Rachel asked.

"A little" She shrugged. "But he is my son, and just like you protect your son, I would protect mine. At. All. Cost" She glared at the taller woman in front of her before taking her leave. 

Rachel scoffed before giving her classic smirk. When she first met Sue, she thought she was a timid woman, being an omega and all. But after today Mrs Wrisberg could tell that she wasn't as she seemed. But she sincerely hoped that despite their attitude she was genuine. She wasn't close with her son Caleb, but if his heart lied with Ashton, she wished they could make it work. As for her husband, she was ready to deal with him if required.

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