My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 362: 0 side jade king

Latest website: Speaking of this, Yu Qilin also thinks that person is weird.


"He still saves you when he sees the mark. Maybe he doesn't even know what it is. Anyway, it doesn't seem to harm you." Yu Qilin analyzed.

Wang Shuyue nodded, somewhat reasonable.

If you know that it is Yan Luoyin, because of the hatred of the righteous monks towards Morasha, let alone save her, it is not surprising that this person wants to kill her.

Thinking about it this way, Wang Shuyue relaxed a lot, picked out two bottles of good wine from the space of Yuqilin, and returned to the lobby with them.

There were still a lot of guests who came to drink the soup, because this Jiulong abalone soup took time to drink slowly. During the half-hour or so when Wang Shuyue disappeared, only a small number of people with higher cultivation levels left first.

As the first person to faint today after drinking soup and drinking, Wang Shuyue's return has aroused everyone's attention.

Those who are extroverts just joke her a word or two, and those who are cold-hearted just stare at her silently, with contempt in their eyes.

Wang Shuyue's face was as thick as a city wall. These uncomfortable gazes made Wenqi feel calmly, and she didn't respond, which made those who watch the excitement lose interest.

"What is it?" Wen Qi glanced at the gift bag in Wang Shuyue's hand and couldn't help but ask curiously.

Wang Shuyue raised her eyebrows at her and handed the gift bag filled with wine to the sitting man in white.

"I don't know the name of this young man. Thanks to you just making the shot in time, otherwise the few of us who drank this soup for the first time really don't know what to do."

"This is my little care, a specialty of my hometown, the son will bring it back and taste it."

The man raised his eyes and looked over, "Shangguan Haitang."

Wang Shuyue nodded, and also reported her name, "My name is Wang Shuyue."

Shangguan Haitang stared at her for two seconds, and after confirming that she was unfamiliar with her real name, she was inevitably disappointed in her heart.

Could it be that he thinks too much?

But Yan Luoyin... that demon will not easily send this thing out!

"Master Shangguan?"

The woman's call came, and Shangguan Haitang reacted, thinking about it.

Looking up, the woman pointed to the gift bag, looking at him expectantly and gratefully.

"Although this wine does not have the magical effects of spirit wine here, it tastes great, I think you will like it, son." Wang Shuyue looked at the Moutai in the gift bag and believed.

"Then I will accept it." Shangguan Haitang nodded, raised his sleeves, and put away the gift bag.

Wang Shuyue's embarrassment finally faded in half.

"It's past noon, it's time to go." Wen Qi reminded.

Wang Shuyue glanced at her with a lot of soup bowls left, and asked in amazement: "Senior Sister, don't drink anymore? It's not too late to leave after drinking."

What a great opportunity, what a great soup, you will regret it if you don't drink it!

However, Wen Qi behaved very plainly. Although the soup was delicious, she didn't want to owe favors.

Chao Shangguan Haitang gave a fist, Wen Qi got up and dragged Wang Shuyue away.

"Shangguan, goodbye!" Wang Shuyue finished hurriedly, and Wen Qi pulled him away.

Shangguan Haitang was addicted to a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, turned his head to look out the window, and watched the two masters and sisters go away until they were nowhere to be seen. Then he put his smile away and got up and walked upstairs in the restaurant.

Upon seeing this, the shopkeeper hurried forward to stop.

"This guest, the upstairs is full." The shopkeeper smiled flatly.

Shangguan Haitang glanced at him obliquely. The cultivator of the foundation-building realm, the look that made him feel a terrifying chill.

A purple finger was taken away, and Shangguan Haitang quietly brought it to his left thumb.

When the shopkeeper took a look, he looked up at him in shock, and bumped into the black pupils that were not angry and pretentious, and immediately stepped back, bent down humbly, and made a sign of please.

The man stepped upstairs and walked all the way to the pavilion on the fourth floor. The closed pavilion door opened automatically, revealing the elegant room behind the door.

The purple carpet has beautiful patterns outlined with golden silk, and the uniform black sandalwood furniture reveals the ancient meaning brought out by the years.

There was an incense burning on the book table with a head, the fragrance was very weak, and the smell was unforgettable.

Several ancient paintings are hung on the wall behind the book case. The paintings are all fishes, some are blue and some are ink. The brushwork is skillful and lifelike, and it can be seen that they are all in the hands of the same person.

Shangguan Haitang stood quietly in the room and watched for a long time before sitting down in front of the book case and tapping the book case twice.

A dark shadow suddenly appeared, kneeling in front of him on one knee.

"What's the order of the pavilion master?"

"Go and check the female doll named Wang Shuyue just now, and then report the latest developments of Moroccan to this seat. Nothing is left!"


The man in black disappeared as soon as he flashed around.

The man in the room sat quietly for a while, but there was no trace.

There are rumors that the master of Ange Pavilion has a high level of cultivation, both righteous and evil, coming and going without a trace, chic and comfortable, but no one has ever seen his true face.

The Kyushu monks are also known as the Thousand Faces Yujun.


Hongye Villa is built on the top of a cliff and is the highest point of Haicheng, symbolizing the lofty status of the Xu family in Yingzhou, which no one can match.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Shuyue followed Wen Qi to the gate of this mansion, and looked up, inside the white wall, red leaves were luxuriant, as hot as a fire, and joined together, enclosing the entire villa.

However, when you look closely at the red leaves, they are not real leaves, but made of red coral, one by one tall coral trees.

"Hao!" Wang Shuyue exclaimed.

Wen Qi reminded me disgustingly: "Pay attention to your words and deeds. We now represent Yunhezong. If you dare to be ashamed here, don't blame Senior Sister for me to teach you the rules!"

Wang Shuyue shrugged, took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled, then straightened her back, her eyes were like torches, like a pine and cypress, and she walked steadily towards the jade gate in front.

The door was open, and guards stood on either side. When someone came, one of them greeted him.

The two masters and sisters changed their sect disciple uniforms. They were very formal. The guards recognized them at a glance and asked respectfully.

Wen Qidao came out, and the guard showed a look of enlightenment, and winked at the companion behind him, and soon, a man with the appearance of a housekeeper was greeted with enthusiasm.

"Patriarch has been waiting for a long time, UU reading two immortals, please come with your children!"

Wen Qi nodded, Wang Shuyue carried the shelf, and followed the senior sister. The two went into the villa as they did.

From the outside, this Hongye Villa is magnificent enough.

Unexpectedly, inside, the magnificent decoration is even more dazzling.

The ground is paved with gold bricks and the walls are painted with pearl powder. Anyway, there are all kinds of grandeur.

While observing, Wang Shuyue guessed that Xu Wuya, the owner of Hongye Villa, must be a good business man.

As a result, the image of a middle-aged man with a big belly and greasy face appeared in his mind, with a false smile on his face.

However, the man sitting in the hall waiting, with a Chinese character face, sword eyebrows and star eyes, beautiful beards, a tall stature, a Confucian shirt on the body, piercing eyes, and awe-inspiring righteousness!

Wang Shuyue: "..." The clown is me.

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