My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 189: The smell of demons

  Wang Shuyue put her hand on the ground and couldn't help it anymore, spouting a mouthful of old blood, and fell on her knees.

   Qian Hao hurriedly supported her, "Are you okay?"

  Wang Shuyue was about to say that it was okay, but two red nosebleeds flowed out of his nostrils. It was okay to reach his mouth, and immediately became, "I don’t feel good..."

Before   's words fell, the body that was slightly dull by the self-detonation suddenly reacted, and his eyes fell in a trance.

   Qian Hao was so frightened that he threw the hostage to Captain Wu and immediately sent Wang Shuyue to the ambulance.

   As soon as Wu Minghong arrived, he saw Wang Shuyue being pulled away by an ambulance. His heart suddenly became tight and he had no intention of reporting anymore. He drove to the hospital alone.

   She is afraid that something will happen to Wang Shuyue. After all, she is now the spiritual support of the people of the whole country. If she is gone, she will be over.

   Therefore, the news must be blocked.

  While Wu Minghong's contact personnel blocked the news, Minister Sun hurried over after receiving the news.

   So, when Wang Shuyue opened her eyes and woke up, she met four pairs of joyful eyes at a glance.

   She blinked blankly, and after a while, she recognized the person in front of her.

   Minister Sun, Wu Minghong, Qian Hao, and...

   "Dean Qian?"

   I haven't seen each other for more than a year, and I only met once. Dean Qian didn't expect Wang Shuyue to remember herself, and nodded happily.

   The childhood sweetheart of her aunt and grandmother when she was young, Wang Shuyue certainly has a deep memory.

   "How do you feel?" Dean Qian asked concerned.

   Wang Shuyue looked down at the white bed sheet covering her body, then looked at the bottle next to her, mobilized her spiritual power, and said with a smile:

"feels good."

   The four of them breathed a sigh of relief.

   "It's fine if it's okay, it's okay, but it scared me to death..." Minister Sun wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, feeling lingering.

   Wu Minghong said with concern: "Then you take a good rest, I'll go out and get you something to eat."

   Wang Shuyue nodded and watched her leave before she had time to ask Dean Qian: "What's wrong with me?"

   Dean Qian shook his head and said with emotion, "The internal organs have been shattered. If it weren't for the great progress in medicine now, you would be dead long ago."

   He looked at Wang Shuyue as if he was looking at his younger generation, coupled with Wang Shufen’s relationship, he couldn’t help sighing:

   "Young people, don't be too impulsive, your life is also life."

   Hearing this, Wang Shuyue suddenly remembered the hostage, and hurriedly asked Qian Hao: "Where is Li Ai? Is she okay?"

   "It's okay, she has been picked up by her parents."

   Qian Hao gave her a rare smile, and said awkwardly, "Well, this time I owe you my life."

   Dean Qian immediately added, "If Shuyue wasn't there this time, your kid would just kill me!"

   "You stay for me to take good care of Shu Yue until she is alive and well, have you heard?" Dean Qian said with a serious face.

   Wang Shuyue looked at the two people in front of him in surprise, "Dean, Qian Hao, are you?"

"Oh~, let you watch a joke." Dean Qian looked helpless, "This is my grandson, our family Ding Buwang, his generation, he is the only one who has been used to his relatives since childhood. There is a lot of offense in Li, and I hope you have a lot of Haihan."

  Wang Shuyue didn't expect the world to be so small. Looking at Qian Hao who was uncomfortable, she joked: "It's all right, I won't let him anyway."

   then said to Qian Hao: "Have you heard what your grandpa said? Take care of me until I am discharged from the hospital."

   Qian Hao glared at her, reminding her to pay attention to her words, and not to be frantic when she's a villain.

   Wang Shuyue immediately yelled, and Dean Qian immediately slapped his grandson, "Go and bring Shuyue a cup of hot water!"

   Qian Hao held his head and looked at his grandfather in disbelief, "I have never seen a grandfather with your elbows turned away like this!"

   Seeing Dean Qian raised his hand and tried to fight again, Qian Hao ran out aggrievedly.

   The brawny is wronged, this picture is really...relieving. Wang Shuyue said in her heart.

   Dean Qian gave Wang Shuyue a full-body examination again, and confirmed that she was recovering well and there was no serious problem. She told Wang Shuyue to take a good rest, said hello to Minister Sun, and left.

   "My aunt's grandma doesn't know, right?" Wang Shuyue asked.

   Minister Sun smiled, "I dare not tell this."

   Fortunately, it’s okay. Now it doesn’t matter whether you tell it or not.

   Wang Shuyue breathed a sigh of relief. It would be fine if the family didn't know, otherwise they would definitely be worried.

   "What the **** is going on with this murderer?"

   She always felt that this murderer's blew up behavior was too abnormal.

   Since a murderer has escaped from prison, it shows that he has a strong desire to survive, and he will not go to the path of self-destruction.

   Wang Shuyue saw the weird smirk before the murderer blew himself up, and her heart was chilled, and the goose bumps on her back were all over.

   This matter is still under investigation, and Minister Sun is not too sure. He just took the time to take a look at it. Now that Wang Shuyue is okay, he gets up and prepares to leave.

   "I have taken sick leave for you, so please rest assured. I will let Qian Hao stay and take care of you. If you have any problems, just call him and Wu Minghong."

   Knowing that the Minister is busy, Wang Shuyue nodded, "Then you go to work."

   Minister Sun left, Wu Minghong returned with the supplement soup. Wang Shuyue estimated that she should have been in a coma for two or three days. When the body really needed a lot of supplementation, she drank the supplement soup in one breath.

   Qian Hao came in with hot water. Wang Shuyue couldn't drink anymore, so he put the water on the table and drove the two out together.

   "I want to be alone."

   Qian Haoba had to greet her, turned around and walked away.

   Wu Minghong wanted to say something and wanted to talk about the shooting, but seeing Wang Shuyue's current weakness, his conscience was a bit difficult, and in the end he didn't say anything, closed the door and left room for Wang Shuyue.

   As soon as the two left, Wang Shuyue's gaze immediately fell on the TV cabinet in front of did you come? "

   "I felt it as soon as your accident happened."

   Yu Qilin flew in front of her, her pure white body and the white sheets almost merged into one, only a pair of big jade eyes remained, staring at her displeasedly.

   "Why did you go away quietly?"

   Wang Shuyue saw that it was very angry, and immediately explained: "You are sleeping soundly, I didn't call you, and why did I take you out of the mission? Fortunately, I didn't take you, otherwise I will end up with you this time."

   Yu Qilin was not satisfied with this answer, and said seriously: "If you take me, you won't lie here now!"

   "You don't believe me at all, but we have signed a contract. I am your master. I am sad if something happens to you!"

   The last sentence is the point, right? Wang Shuyue secretly guessed in her heart, and she couldn't help but get excited.

   "Okay, I was wrong, can I take you wherever I go next time?"

   "No!" Yu Qilin corrected, "I am the master, you have to go wherever I go. That's the truth."

   "By the way, I smelled the smell of demons."

   Yu Qilin suddenly said such a sentence, and Wang Shuyue was taken aback.


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