My Atypical Wolf

Chapter 91 - Late At Night

Sleep didn't come to Caleb so easily that night. Sure he has had sleepless nights before, but they were nothing like this. While he mostly hated staying up late to do his job or something, this time he couldn't help but smile through and through. Every time he closed his eyes, he could feel that pair of lips that he encountered twice today, and like an earworm these two sentences kept ringing in his ears, "I can get used to this" and "Nothing a boyfriend shouldn't do".

Just a day ago he was wallowing in sadness and the pain of rejection, and now 24 hours later, he had a boyfriend, the one guy he had wanted for so long. He felt like an idiot for not confessing his feelings earlier, for being an idiot to think that his feelings are one sided. If only he had confessed his feelings long ago, he wouldn't have had to suffer for so long.

Honestly, if he could get a time machine he would go back to the past, smack his idiot old self and make him get together with Ashton much earlier. He was so happy tonight that he couldn't get sidetracked by the fact that his parents were not okay with Ashton.

Speaking of which, he couldn't help but think about how Ashton must be feeling. He could tell that Ashton was not very comfortable when he was showing him around the place. He would be lying if he said he didn't want to stay in his room and go to Ashton's room instead, but with everyone in their house, will that be okay? Moreover he knew Ashton liked to sleep alone, and thanks to his heat even Ashton lost most of his sleep in the last couple of days. 

He shouldn't disturb his boyfriend right. A smile formed once again as he thought of Ashton as his boyfriend. Maybe his brother was right, Caleb is whipped for the pureblooded Alpha kid. He tried once more to fall asleep, but once more the memory of that kiss floated in his mind. If a kiss could make him this crazy god knows what will happen to him when he mates with him. The thought of mating made him blush profusely so he decided to do some push ups, hoping it would wear him out enough to make him fall asleep.

Feeling the sweat bubbles form in his forehead in such a cold weather he decided to wash off a bit before heading off to bed. I was already 2:00 o'clock in the morning and if he stayed awake further he would probably have huge dark circles the next day. Lying on his bed he stared at the ceiling he tried to think of all the useless things, maybe counting some sheeps would help him in the process to fall asleep. He slowly closed his eyes only to be woken up by a noise from outside the window. 

Startled, he sprung up on his bed and tried to figure out what was going on. Like a hand of ghost he saw a dark five fingered shadow trying to break the window. Since when was his house haunted? He wondered. Taking a deep breath, he took out the baseball bat he had tucked away in the closet ever since he realised that particular sport was not meant for him and approached the window cautiously. 

Unlocking the window he was about to hit the person on the other side of the window, when that person grabbed his hand blocking his attack, "I knew you would pull a stunt like this. Your anxiety levels were starting to make me anxious" said Ashton whilst taking the bat away from his face.

"What the hell dude!!? You scared me"! Caleb breathed a sigh of relief. "Why didn't you say who you were"? 

"I didn't wanna disturb you in case you were already asleep". Ashton shrugged.

"So what? You were gonna sneak up on me"? Caleb questioned.

"Well… I mean, I was just..."Ashton stammered, unsure of how to make his abrupt visit sound more casual. Caleb seeing the dilemma in his face chuckled and grabbed his hand, pulling him in. "Come inside, just because we are wolves doesn't mean we have to stay in the chilling weather outside".

Once Caleb successfully closed the window, he turned around to ask Ashton, "How come you are here, instead of sleeping"? 

"Well, I was wrong, when I imagined a soft mattress would help me sleep, but I couldn't sleep no matter what". Ashton sighed. "Maybe it's the first night effect? You know when you can't sleep in new surroundings".

"So, you came to see me"? Caleb decided to tease once more.

"Well, you are the only one I could think off when I asked myself, 'who could be awake at this hour'? After I glanced at my clock" Ashton shrugged. Without waiting for any invitation, Ashton snuck into Caleb's bed while covering himself with the quilt. The bed was significantly warm, signifying that Caleb was in fact on the bed.

Caleb's eyes widened at that bold gesture and couldn't help from asking, "What are you doing? Who said you can take my bed? Get off my bed" He ordered. 

Ashton looked at him with a devilish smirk on his face, "Remember when you took my bed without permission on my birthday? It is revenge time" His devilish smirk deepened.

"That was so long ago! And that was different, we weren't… you know" Caleb stammered.

"What? Mates who have made out on more than one occasion"? Ashton chuckled while Caleb's eyes widened further. Ashton was usually a shy person, which is why whenever he behaved so boldly it kind of scared him. Not in a bad way though, cause he enjoyed his advances nevertheless. "Don't worry, I won't touch you at all. See this pillow will keep us separated". He pulled the large side pillow from above his head and kept it in the middle of the huge bed making partitions.

Caleb rolled his eyes before mumbling, "You should worry about me jumping on you instead", recalling his earlier thoughts.

Ashton, who apparently heard him, mumbled back, "be my guest". Caleb sighed before heading off to the bed and lying on the left side. At first he stared at the ceiling before turning his to the right, only to get his view blocked by the giant pillow.

Irritated he pulled the pillow a little bit lower and looked at the peaceful face of sleeping Ashton. Whether he was actually asleep, or he was just pretending, he couldn't tell. He simply enjoyed the peaceful moment and before he knew he dozed of as well.

He didn't know for how long he was asleep, but thanks to the chirping noise outside, Caleb woke up sprawled all across the bed while his face was buried between the giant pillow and the bed. How did he not suffocate? He wondered. He looked around to see no signs of Ashton, and wondered if he dreamt the whole Ashton coming to his room late at night. 

Rubbing his eyes, he stretched and noticed a page on the nightstand. Taking the page he read

'Had to leave before your family found me here and assassinated me. See ya pineapple!'

He smiled reading the tiny note as he found himself cooing at his adorable nature. 'Seriously? The pack is worried about this guy'? Caleb found himself asking before he chuckled quietly. He freshened up before he headed down for breakfast. 

Seeing Ashton rub his eyes while coming from his elevator, as if he spent the entire night in his room made him laugh. He bit his lip, in order to suppress his smile so that people around him don't get suspicious, which wasn't really that necessary. Linking Ashton, he asked. [Do tell me if you are planning to sneak into my room every night. I will keep the baseball bat nearby to welcome you] Caleb implied with heavy loaded sarcasm.

Ashton glared at him slightly, before smiling at the twins who were ready to go to school. Seeing them all dressed up he wondered, "Wait, what time is it"? Ashton asked.

"Around 8, why"? Caleb answered, checking his watch.

"Oh my god, I gotta go". Ashton ran away. Caleb scrunched his eyebrows before he realised that Ashton was about to be late for school. What surprised him more that Ashton was still allowed to go to school. He assumed his father would keep him all locked up here.

He went back to his fathers home office to find it empty and looked around for the pictures. He examined them closely to determine the position of the photographer and tried to recall if he saw anything abnormal in his peripheral vision. What if the person was standing farther than he estimated? It was possible that the person simply zoomed.

Wanting to check the place out once more, he decided to go to Ashton's old place once more. He looked around the whole place for any residual scents or something, but it wasn't that much of a surprise that he found no evidence given the pictures were taken days ago. Things were quiet normal and he was engrossed in his own while staring intently at the pictures when he felt a hand touch his shoulder.

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