My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 349: serious

, The fastest update of my aunt's grandma, she is back in the latest chapter!

Suddenly rushed to the air, Wen Qi was visibly startled, her mouth twitched slightly, and a little disappointed, she retracted her hand in embarrassment, and ordered:

"Notify all the Yunhe Sect disciples to gather in the clearing!"

Wang Shuyue nodded, "I see."

Watching Wen Qi walk away, Wang Shuyue patted Ai Qing next to him. The two went upstairs and the other downstairs, calling out the same door one by one.

Soon, all the disciples of the ten major sects who came to investigate this time gathered in the open space.

Wang Shuyue consciously looked at the Yuyinzong. During this trip, the Yuyinzong had twelve people, including eight male disciples and four female disciples.

Among the female disciples, except for Hao Lei, the breath of the remaining three people was different from what Wang Shuyue wanted.

When she felt confused, Ai Qing who was next to her suddenly pulled her. Wang Shuyue looked down and saw Ai Qing looking sideways in the direction of nine o'clock.

Looking suspiciously in the direction she was looking, a young woman dressed in the costume of a disciple of the imperial music came out of the bathroom.

She was graceful, her lotus step moved lightly, and the long jade tassels on the waist ring gently collided, making a crisp sound, which was pleasing to the ears.

The woman wears a white veil on her face, revealing only two shallow eyebrows with willow leaves, and a pair of translucent black eyes.

A long black hair is tied behind his head by a light white hair, fluttering randomly, simple and casual.

Unlike ordinary monks who are used to holding weapons, she has empty hands and naturally overlaps in front of her abdomen. Apart from the tassels on her waist, she has no other jewelry on her body.

But even so, the woman's full body nobleness and pride cannot be ignored.

She walked straight in front of all the disciples, without squinting, came to the front of the Imperial Music School's team, with her head high and her chest tall, naturally standing in the first place.

At this moment, Wang Shuyue's mind was already filled with Yu Qilin's yelling voice.

"It's her, she's her!"

Wang Shuyue looked straight at the masked woman, as if the other party didn't know her, and didn't look at her any more.

Even the plain gaze was completely indifferent to the woman in the black robe who had assassinated her twice.

But Wang Shuyue knew that this was her black-robed woman who assassinated her!

"Baili Tutu!"

Wang Shuyue suddenly yelled at the masked woman. The clearing was quiet. This yell succeeded in attracting the attention of other disciples.

Everyone's reaction was very interesting. The other sect disciples all looked at Wang Shuyue, but the Yuyinzong disciples all looked at the masked female disciple.

This shows that Wang Shuyue did not call the wrong person.

However, Baili Tutu himself dismissed her call and didn't even give her an extra look.

Everyone had long heard that the eldest lady from Baili's family was so cold and arrogant. Seeing that she didn't pay attention to Wang Shuyue at all, they felt that this was in line with her personality.

Wang Shuyue didn't miss the flash of gloom in the opponent's eyes, and she had an answer in her heart.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit embarrassing, it looked like Wang Shuyue tried to say hello to Gao Leng's family, but the other party didn't kill her at all.

Wang Shuyue shrugged, carelessly, and said self-deprecatingly: "The eldest lady is like the legend, like the flower of the high mountain, beautiful and frozen."

Except for Hao Lei, Ai Qing and others from Blue Star who knew that this was a homophonic stalk, and they twitched their mouths in cooperation, the other disciples all had a dull look. They only felt that when Wang Shuyue said this, the atmosphere became even more embarrassing.


Inevitably, this embarrassing atmosphere continued, Wen Qi coughed twice at the right time, and successfully attracted everyone's attention.

She spoke about the disappearance of someone in the cave yesterday, and suggested that five masters should be sent from each case to follow her into the cave to investigate the situation.

The Royal Beast Sect was the first to respond, and the leader disciple personally selected four people and stood up.

The other eight sects looked at each other and selected five disciples.

Wen Qi nodded in satisfaction, turned to look at the Yunhezong team, nodded four people casually, Wang Shuyue was impressively listed.

Wang Shuyue had anticipated this situation a long time ago, and raised her eyes to look at the team of Yuyinzong, Baili Tutu was impressively listed. With her, she would have energy!

She is sure that with the strong hatred this woman has towards her, once she finds a chance, she will reveal her true colors and kill her.

And that cave, isn't it a good place to kill people and make money?

It's normal for something to happen there.

Yu Qilin and Wang Shuyue have already geared up and are ready for revenge.

A total of fifty people, led by Wen Qi and the disciples of the Royal Beast Sect, came to the foot of the mountain with the **** of the disciples left behind.

Before entering the cave, Wen Qi called Ai Qing in front of her, handed her a jade pendant with a crane, and whispered:

"If I wait two hours and haven't appeared yet, you immediately take this jade pendant and ask Qingxiafeng's senior brother to take you to the space transfer station and ask your Blue Star guard for help."

Ai Qing took the Yupei, nodded to express her understanding, and immediately adjusted the electronic watch on her hand to countdown mode.

Wen Qi felt a little relieved when she saw this.

Although this junior sister is still a child, she dare to say that among the disciples left behind, there is no more secure candidate than her.

First, she was originally a Blue Star exchange student. If you don't look at the face of the monk and see the face of the Buddha, the people of the Blue Star will not ignore it.

Second, the Dark Linggen cultivator has a weird body and a sect of its own. There is really going to be trouble. The cultivation level of these sect disciples is the highest but the late foundation construction period, so she can't hurt her at all.

Therefore, Wen Qi was relieved to hand it over to this little junior girl.

After arranging the rear area, Wen Qi called Wang Shuyue forward and ordered her to take out her lighting supplies and lead the way.

Wang Shuyue reasonably suspected that Wen Qi was avenging her personal revenge.

However, in the face of her suspicion, the other party said solemnly: "Big brother said that you can even come out of the magic palace and protect your body with luck. There is no more suitable candidate than you."

After speaking, he glanced at Yuyinzong's side, and when he saw Baili Tutu, his eyes flashed with fear.

No one else has noticed that UU reading, but she has long seen that there is something wrong between Baili Tutu and Wang Shuyue. She put Wang Shuyue at the forefront, separated the two people, and acted under her nose. It is more at ease.

It was a pity that Wang Shuyue had no chance to do anything to Baili Tutu after Wen Qi did this.

However, this is the end of the matter, and we can only take one step at a time.

"Are you ready?" Wen Qi asked.

All disciples responded in unison, and were ready.

Wen Qi looked at Wang Shuyue with a comfortable smile, and raised her hand in a please gesture.

Wang Shuyue sighed helplessly, turned on the solar searchlight, and stepped into the cave.

The 80-watt lamp illuminates the situation in the cave clearly, and the bright light brings everyone a great sense of security.

The disciples who were still a little worried suddenly felt that this bottomless cave was not so scary.

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