My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 129: Found her

The general control room of the special training base.

Political commissar Yao was pacing back and forth, looking anxious.

The rest of Tang Lin, Gu Ziming, Gu Zirui and others were sitting on the benches by the door, and the expressions on everyone's faces looked very serious.

Finally, the indoor communicator rang, and everyone stood up and looked at the communicator with scorching eyes.

Lin Kui, who was holding the communicator in his hand, tightened and pressed the answer button.

Soon, there were responses from students everywhere, and the answers were very uniform.

"Not found." Lin Kui frowned, then turned around and told everyone behind him the news that the students had returned.

Gu Ziming's face changed, and he asked in a cold voice, "I'm ready for the helicopter, can I set off now?!"

One day and one night had passed since the news of Wang Shuyue's disappearance came from the third squad leader Okeqin.

During this day and night, all the special forces members were looking for Wang Shuyue's traces, but everyone's range of action was also limited.

Tang Lin glanced at Gu Ziming, then looked at Gu Zirui’s cold face full of impatience, did not reply to Gu Ziming, and instead asked the monitoring personnel.

"Is the approximate range circled?"

The technician nodded and pointed to the range drawn in the red circle on the finger map. "According to the feedback of other students and the tips of Wang Yu and Mo Xiaoyan, after excluding other possibilities, it can basically be locked on the north side of the island. ."

"Catch Wang Shuyue's big bird, we asked, it should be a sapphire-winged eagle. This eagle likes to build nests on cliffs. After catching prey, it will not be killed immediately, but will be brought back to the nest for storage for the imminent hatching. The bird is used as food reserve."

"April is the season when the jade-winged eagle hatches. Wang Shuyue is very likely to be alive and was taken to the nest by the jade-winged eagle."

The technician calmly analyzed and said: "Furthermore, according to Wang Yu and Mo Xiaoyan's remarks, this big bird has been seriously injured. It is also possible that Wang Shuyue was put down by it midway. Now we only need to find the trajectory of the jade-winged eagle. You can determine the specific location of Wang Shuyue."

Hearing this, the political commissar Yao felt desperate, and hope suddenly ignited.

"So, people are still alive?" he asked excitedly.

Gu Zirui never understood why political commissar Yao, Tang Lin, and Gu Ziming were so nervous. After all, it was just a matter of disappearance from the academy. They were all people who had gone through strong winds and waves. Why were they so nervous that they were so nervous?

Now seeing the excitement of Political Commissar Yao, Gu Zirui's doubts are even greater.

Isn't the identity of this female student simple?

Gu Zirui didn't know, this is more than simple. If you are not careful, it is possible that the entire training base will be wiped out!

The wrath of the emperor is no more than a million corpses, and the wrath of the repairer is afraid that it will turn the river and the sea, and it will no longer exist!

Although political commissar Yao did not know who Wang Shuyue was the descendant of a big boss, he deliberately checked it out. Among the returnees, there were two kings returning to big bosses, and one Yuan Ying’s later cultivation base was about to transform the gods. NS.

The most frightening thing is that the female monk who has never shown her face, but was jealous of all the returnees, not long after her return, but the way she came back was different from that of others.

It was not because of the turbulence of time and space, nor was it because of a coincidence, but because of abruptly cut through the void and walked back.

Political commissar Yao couldn't imagine how strong that strength should be.

In short, as long as he thinks that Wang Shuyue might be the direct bloodline of this female monk, his heart can't help but hang up high, even a little frightened.

With the analysis of the technicians now, the high-hanging heart just dropped a little bit.

"Why don't you ask the returning teachers to help you find it?" Tang Lin suggested.

He felt that this was faster than Gu Ziming driving a helicopter to find it.

However, political commissar Yao immediately waved his hand when he heard that he was going to alarm the returnees, "No, this is the negligence of our base. If it is a last resort, we cannot alarm them."

If it was alarmed to the ears of the two kings, the situation would not be good.

Tang Lin frowned. It was not that he couldn't understand Yao's political commissar's thoughts. It was just that now that life is at stake, should he still think about taking responsibility?

If something happens to Wang Shuyue, there are so many people in the base that no one can escape!

Political commissar Yao had his own ideas, turned his head to look at the brothers Gu Ziming, and solemnly ordered:

"Thank you two for a trip, please be sure to find the missing Wang Shuyue!"

Gu Ziming had just heard the words of the returnees, and he was a little excited. Now that political commissar Yao has no plans to alarm the returnees, his heart burst into anger.

But now that time is running out, and he can't tolerate him and these politicians, Gu Ziming saluted with a cold face, and turned around and left.

Gu Zirui didn't rush, and first apologized to the political commissar Yao for his brother's impoliteness, and then he turned around and left.

Gu Zi had prepared everything early, and trot all the way to the apron, but he did not expect that he was about to give orders to the helicopter crews when a familiar white figure suddenly appeared in the air.

Gu Ziming recognized the white-clothed boy in the sky at a glance, and asked anxiously, "Where are you going to the Three Provinces of Nangong?"

The young man standing on Feijian looked down at him, "I'll look for her!"

After all, regardless of Gu Ziming's obstruction, Yu Jian escaped into the jungle.

Gu Ziming hurriedly yelled: "Do you know the way, do you just run out and blend in!"

The only response to Gu Ziming was the silver light left by Feijian, and the young man in white had long since disappeared.

Regardless, Gu Ziming heard what he said, and he shook his heart immediately. He raised his eyes and looked around, all of them were trees.

He seems, seems, lost!

At the same time, Wang Shuyue, who was lying on the ground resting, seemed to see a blank figure above the white clouds. She thought she was dazzled, rubbed her eyes vigorously, and looked intently. Seeing the white-clothed young man on the flying sword, she only felt unbelievable.


How could she see the cute three provinces in this ghost place!

At this moment, UU reading looked around blankly. The boy in white clothes who lost his direction suddenly found a familiar breath. It turned dark and rushed down quickly.

"Uncle Master!"

The teenager's panicked voice came, and Wang Shuyue, who squinted to see the sky, widened her eyes immediately, thinking that she might be dreaming.

She pinched herself severely, and before she woke up from the pain of her dream, the youthful lingering fragrance had already surrounded her.

"Uncle Master!"

Sanxing picked up the person on the ground, thinking that the person lying on the ground motionless, the blood-stained person was dying, and his eyes were red with anxiety.

Wang Shuyue, who was held in her arms by the teenager, was shocked for several seconds, and then she recovered from the crying beauty of the beautiful teenager's red eyes, and said helplessly:

"I am still alive......"

Sanshen became stiff, and looked at the person in his arms, except for the dirty face, messy hair, run-down clothes, bright eyes, flushed face, and full of energy.

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