My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 165: Li's good

  Chapter 165 The Li Family Is Good

  Gu Yechi smiled, and arched his hands to Bai Wei: "Congratulations, sister!"

  Bai Wei smiled back, not enthusiastic, nor indifferent, so that people can't make mistakes.

The    ceremony was thus completed. The banquet opened, and the fragrant food was served. Wang Shuyue glanced at it roughly. This engagement banquet can be said to be a monster banquet.

  Various known types of monster meat can be seen on the dinner table tonight.

  Warning of the professional chef's treatment, the tyrannical part of these monster meat has been dealt with, and all that is left is the essence.

  Bone, blood, and tendons are all good things.

  The guests had a great time eating, because now there are very few chefs who can make such a good monster meat. The Hao family has spent a lot of money to make this engagement banquet so luxurious this time.

  After all, the target is a family of cultivation, and Father Hao doesn’t want people to look down upon his granddaughter.

  However, the two granddaughters in the family are not good at favoring one another. Hao Lei’s engagement banquet was almost the same now.

  But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the old man likes the granddaughter more.

   But I can understand, who would let the eldest lady have a sunshine woman as a friend?

  Foundation and cultivation base, at this age, this Sunshine Woman has a boundless future~

  Bai Wei and Li He went to toast together. Every time she arrived at the table, someone asked her: "Can you help us get a woman's signature?"

  "Can the set of tableware used by the heroine be given to us?"

  "Can you talk to your heroine friend and Zhang Ying?"

  Bai Wei was asked not knowing how to refuse this enthusiasm, but fortunately, Li He was there, and a joke like "Today we are the two of us are the protagonists", making all the guests amused.

  If you want to sign, take a group photo, or ask for the dishes, let’s just give up.

  Wang Shuyue saw this scene in his eyes, and then looked at the Li family's uncle who had been greeted him to eat food, and secretly nodded in her heart. This Li family is not bad.

   Turned around and looked at the table next to him. Min Hao was entangled by a group of female guests. He was obviously unhappy, and he had to keep the character set and continue to perform, and be gentle with these women Zhou Xuan.

  Wang Shuyue raised her eyebrows, and glanced at Hao Lei, who was walking with Gu Yechi in a short distance. She seemed to react a little more intensely when she first entered the door, and then she would treat Min Hao as non-existent.

Wang Shuyue was a little disappointed that    didn't turn out to be a good show.

  But I can catch up with a good friend’s engagement, and today is a complete one.

  At nine o'clock in the evening, the guests dispersed one by one, and the noisy Hao family mansion quieted down.

  Min Hao had already left, and he didn't say a word when he left. When Wang Shuyue found out, there was only a note handed over by the waiter.

  It says: Wang Shuyue, let's go back and calculate this account!

  The sharp exclamation mark perfectly expresses the owner’s emotion of “excitement” at that time.

  Wang Shuyue shrugged, threw the note into the trash can, patted his palms, and came to Bai Wei who was finally able to sit down and eat a meal.

  Li He was still seeing off the guests with Hao Qingzhou at the door. Wang Shuyue knocked on the table and chuckled at the door:

"not bad."

   "Huh? What's not bad?" Bai Wei's mouth was bulging, showing that she was hungry.

  Wang Shuyue sat down opposite Bai Wei, “I said your fiance’s house is pretty good, and your attitude is sincere enough.”

  Bai Wei was taken aback, then laughed, took a sip of the drink, and pressed down the food in her mouth. Then she said helplessly:

   "Where is it because of me? If it weren't for you, they wouldn't be like this."

  Bai Wei pressed herself up and came to her side, whispering in her ear: "There was no Jidan building originally."

  "You have already built a foundation, should you have a foundation building?" Bai Wei asked suddenly.

  Wang Shuyue nodded, and Bai Wei asked: "Did you get it on the island?"

  Wang Shuyue continued to nod her head, Bai Wei showed a dazed expression, “No wonder you didn’t react to anything when you saw Zhujidan. You don’t know how rare a Zhujidan is when you are on the island now.”

  Wang Shuyue really didn’t know, the base took out 30 Jidans at once, she thought it was just more precious.

  Sit upright now, and asked curiously: "How rare is it?"

  Bai Wei glanced at her enviously, “It’s rarer than you think. I heard that it’s hard to get because of a single medicine, and it can’t be taken without Jindan.”

   "I guess most of them are sent to the army, and the rest are not enough for the few great cultivating families."

"Now, the status of returning to the strong is very high, and the cultivation family has to live on their noses, so when the Li family saw that Grandpa was so polite to you, it might have been a little flattering to take out Zhu Jidan. ."

   "He pleases me?" Wang Shuyue said blankly: "If you want to please me, he can just send Zhu Jidan to me."

  Bai Wei sighed helplessly and reminded: "But you have built a foundation, the people all over the country know it."

  "Haha~" Bai Wei laughed suddenly, and raised her small chin somewhat proudly and said:

   "I am your good friend, they are good to me, you naturally think they are good, this will please you~"

  Wang Shuyue thought, this is really the case, and smiled, "Anyway, if they come to me to do business, I can't do anything, this Zhujidan rounding up is equivalent to our white prostitutes, hahaha!"

  The two smiled. Uncle Li walked over. Seeing his hesitant appearance, Wang Shuyue immediately became vigilant, fearing that he would ask his identity, blinked at Bai Wei, got up and arched his hands, and withdrew.

   "It's not early, and the leader should be angry if you don't go back. I will withdraw first. Let's make an appointment another day."

  Hurrying up, Wang Shuyue left the Hao family mansion as soon as she flashed around.

  Uncle Li, who was about to come over and get in touch with each other, saw it and knew that he was hiding from him, so he had no choice but to smile.

  However, since Japan is long, I am not in a hurry.

   "Wang Shuyue!"

In the evening, Wang Shuyue, who had just returned from duty, parked the troop’s car and just got off to go to the playground. Suddenly, she heard someone calling her and looked back. Gu Ziming carried a box in her hand, jokingly. Came towards her with a smile.

  Wang Shuyue immediately reacted to something, ran over excitedly, and asked excitedly: "Is my stuff all right?"

  Gu Ziming nodded, and passed the box in his hand, "Look if you are satisfied or not."

  There are people everywhere. Wang Shuyue trot to the big tree in the corner of the playground holding the box, put the box on the ping-pong table, wiped the sweat from his hands on his pants, and carefully opened the hidden button on the box.

   With a "click", the shoebox-sized box opened, and a cyan feather fan was lying quietly on the black flannel.

  This feather king Shuyue knew that it was the feather of a sapphire-winged eagle.

  However, the feathers on the fan in front of me seem to have undergone special treatment, and the purple and blue light shines in the blue.

  Wang Shuyue glanced at Gu Ziming, and under Gu Ziming’s encouraging gaze, she took out the fan and "brushed" it away.

  The blue and purple phantom light flashed brilliantly, the feather fan spread out, the handle and bone were made of jade-colored animal bones, and the feathers of the sapphire winged eagle were joined together one by one, very beautiful.

  (End of this chapter)

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