, The fastest update of my aunt's grandma, she is back in the latest chapter!

The moisture in the air was evacuated instantly, and there was no fire, but everyone felt that they were about to be scorched.

The long cyan arms of the enchanted dry rain swept down from the heads of the disciples, and the disciples of Yunhezong swiftly took out their swords and pierced the hand that it had photographed.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the biting sword qi had been killed, the drought suddenly snorted, and the strong wind blew, and huge resistance came. Wen Qi and others were suddenly shaken by the strong wind, and the good sword formation was just like that. .

The big palms and heads fell, and the disciples of the Yunhe Sect were desperate to split their eyes, and fled in all directions.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Han Yan slapped it down, and thick smoke was lifted on the ground, the sword formation was shattered, and the Yunhezong disciple was shaken to pieces.

When someone was about to get up, the dry eyes opened and stomped, so that the disciples who were about to stand up fell to the ground again.

The violent wind rolled up the rocks and fell like a rainstorm. The Yunhezong disciples on the ground trembled in their hearts and hurriedly dodged.

Seeing this, other sect disciples cast spells to help each other.

Nearly a hundred people encircled and attacked, and everyone showed their housekeeping skills to stop the attack of the drought.

Unexpectedly, a shocking scene appeared.

The magical ball of light gathered by the people went straight to the Drought Yan's body, which only swayed its huge figure. This ball of light that could make the Nascent Soul powerful could not escape a good ball of light, actually couldn't hurt it at all.

However, Wenqi took the opportunity to pierce the back of its neck with a sword around her back, making the drought violent.

The roar of a lion's roar resounded throughout the entire Cangshan Mountain, and all the disciples who were besieged were shocked by the harsh roar and withdrew.

Seeing that Drizzle's backhand grabbed towards the back, Wen Qi was about to be squeezed to death by its punch, Wang Shuyue cursed "Damn!", and the body had already flew past her brain step by step.

The hand grabbed it into the storage bag, pinched a handful of runes in his hand, pointed it at the dry head and threw it over.

The disciples of the sects only saw a colorful cloud blooming gorgeously on the head of the Hanyan, and the invisible waves of air rippled, and the abandoned houses and dead trees around them instantly turned into fly ash.

Seeing that big palm touched her clothes behind her, Wen Qi thought that she was bound to die, and she was ready to blew herself up without letting the monster get any benefits.

Unexpectedly, when her eyes lit up, the gorgeous rune light almost flashed her eyes. She squinted her eyes subconsciously, and felt that her arm was grabbed by someone, and she was attacked by a huge force, throwing her with a sword and throwing a discus. Swipe it out!

The sense of weightlessness hit, Wen Qi vaguely saw Wang Shuyue's disgusting face gritted her teeth, she was shocked, and then she realized that she had been rescued.

But, will Wang Shuyue save her?

Wen Qi looked at the woman madly throwing talisman paper in the air in shock, and she was shocked for a moment.

"What do you think you're so dazed about, want to die!" Seeing Wen Qi froze at this moment, Wang Shuyue cursed in an angry tone.

Wen Qi heard this curse, and immediately recovered, she hurriedly urged Feijian, her palm gathered Qi and slapped her body, using the reaction force, she just turned the direction and flew up.

"Step aside!"

She shouted coldly.

Wang Shuyue quickly evaded, Wen Qi raised the sword in her hand, ruthless sword intent poured out, the sword intent soared into the air, turning into a water dragon, rushing into the group of colorful clouds with murderous aura!


A horrible wailing sounded from Han Yan's mouth, and the earth trembled violently. Han Yan's two huge hands swept wildly in the air. A disciple was accidentally caught in his hand, exploding blood fog in the sky.

"The monster is crazy, run!"

I don't know who shouted so, and the disciples who were shocked by this terrible scene suddenly recovered, and Yu Jian fled forward.

Wen Qi looked back and glanced at Wang Shuyue, her red lips moved slightly, and she stopped talking.

But when she was about to speak, Wang Shuyue was already flying away, Wen Qi frowned awkwardly, clenched her fists secretly, and had to put away her distracting thoughts for the time being, and Yujian fled.

At the first confrontation, everyone knew that they had previously underestimated the strength of this monster.

Spell attacks have almost no effect on it, and you must use swords or other weapons to fight in close combat to cause damage to it.

With the exception of Yunhezong's sword cultivation, the remaining nine disciples were restricted to various techniques, and in the face of this drought, they had almost no combat effectiveness.

Therefore, it is the best policy to escape here quickly.

As for the situation in Taihe Mansion, they can no longer worry about it.

The twenty-meter-long drought was chased by everyone behind him. Its pace was getting faster and faster. Its huge body ran on the red ground. As long as it passed by, there were burnt black marks on the ground.

"Everyone spread out!"

Seeing that the drought has been chasing wildly, someone suggested.

When everyone heard the words, they dispersed immediately.

Wang Shuyue and Yu Qilin merged smoothly, and the master and servant flew towards the southeast in a tacit understanding.

The drought that was chasing everyone was obviously taken aback, but soon, his burning eyes looked towards the southeast direction.

Wang Shuyue noticed the death gaze coming behind him, and when she looked back, two sharp swords hit the front door directly. In the black eyes on the white veil, there was a desperate killing intent.

"Baili Tutu!"

Wang Shuyue exclaimed, she didn't expect Baili Tutu to attack herself at this time.

Eyes full of killing intent were slightly narrowed, and the two swords in her hand were twisted at her neck. The sharp sword aura knocked away the thin cloth. Wang Shuyue only felt a cold skin, no longer hesitating, and quickly shot.

Green light flashed, and the fan bone "dang!"

Baili Tutu let out a low cry, bullying her body down, and Wang Shuyue was forced to fall again and again.

Yu Qilin opened his jade eyes and looked at the fierce woman in white. With a small mouth opened, a black whirlpool flew out of it and came to Wang Shuyue's feet.

Guanghua flashed, teleporting her directly behind Baili Tutu. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

Wang Shuyue was surprised at first, and soon realized that this was Yu Qilin's new trick. Looking at Baili Tutu's defenseless back, the feather fan in her hand turned into a sharp sword, and she stabbed it mercilessly!

The chill was approaching, and the sudden disappearance of the person in front of her did not cause Baili Tutu's panic. She quickly backhanded a sword, and the two swords collided together, and the huge force shocked the two of them.

"Be careful behind!"

Wen Qi's warning sound came from behind, Wang Shuyue wanted to stare at the Baili Tutu in front of him, and did not dare to look back.

Hearing the angry roar of Han Yan, all of his body's spiritual power was condensed on the palm of his hand, and he raised his hand to Baili Tutu and slammed it out!

Then, taking advantage of the gap in her block, she shouted Yu Qilin in her heart.

The black whirlpool appeared behind him, and as Wang Shuyue poured into the whirlpool, Han Yan's hands also grabbed it.

Baili Tutu, who was still in place, looked at those two big hands in horror, and hurriedly activated the defensive magic weapon around his waist.

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