My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 384: Flowing Swordsmanship

The latest website: "It is said that purple bamboo is difficult to grow, but if it is planted alive, it will be a huge fortune. With this skill, I will not be afraid of running out of food to travel the world." Wang Shuyue proudly said.

She is really grateful for the master's teachings. She is a broad-minded and generous person. She has never cared about the stupid things she did. She used to look at him narrowly before.

With a clear smile, there was a little relief in his eyes.

He opened the mouth and said: "Zhuangzhu Xu said, you took his light water sword back?"

Wang Shuyue removed the sword box from her waist and held it forward, "Master, please see."

This is her glorious record, and she definitely didn't shame Master and his elders.

Qingyi took the sword case, looked at it, his eyes were fixed, and suddenly he grasped the hilt of the sword, "Zheng!", and drew the sword out.

Wang Shuyue was about to say that Master is careful. This is a soft sword that can easily hurt herself, but she saw that the sword was held firmly in her hand by Master. It was straight, not swaying, and quite obedient.

Wang Shuyue was taken aback, and she swallowed silently as a reminder.

"Today, I teach you a set of flowing water swordsmanship for your teacher. You are optimistic!"

After a deep reminder, lifting the sword flew up and fell into the middle of the pool.

The cold water did not swallow him, but was controlled by him, and a lotus made of water appeared to support him steadily.

From a distance, it looks like Qingyi is standing in the water.

He held a light water sword and moved.

First, it was a starting pose. After Wang Shuyue entered the state, the action immediately became more than ten times faster.

The Qingshui sword was soft and tough, and Wang Shuyue felt that it was very uncontrollable, but when the sword was in the hands of the master, it immediately became an obedient child.

The pool water flew out like a tornado, attached to the light water sword, the sword made of cold iron seemed to have life and came alive.

With Qingyi's dancing, a water dragon appeared around him, and as he moved around, flying into the sky, impeccably tyrannical.

That powerful sword aura poured out, but it was not as overbearing as imagined.

It is like a drizzle in the spring, moisturizing things silently, and always surprises you inadvertently.

A clear and steady voice came from the air, and he said: "Water is invisible and tangible. If you want it to be rain, it is rain. If you want it to become ice, it can also become frost!"

After that, a cold air rose from the pool water, and Qing was holding a light water sword, piercing the surface of the water, and the temperature dropped suddenly, centered on the sword tip, the ice was like a spider web, thinking about flying around quickly.

Wherever he went, it turned into ice, so fast that Wang Shuyue could not retreat, and the whole person turned into a lifelike human-shaped ice sculpture.

He lifted up the sword, like a wisp of smoke, and arrived in front of her in a blink of an eye, a sword pierced out, and the ice on his body "crashed" and shattered, leaving only clear water.

Wang Shuyue widened her eyes to look at the sword in front of her, feeling the chill that hadn't dissipated, and couldn't help swallowing fiercely, which suppressed her pounding heart.

Qingyi smiled contemptuously, put the light water sword in the box, and asked in a deep voice, "Have you learned it?"

Wang Shuyue shook her head honestly, she was abandoned.

"It looks like I understand, but I don't fully understand it." Wang Shuyue said cautiously, afraid that the master would dislike herself.

Unexpectedly, Qingyi was very patient today. After confirming that Wang Shuyue really hadn't remembered it, he sighed helplessly, and lifted the sword to demonstrate it again.

During the demonstration, I did not forget to remind Wang Shuyue: "Then turn on your smart phone, record it and watch it slowly."

Wang Shuyue cast a new look at her master. The other party's expression was cold and serious, and he couldn't see how fast he accepted new things.

"Good Master." Wang Shuyue smiled and showed her big white teeth. She took out her mobile phone decisively and turned on two more searchlights by the way to turn on the lights to make the effect clearer.

Unknowingly, the night faded and the sun came out. After Qingyi demonstrated the last move, he threw the light water sword to Wang Shuyue, turned and disappeared in the bamboo forest.

That's all he can teach, and then he has to rely on his apprentice to comprehend it.

How much she can learn depends on her personal understanding.

Wang Shuyue carefully held the Light Water Sword for fear of cutting herself. It took a full two minutes to stabilize the Light Water Sword, holding the sword in one hand, flipping through the video with the other hand, and slowly practicing.

I don't know the years in the mountain. Once you enter the state, you don't have to eat or drink or feel at all. All your thoughts are on the new swordsmanship, just thinking about being better, and working harder.

By the time someone found it, it was already half a month later.

"Uncle Master, a famous handyman disciple said that I have something to say to you!"

Outside the Zizhu Forest, there was the call of the three provinces, not afraid of the cold water of the pool, Wang Shuyue, who was soaking in the water and feeling the spiritual power of the water, was frightened, and immediately awoke from the state of meditation.

She looked at herself in the pool with a little surprise, only then did she realize that she was addicted to swordsmanship, so ecstatic that she was so selfless.

"Wow!" Wang Shuyue jumped out of the water, cast spells to remove the water stains on his body, and walked out of the purple bamboo forest with his sword.

The young man in white was waiting outside the bamboo forest with his sword in his arms. He turned his head hurriedly when he heard movement behind him.

Concerned eyes looked her up and down again, and felt that her mental state was different from usual, and the corners of her mouth were slightly bent.

But soon he narrowed his smile and reminded: "Uncle Master, there is a handyman disciple who is looking for you. He looks very anxious. You can go to Zizhuyuan with me."

"What's your name?" Wang Shuyue asked.

Three provinces replied: "Gao Yuan, how did Uncle Master know him?"

There were other men beside Shishu, and he didn't know until the other party came to the door today.

But looking at Gao Yuan's expression, there shouldn't be any ambiguity with Shishu.

It was Feng Xi's shark who, after the wound on his tail healed, groaned and called his master every day, which made him very annoying.

Feeling the agitation that came from the teenager, Wang Shuyue asked embarrassedly: "I will leave my childbirth and Fengxi to take care of you. Didn't they cause you trouble?"

Sanxing shook his head and said: "No, I have a very good baby."

"But that wind..." The young man paused, seeming to be considering the appropriate wording, and said after a two-second interval:

"He is a bit annoying!"

After uttering the true thoughts in his heart, he secretly looked at her expression, wondering what her attitude towards that shark was Shuyue smiled, nodded and said softly, "That's a scheming little green tea. It’s annoying for sure, but he was also given to me by a predecessor who treated me well. When the time is right, I will find a way to send him away and give you an explanation."

When these words were spoken, the two of them were all startled.

"Uncle Master?" Sanxing looked at her in surprise, in disbelief.

So, isn’t Uncle Master planning to stay for double cultivation?

Seeing the light in the young boy's eyes, Wang Shuyue speeded up her steps as if she was scalded to the point of chagrin.

God, what did she just say?

Why do you want to give an explanation to the three provinces?

Does she owe him something like this?

She worries about the incumbent's misunderstanding that she will be Xiaosan, is she crazy?

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