My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 107: Unexpected person

The holidays passed in a blink of an eye. On the afternoon of the 5th, Wang Shuyue returned to the base alone to prepare for the next final evaluation.

In this final selection, there are only two hundred people in total, and the four groups are ranked according to their performance. The top two hundred will be promoted directly to become formal special forces soldiers.

There are ten items for evaluation, which are ranked according to the total score of each item.

However, the percentages selected for the ten items are not the same.

The endurance events that Wang Shuyue is good at account for only 30%, and the remaining arm strength physical martial arts and other actual combat operations account for 60%.

The other ten percent belong to the comprehensive score of each person, based on spiritual root, cultivation level, and comprehension as the scoring criteria.

So, in sum, Wang Shuyue didn't have any advantage.

The army selects soldiers and requires a comprehensive ability, and Wang Shuyue's five spirit roots are her most lethal shortcomings.

On January 10th, the final appraisal began, and the ten projects were divided into three days to be evaluated in sequence.

In order to squeeze into the top two hundred, everyone beat each other like chicken blood, used all their strength, and went all out.

After an intense three-day assessment, the final result came out.

Knowing that the night before the assessment results were about to come out, Wang Shuyue was rarely decadent, did not practice, did not sleep, and she just kept her eyes open until dawn.

It wasn't until the assessment list was posted and I saw that I was selected in 52nd place, that was relieved to return to the bedroom and sleep dimly.

In the top three on the list, the first is Ou Keqin in the boys' group, the second is Bai Qingfeng in the girls' group, and the third is another person that no one can think of.

Wu Xi, Shan Linggen of the fire system, 20 years old, is a group of people who do not say anything, and usually tests between ten and fifteen people.

She got the third place in the comprehensive assessment, and the girls in a group were shocked.

However, this is a comprehensive evaluation result. If you think about it carefully, you can understand it.

Fortunately, a group of sixty girls were all selected, and no one left.

Tang Lin was very pleased, but the second, third, and fourth group fell into the sadness of losing his partner.

Male and female dormitories, separated by a wall, have two completely different atmospheres.

Bai Qingfeng didn't know when he appeared in front of the dormitory of the first class, and he caught a girl casually and asked, "Where is Wang Shuyue?"

The girl pointed to the person who was sleeping in the corner of the dormitory, "The ranking is too low, and it may be a bit unacceptable. I have slept since I read the list in the morning and haven't gotten up until now."

Bai Qingfeng turned his head to look at the sky outside. It was sunset and the sky was getting dark, "I can really sleep."

Waving his hand, letting go of the girl who was caught, weighing the black plastic bag in her hand, crossing her long legs, came to Wang Shuyue's bed.

In fact, Wang Shuyue woke up just when she heard the name of someone Q herself.

Hearing the noise beside him, he peeled off the quilt, revealing half of his messy head from inside, "Huh?" asked Bai Qingfeng what's the matter.

"You don't look like you've been hit hard." Bai Qingfeng joked.

Wang Shuyue rolled her eyes, got up and slid down from the upper bunk, "Who said I was hit, I was too happy, so reward myself to relax."

"What's in your hand?" Wang Shuyue shrugged her nose. She seemed to smell a tempting smell. Her eyes carefully swept the tightly wrapped plastic bag, and she was suddenly excited when she saw the deja vu outline.

"Is it spicy?" She lowered her voice and asked excitedly.

Bai Qingfeng raised her eyebrows and hooked her fingers. Wang Shuyue honestly followed her to the playground steps. Baba watched Bai Qingfeng open the bag and handed over the spicy strips inside.

"Really! How did you get it?" Wang Shuyue couldn't wait to tore open the packaging bag and drew out a large gluten. The spicy flavor fills the taste buds, that's it!

"You have nothing to do, what do you want to do?" Wang Shuyue took the spicy strip and took a step back vigilantly.

Bai Qingfeng glanced at her speechlessly, "Do you think you have anything I'm worried about?"

I was really afraid that Wang Shuyue would think about it, and then explained, "The second place has two hundred points. I just bought it when I saw that the store was new."

"By the way, we have to regroup after hearing about it. We may not have the opportunity to train together in the future."

Bai Qingfeng sat down on the steps, picked up a leaf that fell from the tree and held it in his hand to play with.

Has no one chased her to make her work harder?

Just thinking of this, I heard Bai Qingfeng say faintly: "Without my supervision, you have to work harder, otherwise... the next time you meet, it will not be second and fifty-second. There is a gap between the names, I am afraid it will be the first place and the penultimate..."

"You can shut up!" Wang Shuyue rushed forward, interrupted her, biting a spicy stick, and said viciously:

"Who will get the first place next time? This time it is based on the comprehensive evaluation. I will suffer a little bit, but it will definitely not be the case next time."

"Otherwise it would be too unfair."

Bai Qingfeng turned his head to look at her, flicked his finger, and dusted her clothes with leaves on his fingertips, "Okay, you know you have to work hard, then I can rest assured."

She stood up, patted her butt, "Now I have 182 points more than you."

Ying eyebrows raised and left proudly.

Suddenly Wang Shuyue felt that the spicy strips in her mouth no longer fragrant.

But...watching Bai Qingfeng’s unrestrained back, gradually disappeared into the crowd, and finally disappeared, my heart was still a little empty~


On the morning of January 15th, all promoted members received a dedicated communicator of their own.

From this moment on, they are an official member of the special forces.

All two hundred students were disrupted, and a class of twenty people was divided into ten classes, and they were transferred to new bases deep in the island for special training.

Bai Qingfeng was right, they were far away.

The new base was built in the depths of the jungle. There are two independent wide buildings built in a defensive enchantment under the cloth of the cultivator. It is the only safe zone in the jungle with monsters and beasts.

The helicopter dropped 200 people into the new base and left. The original instructors were only Sergeant Tang Lin and Lin Kui.

In the empty square of the new base, everyone saw some peculiar weapons, as well as advanced guns, fighters, knives, guns and Lin gathered everyone, separated according to classes, and asked each class to choose a monitor. .

Perhaps due to fate, Wang Shuyue, Ou Keqin and Zhang Yang were in the same class. There is no doubt that Ou Keqin became the monitor of their third class.

After sorting out the monitors, Tang Lin gave the monitors a key to lead them to the dormitory.

Coming to the dormitory, Wang Shuyue found a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that the four girls in Class 3 live in a quadruple dormitory, so there is no need to squeeze the chase.

The bad thing is that there is still no separate bathroom, Gan!

But it was the same before, and it's okay.

Simply clean up in the dormitory. At nine o'clock in the morning, all the members of the special forces came to the indoor gravity training field to welcome the new teachers.

Wang Shuyue couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Gu Ziming walking in in a black uniform and looking human.

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