My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 196: Li Haiqiang

, The fastest update of my aunt's grandma, she is back in the latest chapter!

It's impossible to come all, Okeqin stepped forward to take her heavy equipment box and explained:

"You are the last one, only ten people have been transferred this time."

Hearing this, Wang Shuyue was slightly disappointed, but she was still very happy looking at the familiar faces in front of her.

Zhang Yang brought a cup of Lingcha over, "Wang Shuyue, this time there is room for you to play."

"Huh?" As soon as Wang Shuyue's buttocks were next to the stool, she was shocked and stood up quickly, "What do you mean, what happened?"

Zhang Yang looked at the mercenary camp next door, Okeqin took a document and beckoned Wang Shuyue to come with him.

Wang Shuyue took a sip of the spirit tea given by Zhang Yang, opened the equipment box and quickly replaced the equipment, hurriedly caught up with Okeqin's pace, and followed him to the mercenary camp.

Compared with the orderliness of the police camp, there is much more chaos here. Tents of different sizes and shapes are laid out on the river bank in a mess. Men and women get together in twos and threes, smoking and drinking, playing cards, and smoky.

Wang Shuyue frowned slightly, and the smell of smoke came over her face. She didn't want to smell it, so she had to block her sense of smell.

"Officer Europe, are you here again? Have you eaten yet? Have dinner together?"

"Huh? Is this the new female police officer? I haven't seen it this morning, female police officer!"

A group of shirtless middle-aged men squatted on the side of the roadside barbecue, saw Ou Keqin and Wang Shuyue, and greeted them enthusiastically.

Okeqin nodded with the group, and walked past them, neither cold nor hot.

Wang Shuyue raised her eyebrows, learned Okeqin's attitude, and nodded lightly at these people.

Walking across the river, the two came to a large white tent.

Compared with the bustling riverside, this place looks a bit deserted.

Two police officers stood in front of the big tent, saw Okeqin, and immediately saluted.

Okeqin responded, opened the tent curtain, and led Wang Shuyue in.

"Here is now our special team in charge, and now I am the captain of the special team, you have to listen to my arrangements." Okeqin said.

Wang Shuyue nodded, indicating that she knew it, and looked up at the tent in front of her.

In the huge tent, a long platform was erected, two meters wide and five meters long, on which three corpses covered with white cloth were placed.

Under the corpse, there is an air conditioner, and the tent is so quiet that there is only the buzzing sound of the generator.

Okeqin explained: "These are the three male dead, all from the Wenqi Mercenary Corps."

"The one who greeted us just now was another group. The group's name was Wuhuang Mercenary Group. The leader Wu Gang and the deputy commander of the Wenqi Mercenary Group had personal grievances, so the two mercenary groups have never dealt with them."

Wang Shuyue nodded and asked tentatively, "So it's really possible that these three people were murdered?"

Okeqin: "Do not rule out this possibility."


As soon as the conversation turned, Okeqin suddenly pulled away the white cloth on a corpse, pointed to the gray neck of the deceased and said:

"The deceased No. 1 was wiped with a sword on his neck. The two mercenary regiments only had two heads who could hold spirit swords. After comparison, they were completely incompatible with the sword wounds on the deceased's body."

"There is also the second deceased who fought with the murderer before his death. There was a **** palm print on his chest, which directly sucked out the spiritual energy in his body. After investigation, there were no people in the two teams who practiced this evil spell."

"Could the murderer be hidden?" Wang Shuyue speculated.

Okeqin shook her head, denied her thoughts, and affirmed: "Experts have personally tested it, and they can't hide it at all. Besides, the official websites of major cultivators have not published such evil spells."

Wang Shuyue looked at the third corpse, "How did this one die?"

Okeqin opened the White Brae in the same way, and a gray face came into view, and Wang Shuyue suddenly took a half step back in shock, and took a breath.

Okeqin looked suspiciously at her excited reaction, and tentatively asked: "Do you know?"

They have all found out the information of the deceased. This person has nothing to do with Wang Shuyue and cannot be her relatives.

Wang Shuyue didn't answer, but she looked at that gray face again in disbelief, and asked, "What's the name of the deceased?"

"Li Haiqiang, a native of Province G, also has a daughter who is in the sixth grade of elementary school."

Okeqin's dull retelling of the information on the data, Wang Shuyue had already set off a storm in her heart.

How could it be so coincidental?

"How did he die?"

Wang Shuyue took a deep breath, gathered courage to approach the deceased, and glanced at the gray face again, she really had seen it.

A warm picture of the Li family of three appeared in front of him. Looking at the cold corpse in front of him, Wang Shuyue's blood suddenly chilled.

That simple and honest man, who did a good job of cooking, actually died like this.

"Does the family know?"

Okeqin replied: "It has been notified and is on the way."

With that, he exposed the body and talked about the cause of death.

"Li Haiqiang was killed by a sword pierced through the heart. It should be a sneak attack. There is no sign of resistance."

"When they were discovered by the Martial Emperors, all the things on the three of them were taken away by the murderer, and only a pair of underwear was left on them."

"That's too much?" Wang Shuyue's fists were tight and tight. The first time she faced such a tragedy, she couldn't control her emotions at all.

Ou Keqin glanced at her suspiciously again. He was sure now that Wang Shuyue must know the dead number three, but it seemed that he should be unfamiliar.

"The criminal investigation team has already arrived at the crime scene to investigate. Solving the crime is not our main task."

When Wang Shuyue looked down, she knew that things were not easy.

Okeqin blocked the three dead and took Wang Shuyue out of the morgue tent. He was about to talk about the mission, but he didn't expect someone from the mercenary group to pass by.

"I'll tell you until the camp."

Wang Shuyue nodded, thinking of Li Haiqiang's death in her heart, and she didn't have any mind to focus on the task.

Okeqin saw that she was in a bad mood, and didn't say anything. The two walked in tandem.

Suddenly an unbelievable "Yueyue" sounded beside them, and the two of them paused and turned their heads to look over.

"Hi, Wang Shuyue! It's you stinky girl!"

A black man wearing a gown, big pants, and flip flops charged with excitement in his eyes. Okeqin's eyes darkened, and he was about to drink this wretched man. Wang Shuyue didn't expect Wang Shuyue to react first and slap it. The black head that came up slammed open.

There was a crisp sound, ruthless and indifferent.

He Qiang was photographed and staggered, and he almost fell into the river. Fortunately, the brother next to him helped him to stabilize.

Just standing still, realizing that he had been hit on the back of the head, his eyes puffed up with anger, and he looked fierce.

But when the brothers beside Okeqin and He Qiang thought that they were going to fight, the woman akimbo her hips and arrogantly coldly drank:

"You scared me, are you embarrassed to stare?!"

He Qiang's fierce expression was immediately defeated.

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