My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 228: Join Forces on Jindan


Wang Shuyue hurriedly pulled the thin blanket away and saw that Gu Ziming's nose suddenly fluctuated slightly.

She helped him up in disbelief, checked his pulse again, and she was really angry.

The Fuyuan Pill was taken out, turned into a liquid in his palm, squeezed his mouth open, and poured it in.

After a while, the pulse under his hand gradually became stronger, and the person in his arms slowly opened his eyes.

"Am I... dreaming? Wang Shuyue, why are you... here?"

Weak words were spit out from the man's mouth, and the eyes of the person in his arms were filled with confusion, obviously he hadn't recovered yet.

But before Wang Shuyue could answer, the man tilted his head and fainted again.

Wang Shuyue yelled anxiously: "Gu Ziming!"

However, the closed eyes in his arms only moved their eyeballs slightly, and the breath weakened again.

Wang Shuyue was taken aback, could it be that she was back to light?

That wouldn't work, and finally lived, she didn't allow him to die in front of her!

He quickly lifted the person up, Wang Shuyue sat cross-legged on the ground, with both palms against Gu Ziming's heavy body, running the exercises to continuously enter his body's spiritual energy into his body.

Finally, the faint breath became stronger again, and Wang Shuyue was happy, took out a handful of middle-grade spirit stone and held it in her palm, and while absorbing it frantically, she conveyed spiritual power into Gu Ziming's body, protecting his almost broken heart.

Jade Qilin watched the traces of mixed vitality from Wang Shuyue's body into Gu Ziming's body, swallowing droolingly.

But it also knew that the man in front of him was very important to Wang Shuyue, so he resisted the longing of the body, and looked at it, but didn't absorb her mixed energy.

Seeing that Gu Ziming's complexion became ruddy, Yu Qilin, who was distressed by his aura, whispered:

"This is not the way for you, you have to hand him over to a professional doctor as soon as possible."

Wang Shuyue nodded, and gave another layer of spiritual power to Gu Ziming. Only then did she regain her power and let Yuqilin temporarily store Lisa's body.

Although he disliked it, Yu Qilin agreed. With a flash of green light, Lisa's body was taken into his private realm.

Wang Shuyue moved the unconscious Gu Ziming to Baoshan, and the Yufan flew to the temporary rescue center.

Unexpectedly, a wave of unsettled waves will rise again, and the horn of battle will be heard in the distance, and the people of the Seven Killers will come again!

At this moment, Wang Shuyue was very close to the space crack. He heard the sound of the battle horn. Looking back, several golden lights shot up into the sky, all flying towards her!

"My grass!"

Wang Shuyue cursed in a low voice, and hurriedly flew the Yusaibao fan forward.

But the deterrence rolling behind her was faster than her.

The tyrannical coercion belonging to the strong Jindan suddenly struck, Wang Shuyue was completely stiff, and the treasure fan almost lost control and fell from the air.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Yu Qilin blocked this coercion for her, so that she could continue to run forward.

To be honest, if it wasn't for Gu Ziming beside him, Wang Shuyue really wanted to go back and fight those seven killers!

Especially thinking of the dead Lisa and her comrades in arms, the anger in her heart was instantly exploded.

"Suddenly" machine gun shooting sounded, Wang Shuyue raised her eyes to see that the Yuan Ying returnee was leading the special forces stormtrooper to greet him.

Unlike the previous surprise, this time, Hua Guo is ready to respond.

A stormtrooper composed of a hundred foundation-building monks, coupled with well-made advanced thermal weapons, and psionic aircraft, quickly formed a defensive formation in the air.

They were well-trained, uniform, and integrated, and coordinated with various spells, they actually blocked the attack of ten golden core monks and fought for Wang Shuyue's escape.

The rescue team came to respond. After Wang Shuyue handed the unconscious Gu Ziming and Lisa's bodies to them, she turned around and drew his sword, and immediately joined the battle.

The rumble of artillery fire rang in my ears, and I could still be frightened and tremble by this huge explosion before, but now, everyone hasn't even blinked their eyes, and didn't dare to miss the enemy's every move.

However, these golden core monks were stunned by the artillery fired one after another.

Obviously, they did not expect that, but within a few hours, China could make effective defensive arrangements quickly.

Seeing the stunned expressions of the long-haired monks, Wang Shuyue smiled contemptuously, and said in her heart, the organization ability of my flower planter is obvious to all in the world, this is just the tip of the iceberg!

The lead Yuan Ying returner started without mercy, and entangled the Yuan Ying elder led by the Seven Killing Sect.

However, the elder Yuan Ying of the other party didn't need to worry about the cities and citizens below, and acted wantonly.

However, our returnees miss the people and have scruples.

At this moment, Long Xiao suddenly appeared, and the formation leader summoned the formation class classmates to set up the isolation formation to assist our teammates.

Seeing that the situation turned to our side, there was a loud noise in the sky. The elder of the Seven Kills Zonghuashen who had retreated before appeared again, and with a sigh of relief, the indestructible defense of the members of the special forces was beaten to pieces. .

Wang Shuyue only felt that her chest was tight, and she vomited a mouthful of blood. She shook her figure, and was directly shocked by the powerful breath like an ant.

"Uncle Master!"

The white-clothed boy came with an imperial sword and caught Wang Shuyue who had fallen.

"Why are you here too?" Wang Shuyue was startled, and she was about to let this kid back to the back.

No, the young man put her down, didn't talk at all, jumped up and joined the air battle.

The Seven Kills Sect Taishang elder shot, the morale of those Golden Core disciples soared, broke the formation of the special forces, and defeated them one by one.

Individual vs. individual, how can Jianji be the opponent of Jindan?

Long Xiao wanted to end the battle again, but he didn't expect the Seven Kills Sect Supreme Elder to stare at him and hit him with a palm, making Long Xiao unable to resist.

In the face of absolute strength, the members of the special forces simply cannot resist.

Seeing that his teammates were shot down one by one, Wang Shuyue couldn't control the rebellious boy in grabbed a handful of talisman paper, flew into the air, "brushed" it down, and blossomed everywhere.

Wang Shuyue threw all the ground thorn talisman, flame talisman, winding talisman, freezing talisman, and golden needle storm talisman, as long as they could attack.

Luckily, she really killed a golden core monk.

The special forces members were stunned to witness the whole process.

Is this the power of krypton gold?

However, the talisman paper was not unique to Wang Shuyue, it was considered a scarce resource talisman paper in Blue Star, and the Seven Killing Sects could not be used up.

Wang Shuyue threw down the talisman, as if the mechanism of Krypton Gold was opened. The Golden Core monks of the Seven Kills Sect one after another took out the inventory, it is bound to make these outsiders feel the wrath of the cultivators in front of them!

The talisman paper fell down like petals, and the color that came out was even more gorgeous than the ones that Wang Shuyue had sprinkled before.

Wang Shuyue felt anxious and threw out the defensive formation, shouting loudly: "All special forces members, hide in!"

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