My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 136: I don't go to hell, who goes to hell

  Chapter 136 I don't go to **** who goes to hell

  Twenty minutes later, the map was refreshed, representing each class, and the colorful lights suddenly turned out more than half. The dark place occupies two-thirds of the flag-planting point of the entire island, and only the light in the southwest part of the map is still on.

  Before everyone subconsciously thought that the black part was an undeveloped flag-planting point.

   But now, thinking of the black flag, Wang Shuyue and others have a bold conjecture.

   "These black areas will not all be occupied by them?" Wang Shuyue swallowed and asked weakly.

  Bai Qingfeng stared at him coldly, "Don't crow's mouth!"

  Wang Shuyue opened her eyes wide, indicating that she was innocent.

   Turned his head to look at other people, everyone was instantly infected by her anxiety, and they fell silent.

  Okqin saw that his morale was so low that he was about to be buried in the ground, and he got out of the container and called everyone together.

   asked loudly: "Who is scared? Please stand up for me!"

  Everyone looked at each other, no one moved.

  Okqin sneered when he saw this, "So, just like me, you have only full of anger and no fear, right?"

   "If this is the case, then follow me and clean up all these arrogant people in black!"

  "Are you not looking for a flag-planting point?" Bai Qingfeng stepped out from the inside and asked.

Okeqin turned to look at her, his eyes glowing, "Is it interesting to find one to be robbed? Since most of the flag setting points are controlled by the men in black, then we can get all of them in their hands as long as we defeat them. Flag point."

   "Now, Class 9 and Class 10 have been forced out, and Class 8 was scared to give up. There are only seven teams left in our special forces team. If we don't join forces to resist, we will not be able to stand alone at that time, and our failure is inevitable."

   "Instead of passively waiting here, it is better to take advantage of the moment when the people in black are full of hatred, and unite with other teams to launch a counterattack!"

  Okqin firmly said: "In short, I will never let these people in black succeed!"

  Wang Shuyue raised her hand to echo: "I agree!"

  Bai Qingfeng glanced at her immediately, the person who was scared by the other party and forgot to resist still has this courage?

  Wang Shuyue stared back and said loudly, “The more you are afraid, the more you have to go, so that you can defeat yourself and become stronger!”

  She believes that as long as she is brave enough, one day she will no longer be afraid.

  Furthermore, with so many people, she is not alone in hitting the rocks with pebbles, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

  Bai Qingfeng raised his eyebrows and said: "Very good."

  She can finally feel the joy of chasing.

   Lifted his eyes to look at other people. Everyone's eyes flickered and looked nervous, but gradually, their eyes became firmer.

  Wu Xi and other six girls shouted loudly: "The women of the special forces will never admit defeat!"

  Women are so brave, can men fall behind and be seen as jokes?

  At the moment, all the male team members all stated that they will fight the men in black to the end!

  Okqin smiled with satisfaction, and called out a few team members with flexible heads, plus Wang Shuyue, Bai Qingfeng, and Wu Xi. They unfolded the map and immediately discussed the counterattack plan.

  The most important first step right now is to contact the other six classes.

  The second class has had contact before, Okeqin can contact them, but there was a little friction at the beginning, and it is hard to say whether the other party will agree.

  You still need to tie the bell to untie the bell. Wang Shuyue said that she can apologize to the other party first.

   Such a flexible and stretchable attitude made Okeqin breathe a sigh of relief and smiled: "I'm with you."

  Wang Shuyue nodded, picked up the communicator, and, together with Okeqin, immediately contacted the second class.

  After the light was turned off before, no one was too big to sleep. As soon as the communicator dialed, the other party picked up.

  Wang Shuyue and Ou Keqin looked at each other. They opened their mouths to apologize for the last time they beat the second shift crew, but they didn’t want to. The words were not spoken. Ouyang Mingyue’s voice came from the communicator.

   "Okqin, let's cooperate!"

  The woman's tone sounded a little bit eager, as if she had been waiting for them for a long time.

  Okqin and Wang Shuyue looked at each other, immediately welcomed them, and informed them that the people in Class I were already with them and others.

  Ouyang Mingyue was overjoyed, and immediately sent her coordinates, saying that she had a good stronghold over there, and let them go to meet.

  "Do you have any contact information or news from other classes?" Wang Shuyue asked.

Ouyang Mingyue really has one, and reminded: "Not far from our station is the station of Class 5, isn't Lin Siqi familiar with you? She seems to have a good relationship with their class leader. I will let someone go over and say, you wait. My message."

  Wang Shuyue hurriedly nodded, "This is really great, then we will wait for your reply while preparing, and we will come over to meet you as soon as the day breaks."

  Ouyang Mingyue said yes, the two sides broke off communication.

  Okqin continued to preside over the meeting and discussed first.

  According to his idea, they must first figure out the origin of the group, how many people they are, and what weapons they are equipped with in order to better deal with it.

  I can think of the secret methods of those in black, investigating this matter is full of risks.

  Okqin asked everyone: "Can anyone complete this task?"

   After asking, she glanced at Wang Shuyue, and Wang Shuyue hurriedly waved her hand, "I can't. I have a shadow of the man in black and brown eyes. If I meet him, I will be eliminated directly."

  Bai Qingfeng sneered, "Who just said that by facing your fears can you better defeat yourself?"

  Wang Shuyue stared, "Don't think about violent tactics, it's useless to me."

  She has a thicker skin than a city wall!

"I know I know." Bai Qingfeng put a sneer away, like a child with frowning hair, stretched out her hand and stroked her broken hair, "But beloved, no one can run faster than you, and the sense of God is better than you. Strong."

  Wang Shuyue raised her eyebrows and asked, "You are faster than me, are you stronger than me?"

   Bai Qingfeng’s gentle smirk froze for a But soon, she calmly replied: "Yes, otherwise, how could I treat you as my opponent?"

  Wang Shuyue: I always feel that there is something wrong with this, but it still sounds dark and cool!

   "Okay, then I will try."

  Wang Shuyue secretly added in her heart, don’t try to die!

  Bai Qingfeng rubbed her fleshy face with satisfaction, and said seriously:

   "Go now, before they realize that we counterattack, if you are unfortunately eliminated, we will remember you here."

  Wang Shuyue's face collapsed, she opened Bai Qingfeng's hand with a slap, stood up hummingly, and turned to pack her things.

  Waiting to pack up, she couldn’t help but turn around and asked everyone, “I don’t need me here anymore?”

  Okqin waved his hand decisively, "It’s dawn, you go away, we will meet in the second class station, there is no room for you to play here."

   "Okqin!" Wang Shuyue viciously nodded his head, don't because she didn't know what sordidness was hiding in his heart!

  (End of this chapter)

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