At 3:25 in the morning, three missiles were launched from the west, passing through most of the flower-growing country, and exploded over the Greater Xing'an Mountains with a bang.

After a thunderstorm, the fierce fighting over Daxinganling stopped.

However, the stronghold was taken, and it was impossible to attack again.

The management bureau sent the only monk who transformed into a god, which could only resist this group of monks from outside the world, known as the Seven Killing Sect, from spreading to the city below the mountain.

Although the artillery fire stopped, the war had just begun, and no one knew when the next fierce attack would come.

With an order from the National Security Bureau, the whole country instantly entered a state of emergency defensive combat readiness.

A panic spread among the people, and the society that finally settled down is facing a severe test again.

The special forces received an emergency transfer order, and the management bureau sent a monk Yuan Ying, but in an instant they transferred all the 200 members of the special forces to the front-line theater to support the heavy casualties of the ability army.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Wang Shuyue wouldn't dare to imagine that the green mountain a few days ago had been razed to the ground at this moment.

On the scorched ground, there were potholes everywhere, and the heavy rain came suddenly, and the turbid water was mixed with traces of scarlet, which flowed down the gully to the feet of every special team member, and everyone's heart sank.

The corpses of monster beasts can be seen everywhere, and those monster beasts that once felt jealous of human beings, in this short battle, instantly vanished.

The scattered demon crystals are readily available, but everyone has no intention of picking them up.

The special team was divided into two teams, one team rebuilt the defense under the leadership of Brother Yuanying.

The other team, along with the People's Liberation Army that was urgently mobilized, carried out search and rescue missions under the command of Tang Lin.

At Wang Shuyue's strong request, Tang Lin removed her from the defense team and allowed her to join the search and rescue team.

Although it was said before that minors could not be used, but at a critical moment, the troops of the three provinces could not be less.

The young man saw Wang Shuyue rushing towards the most dangerous center, and vaguely realized who she was going to find, his eyes darkened suddenly.

"Cough cough cough..."

A weak cough came from under the rocks in front of him, and Wang Shuyue rushed over with a move of the tip of her ear.

"Gu Ziming!"

She yelled, cast a spell and lifted the heavy boulder, looking in eagerly, but seeing a pair of strange eyes, her heart suddenly raised.

Although worried, Wang Shuyue calmed down quickly and carried the soldiers inside.

The person was lying softly under the knees, his feet had been crushed, his mind was clear, and his mouth kept repeating:

"Head, head, save the head first..."

"Where is the team leader?" Wang Shuyue asked while taking out the medicine to take him.

The soldier raised his finger weakly and pointed deeper.

Wang Shuyue raised her eyes and glanced over there, a huge pit that had been bombed out came into view, and her heart sank suddenly.

That's a crater!

The situation had reached a critical juncture before, and the command post offered to launch missiles, and the soldiers chose to sacrifice themselves to beat the enemy.

The missile not only attacked the enemy, but also affected one's own people.

Wang Shuyue frowned, she really didn't dare to think about whether those people had sacrificed, and quickly sent the rescued soldiers back to the temporary rescue center, and immediately flew toward the deep pit.

The sky is full of aircraft. Soldiers who are not enough to build a foundation can fly as freely as a foundation-building monk while flying a psionic aircraft, which greatly improves the efficiency of rescue.

But when he saw the almost intact corpses of the Seven Kill Sect disciples under the deep pit, Wang Shuyue didn't know whether he should boast of spiritual energy for the advancement of science and technology, or he should be shocked by the personal strength of these alien cultivators.

Under such bombardment, although they died, their bodies could still be preserved so well.

A golden core monk is even like that, not to mention the god-changing monk whose voice spread throughout the blue star last night.

Fortunately, they still have returnees!

Wang Shuyue glanced at the enemy corpses angrily, and the sword fell from the sky.

Unexpectedly, just after landing, the corpse that was lying on the ground suddenly trembled, a pair of sharp eyes "brushed" opened, and a Jindan monk stood up on the ground, with his hands into claws, he directly pinched Wang Shuyue's neck. come over!

Wang Shuyue was shocked, quickly raised his gun, and fired a "bang" shot!

Unexpectedly, the bullet pierced the opponent's hand, and the offensive was just a stop before approaching again.

Wang Shuyue secretly said carelessly. The distance between the two parties was too close. She couldn't shoot anymore. When she was about to take out the talisman and fight hard, the light of the knife flashed, and the sharp claws stopped an inch in front of her neck, and she fell limp. Go down.

With a muffled "bang", Brother Jin Dan fell down, and a tall figure appeared in front of Wang Shuyue.


Wang Shuyue called out tentatively, and the other party slightly raised her face blackened by cannon fodder, revealing brown eyes, and fell straight toward her!

Wang Shuyue suffocated her breath, and hurriedly stepped forward two steps to catch Zhanfeng's fallen body.

The man was tall and heavier than the average man. Wang Shuyue was heavy on her feet, so she could hold it up.

Before asking him what was going on, Wang Shuyue was scared out of the shadows by the frightened Golden Core monk, took out a fire talisman, and burned the bodies of these Golden Core monks, and then helped the wind of battle on the boulder. Lie down.

As soon as she calmed down, Wang Shuyue found that her body was covered with black and red blood, and her heart trembled.

But even with such a severe injury, the knife in Zhanfeng's hand was still tightly held and never let go.

Wang Shuyue touched his wrist and probed his breath. She didn't want the other party's finger holding the knife to flick in an instant, until she said: "I am Wang Shuyue!"

His hand, which was about to raise the knife, dropped.

"Huh~" Wang Shuyue let out a long sigh of relief, hurriedly pinched his chin, and poured all the blue potion into it.

The blue light flashed by, and the man's faint breathing became much more stable, but he still couldn't wake up.

Wang Shuyue stared inwardly and saw his internal organs torn apart. UU reading www. twisted his eyebrows, as if the injury had fallen on him, and his breathing became subconsciously rapid.

Worthy of being the commander of the power legion. In this case, she can actually save her life. If such a powerful combat power is gone, it will be a great loss for our army.

Wang Shuyue barely hesitated, took out her private medicine pill, and fed him a third-order restoration pill that she refined.

The medicine was melted in the mouth, and the severely injured part was wrapped and repaired with rich spiritual energy. Soon the closed eyes opened.

Even if she was injured, her eyes were like wolves, staring at Wang Shuyue's scalp numb.

"How do you feel?" Wang Shuyue asked weakly.

Zhanfeng sat up with the knife, took a deep look at her, and asked dumbly, "How many people are still alive?"

How many people are still alive?

This question is easy to answer. The rescue base has statistics, but Wang Shuyue looked at his pretending calm eyes and couldn't open his mouth. </div>

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