My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 120: From the sky

Ou Keqin asked Wang Shuyue to take the place of Wu Xi and be responsible for the safety of the rear. Everyone rushed to the flag planting point again, hoping to get a place to rest before dark.

Unexpectedly, the actual flag-planting point is completely different from the safe base imagined in everyone's mind.

No, it can't be said that it's completely different, it's just that there are more than a dozen monsters than everyone imagined!

The flag-planting point under the golden light is actually a square container.

On the container, there is a flask, and that bottle is the flag point.

However, if you want to get close to the container, you must first kill the monsters surrounding the container.

As night fell, Wang Shuyue and the others, who finally walked out of the jungle, stood by the creek, watching a group of hyena-like monsters that were about to wake up on the grass on the opposite bank, and finally understood why there was no monster by the creek.

It turned out that they were all scared away by this group of hyena monsters.

"Should we change the flag point?" asked a weak player.

Okeqin looked back at him, "Are you sure the next flag-planting point will be better than it is now? Are you sure it's so dark, we still have the energy to go back and those poisonous mosquitoes Zhou Xuan?"

The talking team members were silent, shrank their necks, and took a half step back, trying to reduce their sense of existence.

"Go ahead!"

Wang Shuyue drew the spear knife, before the teammates could react, jumped over the creek, raised the knife and hit the hyena who was about to wake up with a stab!

The speed was extremely fast. As soon as the hyena got up, she was chopped by the knife in her hand, hurting her back, causing the hyena to bark and drew all the hyenas nearby.

In an instant, the colorful halos flickered, and Wang Shuyue made a preemptive strike with one sword and one spell, and it frightened the hyena for a moment.

The breath that these hyenas emit is no more than ten levels of Qi training. The advantage is that they are large in number, fast, and fierce to the enemy.

If you are frightened by them, the hyenas will only take advantage of them and use them as food.

Upon seeing this, Ou Keqin's heart surged to his head, and he quickly ordered Zhang Yang and other logistics personnel to pay attention, and with a big wave of his hand, he led Mo Xiaoyan, Liu Long and others to rush over.

Before the people arrived, the gunshots rang out. With two bangs, the hyena that leaped towards Wang Shuyue had a headshot and was blown out.

Wang Shuyue turned her head, Okeqin smiled wildly at her, turned her head and shouted at the team behind him:

"Kill these hyenas, we will have supper tonight!"

Mo Xiaoyan and the others responded loudly that the only fear left in their hearts was Wang Shuyue, who was headed up, and quickly joined the battlefield.

The training in the weekdays has been brought into play. Two and two, back to back, defend each other, and attack the hyena at the same time. One person controls the other and shoots the hyena. The gun does not need to be fired, and almost no magic is needed, so the hyena can be beaten. Residual blood.

However, the hyena is a creature that is very vengeful. Seeing the death of a companion, not only does it not retreat, but it bites with red eyes, and kills the enemy together.


Suddenly, the leading hyena let out a fierce roar, with extremely strong hatred, Wang Shuyue and others' hearts were tight.

"Everyone, be careful!"

As soon as Okeqin's reminding voice came out, the air in front of everyone immediately became distorted, flying sand and rocks, strong winds, the world outside the goggles suddenly became blurred, and everyone had to bow their heads.

Suddenly Wang Shuyue felt a cold in her back and a knife in her backhand.

The light of the knife slashed across, and only a piercing metal symphony of "dang" was heard, and the sight was bright, and the enlarged red eyes of the hyena appeared in front of him, shocking Wang Shuyue's heartbeat.

She leaned back hurriedly, avoiding the sharp paw of the hyena!

The remaining five hyenas all barked, and the green light flashed over their bodies. The goat-sized body quickly swelled and became as big as a cow.

The sharp teeth, scarlet eyes, and the **** breath that squirted from the babbling babble made everyone's heart tight.

"Assemble!" Okeqin shouted.

Except for Wang Shuyue who was entangled by the lead hyena, the others quickly moved closer to Okeqin.

The wind is coming again, the rocks fly away, and the rotten leaves fly all over the sky, hiding the murderous intent.

Taking advantage of the gap where everyone's sight was blocked, the four hyenas swarmed up, snapped their teeth and danced their claws to bite them, dispersing the gathered Okeqin and others.

"Wang Shuyue, how is your side?" Okeqin asked loudly while resisting.

The sky was dim, Okeqin condensed two fireballs and threw them into the air, instantly illuminating the battlefield.

One of the fireballs happened to be near Wang Shuyue. The moment the fire light appeared, the hyena that flew towards her was obviously startled, and there was a look of fear in her eyes.

Although it flashed by, Wang Shuyue still caught it.

Immediately put away the gun and knife, released a row of fireballs and threw them out.

The hyena leader took a look, was angry and annoyed, and grinned a few steps back, dodges the flying fireball, and did not dare to step forward.

"They are afraid of fire!" Wang Shuyue informed his teammates of his findings, and at the same time told Okeqin that he was fine.

Okeqin also noticed this. He opened the rushing hyena with a little tip toe and rose in the air. With a word in his mouth, when he lifted his palms, the ring of fire suddenly ignited from the ground, scaring the hyenas besieging Mo Xiaoyan and others. Turn your head and retreat.

The five hyenas withdrew to the outside of the ring of fire, staring at Wang Shuyue and others in the ring of fire, fearing but not wanting to give up the nest they had set. They gnawed their teeth to intimidate, and released wind and sand in an attempt to destroy the ring of fire.

Unfortunately, it did not succeed.

Wang Shuyue, Mo Xiaoyan and others raised their guns and shot them out with a few bangs. Although the five hyenas were extremely fast, they were still shot. They were horrified by the gunshots, bleeding, staring fiercely, and hesitating. .

With a "click", Wang Shuyue filled the gun with a bullet, and aimed at the huge hyena in the lead.

But she didn't want to. At the moment when she was about to shoot a sharp breaking sound suddenly sounded, and the silver light flashed by, and then the huge body of the hyena fell to the ground.

Several black silhouettes fell from the sky like ghosts and cut off the huge head of the hyena with a single knife.

But within one breathing time, five hyenas all fell to the ground, their movements were fast and accurate, and they didn't get muddled at all!

It's like having experienced countless drills, so proficient is creepy.

Seeing the five men in black who suddenly appeared outside the circle of fire with strange knives in their hands and exuding a powerful aura, Wang Shuyue couldn't help feeling a numb scalp.

As soon as one of them lifted his hand, a water dragon appeared, and it extinguished Okeqin's circle of fire with a splash.

The man in black in the middle raised the gun in his hand, "Get out!"

Mo Xiaoyan wanted to ask who they were. Before she could say anything, she was pulled at by Liu Long. He looked over in a puzzled manner. Liu Long shook his head slightly with a serious expression.

His instinct tells him that these five people are a hundred times more dangerous than those hyenas.

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